Baylor College of Medicine

Three women walking on a nature trail.

The importance of preventative care for women

Homa Warren


Houston, TX -

Preventative care is crucial to prevent and reduce the risk of health issues, but many avoid their recommended screenings. Some women neglect their preventative appointments for a variety of reasons, and a Baylor College of Medicine primary care provider emphasizes the importance of getting regular screenings. 

“Women are often caregivers and tend to be very focused on health of the family and tend to neglect their own health often times,” said Dr. Saundra Nguyen, assistant professor of medicine at Baylor. “I always remind patients that it’s super important to take care of themselves so they can take care of others around them. I see it as an act of self-care.” 

Some ignore their annual appointments because they feel too busy and caught up in other aspects of their lives, while others might have prior negative experiences with the healthcare system. 

“If people don’t feel that something is actively bothering them or they don’t see anything, it’s easy to put their health on the back burner,” she said. 

Nguyen stresses that women and all adults should have a primary care doctor. Important screenings for women (in addition to general and mental health screenings) include:

  • Pre-menopause: sexual health, STD screening, contraception or family planning, cervical cancer screening (recommended for all women sexually active or not), breast cancer screening/mammograms, perimenopause.
  • Post-menopause: breast cancer screening, cervical cancer screening (typically until age 65 for average risk women), bone density screenings to look for weak bones, risks for fractures, osteoporosis and other symptoms they might experience with menopause such as vaginal dryness and sexual health.

Women should get in the habit of visiting their primary care physician at least once a year, and most insurance plans cover an annual preventative exam. Your doctor should be a good match for you and your needs, and you should feel comfortable asking questions and stating concerns. Nguyen recommends doctors work with patients to understand their goals and priorities. 

"Find someone you’re comfortable with and feel like you’re heard and that they care about your health – then you’re more likely to come back,” she said. “It’s worth your time to invest in your health and prevention, and that helps continue the cycle.”

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