Albert C Hergenroeder, M.D.

- Professor of Pediatrics
Pediatrics-Adolescent Medicine and Sports Medicine
Chief, Adolescent Medicine and Sports Medicine
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX US
- TCH-Mark Wallace Tower (Clinic)
6701 Fannin Street
Room: TXCL-1710.0
Houston, TX 77030
United States
Phone: (832) 822-4887
- Fellowship at University of Washington School of Medicine
- 05/1986 - Seattle, WA
- Adolescent Medicine
- Residency at Duke University Medical Center
- 05/1983 - Durham, NC
- Pediatrics
- Internship at Duke University Medical Center
- 01/1980 - Durham, NC United States
- MD from University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
- Pittsburgh, PA
- Adolescent Medicine
- American Board of Pediatrics
- Sports Medicine
- American Board of Pediatrics
Honors & Awards
- Presidential Award for Excellence in Education
- Barbara and Corbin J. Robertson, Jr.
- Thomas E. Shaffer, MD, FAAP, Award
- American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Sports Medicine and Fitness (COSMF)
- Pediatric Academic Societies
Professional Statement
I am board-certified in adolescent medicine and sports medicine. As the Founding Chief of the Division of Adolescent Medicine and Sports Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, my philosophy of combining the two subspecialties in one Division was to provide a framework for serving as broad a spectrum of adolescents and young adults (AYA) as possible. This framework addresses traditional health risk behaviors associated with the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in AYA, e.g. accidents, suicide, homicide and issues related to reproductive health and chronic illness, while promoting healthy lifestyles including sports participation, physical activity, and, therefore, blending exercise physiology and sports medicine with adolescent growth and development and social determinants of health. Addressing common conditions such as anxiety, obesity, eating disorders and chronic fatigue by incorporating healthy eating and physical activity when appropriate has characterized our Division’s approach to clinical care, research, teaching, public health, and advocacy for 38 years and makes us unique among adolescent medicine programs. As Program Director of the HRSA-Maternal and Child Health Bureau-funded Leadership Education in Adolescent Health Training Program training pre-and post-doctoral trainees/fellows in adolescent medicine, nursing, nutrition, psychology, public health and social work I am committed to interdisciplinary care and training the next generation of adolescent health leaders. I have been committed to the care of unhoused youth and young adults as the Medical Director of Covenant House Texas, a homeless, crisis shelter with an on-site medical clinic, since 1987. I saw the need to improve the transition from pediatric to adult-based care for AYA with special health care needs and I founded the Annual Baylor Health Care Transition Conference, which held its 25nd annual meeting in 2024 and, in addition to the live audience will broadcast to academic and community centers across the U.S. and Canada. I have led and collaborated on our Division’s research activities in health care transition (HCT) resulting in publishing a textbook and 13 peer-reviewed publications on HCT (out of more than 100 total peer reviewed publications) and presented 20 HCT abstracts at national meetings over the past 5 years.Websites
Selected Publications
- Hergenroeder AC, Taylor PM, Rogers KD, Taylor FH "Neonatal characteristics of maltreated infants and children.." Am. J. Dis. Child.. 1985 Mar;139(3):295-8. Pubmed PMID: 3976613
- Hergenroeder AC, Kastner L, Farrow JA, Deisher RW "The pediatrician's role in adolescent suicide.." Pediatr Ann. 1986 Nov;15(11):787-98. Pubmed PMID: 3822574
- Hergenroeder AC, Schoene RB "Predicting maximum oxygen uptake in adolescents.." Am. J. Dis. Child.. 1989 Jun;143(6):673-7. Pubmed PMID: 2729210
- Hergenroeder AC "Diagnosis and treatment of ankle sprains. A review.." Am. J. Dis. Child.. 1990 Jul;144(7):809-14. Pubmed PMID: 2113351
