
Our Technologies




By leveraging state-of-the-art proteomics technologies, CNGT conducts comprehensive, target-agnostic screens across the entire proteome to identify a curated list of proteins that demonstrate potential for small molecule targeting. Simultaneously, collaborators use functional genomics and other methods to pinpoint and confirm drug targets both in vitro and in vivo. The resulting target list is shared with CNGT members, offering a significant asset for their research. If a member finds their target of interest on the list, CNGT will supply the relevant compound to help validate its mechanism of action.

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Illustration of comprehensive, target-agnostic screens across the entire proteome to identify a curated list of proteins

High Throughput PROTAC Direct-to-Biology (D2B) Screen


CNGT can carry out high-throughput PROTAC synthesis in 384-well plates for validated drug targets with identified ligands. The library synthesis yields are measured using LC-MS/MS. The crude PROTAC library is then directly applied to cells expressing the HiBiT-tagged protein of interest, bypassing purification. Protein levels are monitored through changes in bioluminescence signals. The resulting dose-response curves and structure-activity relationships are subsequently analyzed.

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The library synthesis yields are measured using LC-MS/MS. The crude PROTAC library is then directly applied to cells expressing the HiBiT-tagged protein of interest, bypassing purification. Protein levels are monitored through changes in bioluminescence signals