Department of Urology

Resident Spotlight: Shane Kronstedt, M.D.

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Shane Kronstedt

Why did you choose urology?

I think it's the best specialty in medicine; everything you do is high impact for the patient and their quality of life. There is a vast diversity of cases you can perform. Research is valued and incorporated into practice. It has the best group of people in medicine.

What drew you to the Scott Department of Urology?

The training, the people, and the location. The diversity in experience and training obtained here is hard to match. When I interviewed here, I though the residents were the best group on the trail; they seemed very right-knit, with high energy and positive attitudes. The combination of high-quality training with great people seemed like a no-brainer. 

I personally think the training at the Texas Medical Center is unparalleled; Baylor is an operative-heavy program that prioritized being a surgeon and provides a diversity of training and learning opportunities. We rotate at a very busy county hospital, an a private hospital, all while learning surgery and medicine from some of the best urologists in the field.

Lastly, Houston is a fantastic city. There is something for everyone here. I love fitness and being outdoors, and Houston offered me a wide variety of trails and parks to train at. For someone with a family, it's great. I found that we were able to get a much larger house than we would at many other training site and still be within 10-15 minutes of the hospital and be in of the best school districts in the city. Not paying state taxes is also nice. Additionally, there are many benefits offered to me in the state of Texas as a military veteran. Baylor does a great job having the infrastructure set in place to use benefits in residency, making it a seamless process.

What's your favorite thing and/or spot in Houston?

There are a ton of great parks and places to explore. I love running, and I've gotten acquainted with several favorite running and biking trails. Houston is a fit city; I've connected for runs with multiple people in residency so far, and a few of us are training for our next race!

What is one new things you started in residency that you hadn't done before?

Orange Theory and getting started on interesting prospective research with Baylor!