It is essential to use your financial aid dollars wisely and to make knowledgeable decisions about your financial future. Be respectful of the money you borrow over the course of your education. You do not have to borrow the entire amount we offer; borrow only what you need.
BCM offers Financial Aid Counseling to all students. To schedule an appointment, email the office at
The AAMC website also includes a number of Financial Aid Resources for medical students. These include:
- Direct Loans 101
- Can Medical Students Afford to Choose Primary Care?
- The Cost of Applying to Medical School
- The Cost of Interviewing for Residency
- The Cost of Applying for Medical Residency
- Budgeting to Pay for Medical School
- Loan Repayment Options
- Pay as you Earn Repayment (PAYE)
- Postponing Loan Repayment during Residency
- MedLoan Calculator
- Budget Worksheet for Students
- Prepare for Loan Repayment and Loan Default
- Eight Tips on Money Management for Entering Students
- Money Management for Entering Medical Students
- Unforeseen Emergencies and Financial Needs - What to do