- Miller EA, Hergenroeder AC "Prophylactic ankle bracing.." Pediatr. Clin. North Am.. 1990 Oct;37(5):1175-85. Pubmed PMID: 2120671
- Hergenroeder AC, Bricker JT "Preseason cardiovascular examination: a review.." J Adolesc Health Care. 1990 Sep;11(5):379-86. Pubmed PMID: 2211269
- Hergenroeder AC, Klish WJ "Body composition in adolescent athletes.." Pediatr. Clin. North Am.. 1990 Oct;37(5):1057-83. Pubmed PMID: 2216555
- White CM, Hergenroeder AC "Amenorrhea, osteopenia, and the female athlete.." Pediatr. Clin. North Am.. 1990 Oct;37(5):1125-41. Pubmed PMID: 2216558
- Hergenroeder AC, Fiorotto ML, Klish WJ "Body composition in ballet dancers measured by total body electrical conductivity.." Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1991 May;23(5):528-33. Pubmed PMID: 2072830
- Hergenroeder AC "Percent of body fat in athletes.." Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1991 Aug;23(8):986-7. Pubmed PMID: 1956276
- Hergenroeder AC "Malnutrition in a compulsive runner: a case conference.." Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1991 Nov;23(11):1319-20. Pubmed PMID: 1766350
- Hergenroeder AC, Wong WW, Fiorotto ML, Smith EO, Klish WJ "Total body water and fat-free mass in ballet dancers: comparing isotope dilution and TOBEC.." Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1991 May;23(5):534-41. Pubmed PMID: 2072831
- Hergenroeder AC "Obesity and body-mass index.." Am. J. Dis. Child.. 1991 Sep;145(9):972. Pubmed PMID: 1877576
- Sugerman ST, Hergenroeder AC, Chacko MR, Parcel GS "Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and adolescents. Knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of runaway and homeless youths.." Am. J. Dis. Child.. 1991 Apr;145(4):431-6. Pubmed PMID: 2012028
- White CM, Hergenroeder AC, Klish WJ "Bone mineral density in 15- to 21-year-old eumenorrheic and amenorrheic subjects.." Am. J. Dis. Child.. 1992 Jan;146(1):31-5. Pubmed PMID: 1736645
- Hergenroeder AC "Weight and menstrual function in patients with eating disorders and cystic fibrosis.." Pediatrics. 1992 Mar;89(3):522. Pubmed PMID: 1590860
- Hergenroeder AC, Brown B, Klish WJ "Anthropometric measurements and estimating body composition in ballet dancers.." Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1993 Jan;25(1):145-50. Pubmed PMID: 8423748
- Hergenroeder AC "Emergencies in Adolescents: Life- and Limb-threatening Injuries.." Adolesc Med. 1993 Feb;4(1):181-192. Pubmed PMID: 10356209
- Hergenroeder AC "Effects of calcium intake and exercise on bone mineral density.." J. Pediatr.. 1994 Jul;125(1):169. Pubmed PMID: 8021771
- Purcell JS, Hergenroeder AC "Physical conditioning in adolescents.." Curr. Opin. Pediatr.. 1994 Aug;6(4):373-8. Pubmed PMID: 7951656
- Hergenroeder AC "Bone mineralization, hypothalamic amenorrhea, and sex steroid therapy in female adolescents and young adults.." J. Pediatr.. 1995 May;126(5):683-9. Pubmed PMID: 7751989
- Pivarnik JM, Bray MS, Hergenroeder AC, Hill RB, Wong WW "Ethnicity affects aerobic fitness in US adolescent girls.." Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1995 Dec;27(12):1635-8. Pubmed PMID: 8614319
- Purcell JS, Hergenroeder AC "Severe Menorrhagia.." Adolesc Med. 1996 Oct;7(3):449-454. Pubmed PMID: 10360000
- Wong WW, Butte NF, Hergenroeder AC, Hill RB, Stuff JE, Smith EO "Are basal metabolic rate prediction equations appropriate for female children and adolescents?." J. Appl. Physiol.. 1996 Dec;81(6):2407-14. Pubmed PMID: 9018486
- Chacko MR, Kozinetz CA, Hill R, Collins K, Dunne M, Hergenroeder AC "Leukocyte esterase dipstick as a rapid screening test for vaginitis and cervicitis.." J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 1996 Nov;9(4):185-9. Pubmed PMID: 8957772
- Purcell JS, Hergenroeder AC, Kozinetz C, Smith EO, Hill RB "Interviewing techniques with adolescents in primary care.." J Adolesc Health. 1997 Apr;20(4):300-5. Pubmed PMID: 9098734
- Chorley JN, Hergenroeder AC "Management of ankle sprains.." Pediatr Ann. 1997 Jan;26(1):56-64. Pubmed PMID: 9007971
