Alvaro Sanchez Lopez

Alvaro Sanchez Lopez
Assistant Professor
- Assistant Professor
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX US
- PhD from Universidad de Sevilla
- 09/2017 - Sevilla, Spain
- MSc from Universidad Pablo de Olavide
- 07/2009 - Sevilla, Spain
- BSc from Universidad de Sevilla
- 01/2007 - Sevilla, Spain
- Assistant Professor
- Baylor College of Medicine
Selected Publications
- Sánchez-López Á, Escudero M "An accurate and portable eye movement detector for studying sleep in small animals." J Sleep Res.. 2015 Aug;24(4):466-73. Pubmed PMID: 25590417
- Alvaro Sánchez-López Manuel Silva-Pérez Miguel Escudero "Temporal dynamics of the transition period between nonrapid eye movement and rapid eye movement sleep in the rat." SLEEP. 2018 Sep 1;41(9) Pubmed PMID: 30215813
- Sánchez-López A, Escudero M. "Tonic and phasic components of eye movements during REM sleep in the rat." Eur J Neurosci.. 2011 Jun;33(11):2129-38. Pubmed PMID: 21645106
- Carlos A.Sánchez-León; Álvaro Sánchez-López; Claudia Ammann; Isabel Cordones; Alejandro Carretero-Guillén; JavierMárquez-Ruiz "Exploring new transcranial electrical stimulation strategies to modulate brain function in animal models." Curr Opin Biomed Eng. 2018 Sep;
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