Roopali Varma Donepudi, M.D.

- Associate Professor
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Maternal Fetal Medicine/Fetal Therapy
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas United States
- Fellowship Program Director, Perinatal Surgery
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas United States
- Fellowship Program Director, Fetal Intervention
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas United States
- MBBS from Osmania Medical College
- 03/2005 - Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
- Internship at Internal Medicine Internship, Saint Louis University
- 09/2006 - St. Louis, MO, United States
- Residency at University of Tennessee Health Science Center
- 06/2010 - Memphis, TN, United States
- Fellowship at Montefiore Medical Center
- 06/2013 - Bronx, NY, United States
- Maternal Fetal Medicine
- Fellowship at UT Health Science Center at Houston
- 06/2016 - Houston, TX, United States
- Fetal Surgery
Honors & Awards
- Fellow of American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine
- Recipient of Deans Teaching Excellence award
- Young Investigator’s Award - International Fetal Medicine and Surgery Society meeting
- Houston Rising Star
Professional Statement
I have had a growing interest in medical education since early in my career. As a chief resident in OB/GYN, I was a participant in focused training programs for new intern physicians in preparing them for their clinical duties. During my MFM fellowship, I was an instructor for the OB emergency simulation program which was attended by the residents and all members of the obstetric team. I am currently involved in ultrasound education for medical students, OB/GYN residents, MFM fellows and fetal surgery fellows. With my experience in simulation I was also able to organize and implement obstetric ultrasound simulations to further raise the quality of ultrasound education. Now as the associate fellowship director for the fetal surgery fellowship, I have been able to contribute to the ultrasound and intervention training curriculum in the form of online weekly case review and didactic sessions. I have been fortunate to work with a group of remarkably talented faculty who have further boosted my interest in education. My additional fetal surgery training has increased my understanding of normal and abnormal fetal development, ultrasound imaging and necessary interventions. This has given me great joy not only with patient care which will always be an important part of my daily clinical activities but it has also enhanced my educational interests.Selected Publications
- Espinoza J, Shamshirsaz AA, Cortes MS, Pammi M, Nassr AA, Donepudi R, Whitehead WE, Castillo J, Johnson R, Meshinchi N, Sun R, Krispin E, Corroenne R, Lee TC, Keswani SG, King A, Belfort MA. "Two-port, exteriorized uterus, fetoscopic meningomyelocele closure has fewer adverse neonatal outcomes than open hysterotomy closure.." Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2021; Pubmed PMID: 33957114
- Nassr AA, Hessami K, Shazly SA, Espinoza J, Donepudi R, Sanz Cortes M, Belfort MA, Shamshirsaz AA. "Perinatal outcome of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome complicated with incidental septostomy after laser photocoagulation: A systematic review and meta-analysis.." Prenat Diagn.. 2021; Pubmed PMID: 33780009
- Corroenne R, Zhu K, Orman G, Huisman TAGM, Mehollin-Ray AR, Johnson E, Johnson RM, Andrucioli A, Espinoza J, Nassr AA, Belfort M, Donepudi R, Shamshirsaz AA, Aagaard K, Whitehead WE, Sanz Cortes M. "Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein level and the relationship to ventriculomegaly in fetal neural tube defect: A retrospective cohort study.." Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol.. 2021; Pubmed PMID: 33684673
- Lehoczky, L; Southworth, AB; Martinez, GZ; Belfort, MA; Shamshirsaz, AA; Shamshirsaz, A; Cortes, MS; Nassr, AA; Donepudi, R; Whitehead, WE; Johnson, R; Meshinchi, N; Espinoza, J. "Magnesium sulfate titration reduces maternal complications following fetoscopic closure of spina bifida.." Prenat Diagn.. 2021; Pubmed PMID: 33591585
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