A state-of-the-art Thermo Vanquish UHPLC. Part of the LC-MS instrumentation necessary to perform QC of our library builds (for monitoring chemical reactions and purifying individual samples).

SensiQ Pioneer FE surface plasmon resonance system (for determination of equilibrium dissociation constants).

A fully automated Agilent 1260 Infinity HPLC with a 6-column chiral column array (Chiral Technologies “I” series). The instrument uses two Agilent 1290 Infinity valve drives to cycle through the columns on full auto (for method scouting) or on single-column demand (for chiral analysis of previously prepared compounds).
Equipment for Medicinal Chemistry and DNA-Encoded Chemistry Technology:
High-resolution Molecular Structure
For drug discovery, structural biology, and metabolomics
- Bruker 800 MHz NMR with cryoprobe and autosampler
- Bruker 600 MHz NMR
Other Instrumentation for Sophisticated Purification and QC
- Five Teledyne CombiFlash Rf* flash chromatography systems and one CombiFlash Rf* Purlon flash chromatography/mass spectrometry system (compound purification)
- Three ION Torrent Personal Genome Machine sequencing platform with Guava easyCyte Flow Cytometer (high-efficiency sample QC)
- Two Thermo Electron Vanquish UHPLC/LTQ-XL mass spectrometers (monitoring chemical reactions and purifying individual samples)
- Gilson PLC-2250 Prep HPLC (library purification and flash chromatography for compound purification)
- Seventeen integrated Eppendorf thermocyclers (performing on-DNA library chemistry)
- Bio-Rad Next-Generation Chromatography system (protein purification)
- Forte Bio Blitz system (real-time, label-free binding assays)
- Applied Biosystems Real-Time QPCR system (quantitation and monitoring of library material prior to, during, and after selection)
- Hamilton walk-up automated liquid handling station (optimizing and standardizing library binding and selection steps)
- Ample ultra-cold freezers, chemical hoods, spectrophotometers, mixers, sonicators, heat blocks, ad related small instrumentation
iLab Core Service Instrumentation
Current instrumentation available through iLab core service:
- SensiQ Pioneer FE surface plasmon resonance system (for determination of equilibrium dissociation constants)
- GE MicroCal Auto iTC200 (automated isothermal titration calorimeter to monitor binding energetics)
- Roche Applied Science LightCycler 480 Real-Time PCR System (used for performing thermal shift assays, a rapid approach to analyze protein stability)
- Agilent PlateLoc Plate Sealer (heat sealing system for –80 degrees C storage)
Additional current instrumentation available through iLab core service
- Tecan Freedom Evo Liquid Handler [a robust liquid transfer system (75nl–200µl) for 384-well plates with an integrated plate reader, plate washer, and incubator]
- Infinite M1000 Pro Plate Reader (measurements of absorbance, fluorescence, luminescence, AlphaScreen, and AlphaLISA)
- HydroSpeed Plate Washer
- Thermo Scientific Multidrop Combi Microplate Dispenser (for dispensing from one to eight different reagents simultaneously into a variety of microplates within a matter of seconds)
- HP Digital Titration Dispenser (allows compound dispensing from 13pl–5µl, thus improving titration time and permitting more precise dose-response curves)
- Liconic STX220 Tissue Culture Incubator (converts the Tecan workstation from semi-automated to automated and allows the workstation to function 24/7)
- FLIPR Tetra Real Time Screening System (simultaneously pipette and read 384 well plates in fluorescent mode. Pipette from 1-25µl in increments of 0.5µl)
- V&P Scientific Pin Tools (integrated with the Tecan workstation to permit the transfer of 100μl to 500μl)
Other equipment utilized in the Center for Drug Discovery
- Thermo Scientific 1300 Series A2 tissue culture hoods
- Thermo Scientific Forma Steri-Cult CO2 tissue culture incubators
- Ample standard laboratory instrumentation
Additionally, we have a variety of compound libraries available for small-molecule screening.