Lorenzo Deveza, M.D., Ph.D.

- Assistant Professor
Orthopedic Surgery
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX US
- MD from Stanford University School of Medicine
- 06/2016 - Stanford, California United States
- PhD from Stanford University
- 06/2014 - Stanford, California United States
- Bioengineering
- Residency at Baylor College of Medicine
- 07/2021 - Houston, Texas United States
- Orthopaedic Surgery
- Clinical Fellowship at New York University
- 07/2022 - New York, New York United States
- Spine Surgery
- Clinical Fellowship at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
- 07/2023 - New York, New York United States
- Musculoskeletal Oncology
Selected Publications
- Deveza L, Heydemann J, Chhabra B, Vanorny D, Hung E, Bihiray D, Phillips W, Gerow F, Hanson D, Dahl B, TCH Spine Study Group. "Comparison of baseline characteristics and postoperative complications in neuromuscular, syndromic and congenital scoliosis." JPOB. 2022 Jun; Pubmed PMID: 35762668
- Ortinau L, Wang H, Lei K, Deveza L, Jeoung Y, Hara Y, Grafe I, Lee B, Rosenfeld S, Lee D, Scadden D, Park D "Identification of Functionally Distinct Mx1+αSMA+ Periosteal Skeletal Stem Cells." Cell Stem Cell. 2019 Dec; Pubmed PMID: 31809737
- Deveza L, Hajizadeh K, Song B, Park, I. "Neutral Boundary Alignment in Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Novel Concept. J experimental orthopaedics." JEO. 2020 Aug; Pubmed PMID: 32864722
- Deveza L, Ortinau L, Lei K. Park D. "omparative Analysis of Gene Expression Identifies Distinct Molecular Signatures of Bone Marrow- and Periosteal-Skeletal Stem/Progenitor Cells." PLOS ONE. 2018 Jan; Pubmed PMID: 29342188
- Deveza L, Choi J, Lee J, Huang N, Cooke J, Yang F. "Polymer-DNA Nanoparticle Induced CXCR4-Overexpression Improves Stem Cell Engraftment and Tissue Regeneration in a Mouse Hindlimb Ischemia Model." Theranostics. 2016 May; Pubmed PMID: 27279910
- Deveza L, Heydemann J, Jain M, Phillips W, Hanson D, Gerow F, Wesson D, Dahl B, TCH Spine Study Group. "Reduction in mortality in pediatric non-idiopathic scoliosis by implementing a multidisciplinary screening process." Spine Deformity. 2020 Sep; Pubmed PMID: 3294607
- Deveza L, Ashoken J, Casteneda G, Keeney M, Tong X, Han L, Yang F. "Microfluidic Synthesis of Biodegradable Polyethylene-Glycol Microspheres for Controlled Delivery of Proteins and DNA Nanoparticles." ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng.. 2015 Mar;
- Deveza L, Choi J, Imanbayev G, and Yang F. "Paracrine Release from Nonviral Engineered Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Promotes Endothelial Cell Survival and Migration In Vitro." Stem Cells Dev.. 2013 Feb; Pubmed PMID: 22889246
- Nauta A, Seidel C, Deveza L, Montoro D, Grova M, Ko SH, Hyun J, Gurtner GC, Longaker MT, and Yang F. "Adipose-derived Stromal Cells Overexpressing Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Accelerate Mouse Excisional Wound Healing.." Mol. Ther.. 2013 Feb; Pubmed PMID: 23164936
- Keeney M*, Deveza L*, Yang F. "Programming Stem Cells for Therapeutic Angiogenesis using Biodegradable Polymeric Nanoparticles.." JoVE. 2013 Sep; Pubmed PMID: 24121540
- Han LH, Chung M, Deveza L, Jiang X, Wang A, Conrad B, Butte M, Longaker MT, Wan DC, Yang F. "Microribbon-based hydrogels accelerate stem cell-based bone regeneration in a mouse critical-size cranial defect model.." J Biomed Mater Res A.. 2016 Jun; Pubmed PMID: 26991141
- Fruergaard S, Jain M, Deveza L, Liu D, Heydemann J, Ohrt-Nissen S, Dragsted C, Gehrchen M, Dahl B, TCH Spine Study Group. "Evaluation of a new sagittal classification system in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. European Spine Journal,." Eur Spine J. 2020 Apr; Pubmed PMID: 31802239
- Dragsted C, Fruergaard S, Jain M, Deveza L, Heydemann J, Ohrt-Nissen S, Anderson T, Gehrchen M, Dahl B, TCH Spine Study Group "Distraction-to-stall versus distraction in magnetically controlled growing rods." JPO. 2020 May; Pubmed PMID: 32398627
Intellectual Property
- Design Patent (Approved)
- Co Inventors: Ilwhan Park, Michael Koehle
- Design Patent (Approved)
- Co Inventors: Ilwhan Park, Michael Koehle
- Design Patent (Approved)
- Co Inventors: Ilwhan Park, Michael Koehle
- Design Patent (Pending)
- Co Inventors: Arun Aneja, Shea Comadoll
- Method Patent (Pending)
- Co Inventors: Arun Aneja, Arjun Srinath, Eric Abbenhaus
- Method Patent (Pending)
- Co Inventors: Ilwhan Park, Bruce Violante
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