Major Equipment
The following microscopes are available for use in the CryoEm Core.

Glacios Cryo Transmission Electron Microscope (Cryo-TEM) features 200 kV XFEG optics, the industry-leading Autoloader (cryogenic sample manipulation robot), and the same innovative automation for ease of use.
Aquilos2 with iFLM

The Thermo Scientific™ Aquilos™ 2 Cryo-FIB is the first cryo-DualBeam™ (focused ion beam/scanning electron microscope) system dedicated to preparation of frozen, thin lamella samples from biological specimens for high-resolution tomographic imaging in a cryo-transmission electron microscope (cryo-TEM).

JEM3200FSC (300kV) electron microscope with a field emission gun, an in-column energy filter, a cryo-chuck holding up to three grids, a goniometer tilt range (+/-70° tilts) with dual rotation cartridge, a Gatan K2 Summit direct electron detector, SerialEM for automated single particle and tomography data collection

JEOL 2200FS (200 kV) electron microscope with a field emission gun, an in-column energy filter, a phase plate holder with airlock exchange at two positions, a 5120 x 3840 Direct Electron Detector (DE20), with SerialEM for automated single particle and tomography data collection. This is the preferred instrument for subnanometer resolution single particle analysis of difficult specimens and routine tomography.

JEOL 2100 (200 kV) electron microscope with a LaB6 filament, a 3k x 4k Direct Electron Detector (DE12), a Gatan 4k x 4k CCD, and SerialEM. This is the preferred instrument for screening and is the first instrument newly trained users will be permitted to use.

The JEOL-1230 microscope is a 120 kV instrument with a 4k x 4k CCD camera, and is intended for imaging fixed sections and specimens in negative stain. It is not used for CryoEM. Training is available as a separate service, and is required for all new users of the instrument. After training the instrument is available for individual use at a flat hourly rate. You may also request imaging services from core staff on this instrument.
Leica EMIce High Pressure Freezer:
High pressure freezing is key for the study of intricate changes in fine structure or cellular dynamics. Cryo-immobilize your aqueous samples under high pressure with a unique freezing principle and uncover secrets of the cellular process. Capture and resolve highly dynamic processes at the nanometer scale with millisecond precision. The EM ICE solution, combining superior high pressure freezing with the possibility of light and electrical stimulation, is the platform for your discoveries.

FEI Vitrobot automatic plunge freezing apparatus.

Leica EMGP automatic plunge freezing apparatus for cryo-specimen preparation.

Available through arrangement with the lab of Dr. Monica Pillon (not a core instrument)
Fischione Model 1070 Nanoclean

Pelco EasyGlow

EMITech Carbon Evaporator
The CryoEM Core is a state-of-the-art resource for near-atomic resolution 3-D analysis of the structure and dynamics of macromolecules and assemblies, either purified or within cells.
Our associated laboratories are also equipped for buffer preparation, tissue culture preparation, cell culture preparation, and protein purification. Our ÄKTA Pure HPLC is available for on-site size exclusion chromatography.