- Hergenroeder AC, Smith EO, Shypailo R, Jones LA, Klish WJ, Ellis K "Bone mineral changes in young women with hypothalamic amenorrhea treated with oral contraceptives, medroxyprogesterone, or placebo over 12 months.." Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol.. 1997 May;176(5):1017-25. Pubmed PMID: 9166162
- Hergenroeder AC "The preparticipation sports examination.." Pediatr. Clin. North Am.. 1997 Dec;44(6):1525-40. Pubmed PMID: 9400585
- Hergenroeder AC "Prevention of sports injuries.." Pediatrics. 1998 Jun;101(6):1057-63. Pubmed PMID: 9606236
- Wong WW, Nicolson M, Stuff JE, Butte NF, Ellis KJ, Hergenroeder AC, Hill RB, Smith EO "Serum leptin concentrations in Caucasian and African-American girls.." J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab.. 1998 Oct;83(10):3574-7. Pubmed PMID: 9768667
- Wong WW, Copeland KC, Hergenroeder AC, Hill RB, Stuff JE, Ellis KJ "Serum concentrations of insulin, insulin-like growth factor-I and insulin-like growth factor binding proteins are different between white and African American girls.." J. Pediatr.. 1999 Sep;135(3):296-300. Pubmed PMID: 10484792
- Hergenroeder AC, Hill RB, Wong WW, Sangi-Haghpeykar H, Taylor W "Validity of self-assessment of pubertal maturation in African American and European American adolescents.." J Adolesc Health. 1999 Mar;24(3):201-5. Pubmed PMID: 10195803
- Wong WW, Butte NF, Ellis KJ, Hergenroeder AC, Hill RB, Stuff JE, Smith EO "Pubertal African-American girls expend less energy at rest and during physical activity than Caucasian girls.." J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab.. 1999 Mar;84(3):906-11. Pubmed PMID: 10084569
- Hergenroeder AC, Morrow SR, Clark LC "Interdisciplinary adolescent health training in supervised dietetic practice programs across the southern United States.." J Am Diet Assoc. 1999 Nov;99(11):1450-2. Pubmed PMID: 10570687
- Hergenroeder AC, Laufman L, Chorley JN, Fetterhoff AC "Development and evaluation of a method for evaluating pediatric residents' knowledge and skill in performing physical examinations of the ankle and knee.." Pediatrics. 2001 Apr;107(4):E51. Pubmed PMID: 11335772
- Hergenroeder AC, Chorley JN, Laufman L, Fetterhoff AC "Pediatric residents' performance of ankle and knee examinations after an educational intervention.." Pediatrics. 2001 Apr;107(4):E52. Pubmed PMID: 11335773
- Hergenroeder AC, Brewer ED "A survey of pediatric nephrologists on adolescent sexual health.." Pediatr. Nephrol.. 2001 Jan;16(1):57-60. Pubmed PMID: 11198605
- Richardson RA, Njoroge W, Wilcox GG, Chacko MR, Hergenroeder AC "Learning about pap smears: an educational skit for Hispanic adolescents.." J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2002 Aug;15(4):197-204. Pubmed PMID: 12459224
- Hergenroeder AC "The transition into adulthood for children and youth with special health care needs.." Tex Med. 2002 Feb;98(2):51-8. Pubmed PMID: 11862893
- Wong WW, Hergenroeder AC, Stuff JE, Butte NF, Smith EO, Ellis KJ "Evaluating body fat in girls and female adolescents: advantages and disadvantages of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.." Am. J. Clin. Nutr.. 2002 Aug;76(2):384-9. Pubmed PMID: 12145011
- Hergenroeder AC, Chorley JN, Laufman L, Fetterhoff A "Two educational interventions to improve pediatricians' knowledge and skills in performing ankle and knee physical examinations.." Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2002 Mar;156(3):225-9. Pubmed PMID: 11876665
- Brenner JS, Hergenroeder AC, Kozinetz CA, Kelder SH "Teaching testicular self-examination: education and practices in pediatric residents.." Pediatrics. 2003 Mar;111(3):e239-44. Pubmed PMID: 12612278
- Benson PA, Hergenroeder AC "Bacterial sexually transmitted infections in gay, lesbian, and bisexual adolescents: medical and public health perspectives.." Semin Pediatr Infect Dis. 2005 Jul;16(3):181-91. Pubmed PMID: 16044392
- Strong WB, Malina RM, Blimkie CJ, Daniels SR, Dishman RK, Gutin B, Hergenroeder AC, Must A, Nixon PA, Pivarnik JM, Rowland T, Trost S, Trudeau F "Evidence based physical activity for school-age youth.." J. Pediatr.. 2005 Jun;146(6):732-7. Pubmed PMID: 15973308
- Anderson CB, Mâsse LC, Hergenroeder AC "Factorial and construct validity of the athletic identity questionnaire for adolescents.." Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2007 Jan;39(1):59-69. Pubmed PMID: 17218885
