Janet Irene Malek Weinstein, Ph.D.

- Director
Houston Methodist System Biomedical Ethics Program
- Professor
Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy
Baylor College of Medicine
- PhD from Rice University
- 05/2004 - Houston, Texas United States
- BA from Duke University
- 05/1998 - Durham, North Carolina United States
Professional Interests
- Clinical Ethics, Pediatric Ethics, Reproductive Ethics, Professionalism Education
Professional Statement
Janet Malek, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy at Baylor College of Medicine and a Clinical Ethicist at Houston Methodist Hospital. She earned her PhD in philosophy and bioethics from Rice University in 2004 and now teaches health care ethics and professionalism for medical students, residents, and faculty. Dr. Malek also conducts research on the implementation of genomic sequencing into clinical practice and serves as an ethics consultant at Houston Methodist, a national leader in clinical ethics consultation practice and training.She serves on ASBH’s Core Competencies 3rd Edition Task Force and is a Past Chair of the Board of Directors of the Academy for Professionalism in Health Care. Her research focuses on issues related to clinical ethics, genomic and reproductive ethics, and professionalism education
Selected Publications
- Smith, HS, KB Brothers, SJ Knight, SL Ackerman, C Rini, DL Veenstra, AL McGuire, BS Wilfond, J Malek "Conceptualization of Utility in Translational Clinical Genomics Research.." American Journal of Human Genetics.;Forthcoming
- Farrell, RM, J Malek, CT Scott "Beyond Babies: Implications of Human Genome Editing for Women, Children, and Families." Accountability in Research. 2022 Feb;29(2):67-76. Pubmed PMID: 33667136
- Bryant, B, A Adler, D Mann, J Malek ""You can't make me!" Managing adolescent dissent to anesthesia." Paediatr Anaesth. 2021 Apr;31(4):397-403. Pubmed PMID: 33386692
- Malek, J and C Horner "The Top 10 Issues Facing the Field of Clinical Ethics in 2020: Reflections on the Evolving Clinical Ethics UnConference." J Clin Ethics. 2020;31(3):233-240. Pubmed PMID: 32960805
- Malek, J, T Bibler, A Childress, J Crist, S Fedson, C Horner, B Moore, R Nelson "Critical Conversations: Say This, Not That." CHEST. 2020;158(3):896-898. Pubmed PMID: 32376149
- Malek, J "Defending the Inclusion of Categorical Exclusion Criteria in Crisis Standard of Care Frameworks." Am J Bioeth. 2020 Jul;20(7):156-158. Pubmed PMID: 32716813
- Stephens AL, Bruce CR, Childress A, Malek J "Why Families Get Angry: Practical Strategies for Clinical Ethics Consultants to Rebuild Trust Between Angry Families and Clinicians in the Critical Care Environment." HEC Forum. 2019;[Epub ahead of print] Pubmed PMID: 30820819
- Horner, C, A Childress, S Fantus, and J Malek "What the HEC-C? An Analysis of the Healthcare Ethics Consultant-Certified Program: One Year in." Am J Bioeth. 2020;20(3):9-18. Pubmed PMID: 32105205
- Malek, J, S Pereira, J Robinson, et al. "Responsibility, Culpability, and Parental Views on Genomic Testing for Seriously Ill Children." Genetics in Medicine.;[Epub ahead of print] Pubmed PMID: 31186522
- Malek J "The Appropriate Role of a Clinical Ethics Consultant’s Religious Worldview in Consultative Work: Nearly None." HEC Forum.. 2019;31(2):91-102. Pubmed PMID: 30229427
- Carrese, J, J Malek, K Watson, et al. "The Romanell Report: The Essential Role of Medical Ethics Education in Achieving Professionalism." Acad Med. 2015 Jun;90(6):744-52. Pubmed PMID: 25881647
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