Assistant Professor
CryoEM/ET methods development for image processing/structural biology

Dorit Donoviel
Associate Professor, Center for Space Medicine
Director, Translational Research Institute for Space Health
Lab site

Allan Chris M. Ferreon
Associate Professor
Developing biophysics and fluorescence microscopy techniques to study intrinsically disordered proteins implicated in neurodegenerative diseases

Josephine C. Ferreon
Associate Professor
Studying intrinsically disordered proteins involved in stem cell biology using biophysical and biochemical techniques

Sung Yun Jung
Associate Professor
Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomics, Glycomics, Epigenetics and Drug Discovery

Kristen Karlin
Director of Target Discovery THINC, Assistant Professor
Using functional genomics and chemical genetic approaches to model selective target inhibition and elucidate target mechanism of action in disease

Sukyeong Lee
Associate Professor, Director of Macromolecular X-ray crystallography core
Method development in structural techniques and in silico drug screening

Steve Ludtke
Charles C. Bell Jr. Professor of Structural Biology, Director of CryoEM/ET Core, Deputy Director Advanced Technical Cores, Codirector CIBR
CryoEM/ET and deep learning software development for image processing/structural biology. CryoEM/ET/FIB Milling methods development and applications to cellular systems

Eric Van Nostrand
Assistant Professor, CPRIT Scholar
Understanding regulatory control of RNA processing by RNA binding proteins
Lab site

Calla Olson
Director of Chemical Biology THINC, Assistant Professor
Development of biochemical assays to identify and validate early drug discovery therapeutic candidates

Yaping Pan
Assistant Professor
Structure, function and modulation of ion channels and transporters

Ram Reddy
Teaching basic sciences (Anatomy, Biochemistry, Physiology and Pharmacology) in Baylor Medical, School of Health Professions and Graduate school

Assistant Professor
Leveraging cryogenic electron microscopy and computational methods to study dynamic membrane protein signaling & develop novel therapeutics

Lukas Simon
Assistant Professor
Developing computational approaches designed for complex molecular data to drive the discovery of RNA therapeutics

Yongcheng Song
Inhibitor discovery of biologically important proteins for drug discovery and chemical biology

Theodore G. Wensel
Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Sensory Signaling
Lab site

Thomas "Trey" Westbrook
Professor, Welch Chair of Chemistry, Executive Director THINC
Leveraging genetics, chem bio, and comp bio to identify unique cancer dependencies and their underlying mechanisms, with an emphasis on RNA biology

Damian W. Young
Robert A Welch Chair in Science, Associate Professor, Associate Director, Center for Drug Discovery
Applying modern synthetic methods for identifying chemical probes and therapeutic lead compounds

Munder Zagaar
Associate Professor of Foundational Sciences, Co-Director of MS-1 Curriculum, School of Medicine
Integrating pharmacology education across health professions via learner-centered design, technology integration and equitable assessment methods
Secondary Appointment Faculty

Physician-Scientist at the University of Texas at MD Anderson Cancer Center and adjunct Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
Identify and characterize novel molecular targets that could potentially prevent progression of kidney diseases

Olivier Lichtarge
Cullen Foundation Chair, Professor of Molecular and Human Genetics
Evolutionary and integrative analysis of genome and protein variant interactions in complex human traits and diseases

Russell Ray
Associate Professor and McNair Scholar
The neural control of breathing and its roles in behavior and disease

Susan M Rosenberg
The Ben F Love Chair in Cancer Research and Professor, Molecular & Human Genetics, Biochemistry & Pharmacology, and Molecular Virology & Microbiology, Co-Leader Chromatin Biology Program, The Dan L Duncan Cancer Center
Molecular mechanisms of genome instability in evolution, cancer, antibiotic resistance and aging

Associate Professor, Department of Neuroscience
Dr. St-Pierre is a Scholar of the McNair Medication Institute, a Fellow of the Klingenstein-Simons Foundation, and has been recognized with an Innovation Award from the National Science Foundation. He recently co-founded Imagen Bioworks to commercialize inventions from his lab.