Melinda Anne Stanley, Ph.D.

Melinda Anne Stanley, Ph.D.
Professor and Head, Division of Psychology
- Professor and Head, Division of Psychology
Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
The McIngvale Family Chair in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Research and Investigator, Houston Health Services Research & Development Center of Excellence Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX US
- PhD from Texas Tech University
- 01/1987 - Lubbock, Texas United States
- MA from Princeton University
- 01/1982 - Princeton, New Jersey United States
- BA from Gettysburg College
- 01/1980 - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania United States
- Internship at Western Psychiatric Institute And Clinic/UPMC
- 01/1987 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania United States
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Western Psychiatric Institute And Clinic/UPMC
- 01/1988 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania United States
- Licensed Psychologist
- Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists
Professional Interests
- Behavioral treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder and related conditions (eg, trichotillomania)
- Delivery of mental health care to older adults with anxiety and depression
- Integrated treatments anchored in skills-based cognitive behavioral approaches
- Delivery of care in nontraditional settings to expand reach
Professional Statement
I am a clinical psychologist with interests in the identification and treatment of anxiety and depressive disorders in older adults. I also have expertise in the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder and related conditions (eg, trichotillomania). My research and clinical expertise focus on the provision of mental health services for older adults in primary care and community settings, with attention to expanding the reach of evidence-based mental health care to older people living in underserved, low income, mostly minority communities. Our group emphasizes the delivery of person-centered care that allows the opportunity to integrate religion and/or spirituality into a modular, skills-based treatment approach. We also are investigating the value of training nontraditional providers, including case managers and community health workers, to deliver care with the goal of expanding the availability of services.Websites
Selected Publications
- Calleo JS, Bush AL, Cully JA, Wilson NL, Kraus-Schuman C, Rhoades HM, Novy DM, Masozera N, Williams S, Horsfield M, Kunik ME, Stanley MA "Treating late-life generalized anxiety disorder in primary care: an effectiveness pilot study.." J. Nerv. Ment. Dis.. 2013 May;201(5):414-20. Pubmed PMID: 23588228
- Stanley MA, Calleo J, Bush AL, Wilson N, Snow AL, Kraus-Schuman C, Paukert AL, Petersen NJ, Brenes GA, Schulz PE, Williams SP, Kunik ME "The peaceful mind program: a pilot test of a cognitive-behavioral therapy-based intervention for anxious patients with dementia.." Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2013 Jul;21(7):696-708. Pubmed PMID: 23567399
- Brenes GA, Miller ME, Williamson JD, McCall WV, Knudson M, Stanley MA "A randomized controlled trial of telephone-delivered cognitive-behavioral therapy for late-life anxiety disorders.." Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2012 Aug;20(8):707-16. Pubmed PMID: 22828172
- Cully JA, Armento ME, Mott J, Nadorff MR, Naik AD, Stanley MA, Sorocco KH, Kunik ME, Petersen NJ, Kauth MR "Brief cognitive behavioral therapy in primary care: a hybrid type 2 patient-randomized effectiveness-implementation design.." Implement Sci. 2012;7:64. Pubmed PMID: 22784436
- Bradford A, Brenes GA, Robinson RA, Wilson N, Snow AL, Kunik ME, Calleo J, Petersen NJ, Stanley MA, Amspoker AB "Concordance of self- and proxy-rated worry and anxiety symptoms in older adults with dementia.." J Anxiety Disord. 2013 Jan;27(1):125-30. Pubmed PMID: 23270995
- Cully JA, Mignogna J, Stanley MA, Davila J, Wear J, Amico KR, Giordano TP "Development and Pilot Testing of a Standardized Training Program for a Patient-Mentoring Intervention to Increase Adherence to Outpatient HIV Care.." AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2012 Mar;26(3):165-72. Pubmed PMID: 22248331
- Jameson JP, Shrestha S, Escamilla M, Clark S, Wilson N, Kunik M, Zeno D, Harris TB, Peters A, Varner IL, Scantlebury C, Scott-Gurnell K, Stanley M "Establishing community partnerships to support late-life anxiety research: Lessons learned from the calmer life project.." Aging Ment Health. 2012 Sep;16(7):874-83. Pubmed PMID: 22416908
- Mohlman J, Bryant C, Lenze EJ, Stanley MA, Gum A, Flint A, Beekman AT, Wetherell JL, Thorp SR, Craske MG "Improving recognition of late life anxiety disorders in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition: observations and recommendations of the Advisory Committee to the Lifespan Disorders Work Group.." Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2012 Jun;27(6):549-56. Pubmed PMID: 21773996
- Bradford A, Shrestha S, Snow AL, Stanley MA, Wilson N, Hersch G, Kunik ME "Managing pain to prevent aggression in people with dementia: a nonpharmacologic intervention.." Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2012 Feb;27(1):41-7. Pubmed PMID: 22467413
- Pane HT, White RS, Nadorff MR, Grills-Taquechel A, Stanley MA "Multisystemic therapy for child non-externalizing psychological and health problems: a preliminary review.." Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev. 2013 Mar;16(1):81-99. Pubmed PMID: 23385370
- Hundt NE, Armento ME, Porter B, Cully JA, Kunik ME, Stanley M "Predictors of treatment satisfaction among older adults with anxiety in a primary care psychology program.." Eval Program Plann. 2013 Apr;37:58-63. Pubmed PMID: 23434724
- Weber SR, Pargament KI, Kunik ME, Lomax JW, Stanley MA "Psychological distress among religious nonbelievers: a systematic review.." J Relig Health. 2012 Mar;51(1):72-86. Pubmed PMID: 21965058
- Snow AL, Huddleston C, Robinson C, Kunik ME, Bush AL, Wilson N, Calleo J, Paukert A, Kraus-Schuman C, Petersen NJ, Stanley MA "Psychometric properties of a structured interview guide for the rating for anxiety in dementia.." Aging Ment Health. 2012 Jul;16(5):592-602. Pubmed PMID: 22372475
- Calmer Life: Treating Worry among Older Adults in Underserved, Low-income, Minority Communities - #1AD-1310-06824
- $2,095,408.00 (11/01/2014 - 10/31/2017) Grant funding from PCORI
- The purpose of this study is to test the effectiveness of Calmer Life, a person-centered intervention for worry/stress among older adults in underserved, low-income, minority communities, relative to Enhanced Community Care, a viable alternative for community care of worry, in the context of a community-academic partnership.
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