What is Distance Learning?
The Distance Learning Primer course is a two-part course offered to all BCM faculty who are currently teaching in online and/or hybrid environments. Rooted in Adult Learning Theory and instructional design best practices and principles, the Distance Learning Primer is divided into two complimentary parts:
- DL Introduction
- Applied Engagement Strategies in Online and Hybrid Instruction
The four main topics will be covered across both parts of the Distance Learning primer are:
- Introduction to Digital Teaching
- Planning & Developing Your Course
- Assessing Learners Online
- Engaging Learners Online
How to Register
Currently, the Distance Learning Primer is being assigned to BCM faculty via their Deans’ and Course Directors. If you are interested in learning more, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Sherita Love, executive director, interactive instruction and innovative delivery at interactiveinstruction@bcm.edu.