- Hergenroeder AC, Hoelscher DM, Day RS, Kelder SH, Ward JL "Menarchal status and calf circumference predict calcaneal ultrasound measurements in girls.." J Adolesc Health. 2007 Apr;40(4):318-24. Pubmed PMID: 17367724
- Sharma SV, Hoelscher DM, Kelder SH, Diamond PM, Day RS, Hergenroeder AC "A path analysis to identify the psychosocial factors influencing physical activity and bone health in middle-school girls.." J Phys Act Health. 2009 Sep;6(5):606-16. Pubmed PMID: 19953837
- Hergenroeder AC, Benson PA, Britto MT, Catallozzi M, D'Angelo LJ, Edman JC, Emans SJ, Kish EC, Pasternak RH, Slap GB "Adolescent medicine: workforce trends and recommendations.." Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2010 Dec;164(12):1086-90. Pubmed PMID: 21135335
- Kish EC, Wiemann CM, Hergenroeder AC "The future adolescent medicine workforce: a survey of current adolescent medicine fellows.." J Adolesc Health. 2010 Mar;46(3):292-8. Pubmed PMID: 20159508
- Taylor SA, Hergenroeder AC "Waist circumference predicts increased cardiometabolic risk in normal weight adolescent males.." Int J Pediatr Obes. 2011 Jun;6(41307):e307-11. Pubmed PMID: 21649469
- Forman SF, Grodin LF, Graham DA, Sylvester CJ, Rosen DS, Kapphahn CJ, Callahan ST, Sigel EJ, Bravender T, Peebles R, Romano M, Rome ES, Fisher M, Malizio JB, Mammel KA, Hergenroeder AC, Buckelew SM, Golden NH, Woods ER "An eleven site national quality improvement evaluation of adolescent medicine-based eating disorder programs: predictors of weight outcomes at one year and risk adjustment analyses.." J Adolesc Health. 2011 Dec;49(6):594-600. Pubmed PMID: 22098769
- Harvey BS, Brooks G, Hergenroeder A "Lumbar injuries of the pediatric population.." Prim. Care. 2013 Jun;40(2):289-311. Pubmed PMID: 23668646
- Harvey, BS, Brooks, G, Hergenroeder, A "Lumbar injuries of the pediatric population." Prim Care Clin Office Pract. 2013;40:289-311.
- Gomez, JE, Hergenroeder, AC "New guidelines for management of concussion in sport: special concern for youth." J Adolesc Health. 2013;53:311-313.
- Feldmann JM, Wiemann CM, Sever L, Hergenroeder AC "Folk and traditional medicine use by a subset of Hispanic adolescents.." Int J Adolesc Med Health.;20(1):41-51. Pubmed PMID: 18540283
- Kalisvaart JL, Hergenroeder AC "Hospitalization of patients with eating disorders on adolescent medical units is threatened by current reimbursement systems.." Int J Adolesc Med Health.;19(2):155-65. Pubmed PMID: 17593767
- Baranowski T, Cullen KW, Basen-Engquist K, Wetter DW, Cummings S, Martineau DS, Prokhorov AV, Chorley J, Beech B, Hergenroeder AC "Transitions out of high school: time of increased cancer risk?." Prev Med.;26(5):694-703. Pubmed PMID: 9327479
- Hergenroeder A, Needham H, Jones D, Wiemann, CM "An Intervention to Promote Healthcare Transition Planning Among Pediatric Residents." J Adolesc Health. 2022 Mar 26;
- Hergenroeder AC, Wiemann CM, Cohen MB "Current Issues in Transitioning from Pediatric to Adult-Based Care for Youth with Chronic Health Care Needs." J Pediatr. 2015 Dec;167(6):1196-201. Pubmed PMID: 26340879
- A.C. Hergenroeder, C.M. Wiemann "Health Care Transition: Building a Program for Adolescents and Young Adults with Chronic Illness and Disability." 2018;(Springer)
- Hergenroeder AC "Bone mineralization, hypothalamic amenorrhea, and sex steroid therapy in female adolescents and young adults." J Pediatr. 1995 May;126(5 Pt 1):683-9. Pubmed PMID: 7751989
- Hergenroeder AC, Smith EO, Shypailo R, Jones LA, Klish WJ, Ellis K "Bone mineral changes in young women with hypothalamic amenorrhea and oligomenorrhea treated with oral contraceptive pills, medroxyprogesterone or placebo over 12 months." Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1997 May;176(5):1017-25. Pubmed PMID: 9166162
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- Fellow
- Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine
- Fellow
- American College of Sports Medicine
- Member
- Pediatric Academic Societies
- Member
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