From the Labs
From the Labs at Baylor College of Medicine is an online newsletter designed to bring new information about research going on at the school. While some of its stories deal with new findings, others are designed to give you a sense of the kinds of science and scientists who are carrying out the many research projects at the College.

Momentum is Baylor College of Medicine’s blog that spans health news, medical education updates, healthcare, community, and events around Baylor College of Medicine. We discuss innovations in the medical community, ranging from health tips, education, research, Q&As on hot topics, and more.

The Baylor College of Medicine Health Policy Program’s blog spans the spectrum of health and science policy, from public health to emerging biotechnologies. Our cross-disciplinary team draws on their respective fields of expertise to discuss policy in a way that is accessible and meaningful to all readers.

The Stitch
The Stitch is the official blog of the Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery at Baylor College of Medicine, where department members share their expertise, research, and clinical experience, and patients share their personal stories of surgery and healing.

Progress Notes
Read about life from our students' perspectives, as they share experiences and insights during their journey through medical school in the blog Progress Notes.

BCM Family
A monthly publication that focuses on internal news, special features and events.

Fast Facts
View the Baylor College of Medicine Fast Facts brochure for an overview of the College as well as for statistics regarding our faculty, staff, trainees and alumni.
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