Starting and Joining Meetings

How to start an instant meeting
Explore the inside of a Zoom meeting and learn basic features found in the main toolbar.

Zoom Security Basics
Learn how Zoom meeting and webinar hosts can take steps to help put safeguards in place using some of our most simple and effective security features.

How to join a meeting
A video tutorial on joining Zoom meetings.
Meeting Scheduling and Setup

How to schedule meetings
Watch how to schedule one-time meetings, recurring meetings, and configuring audio and video options.

Personal meeting and scheduling meeting IDs explained
Learn the difference between meeting IDs and personal meeting IDs, and when to use them.
Additional How Tos

Using Breakout Rooms During a Meeting
Split your Zoom meeting into as many as 50 smaller sessions to get participants talking and interacting. See how the meeting host and co-hosts can create and assign rooms after the meeting starts.

How to use the Outlook plugin with Zoom
Learn how Microsoft Outlook Plugins streamline scheduling of Zoom calls.