Department of Neuroscience

Journal Clubs


Seminar Series Journal Club


The Seminar Series Journal Club familiarizes students and faculty with the most important scientific contributions of each seminar speaker in advance of the week's seminar. This preparation allows for deeper comprehension of the weekly seminars and their diverse topics, and a more robust question-and-answer session with the invited speaker. The Seminar Journal Club is also a for-credit course, required for 1st- and 2nd-year students enrolled in the neuroscience graduate program. Course directors are Drs. Jeannie Chin and Javier Medina. The course runs from Term 2 through Term 4. The Journal Clubs that fall before, in between, or after school terms are organized by invited speaker’s host lab. Seminar Journal Club meetings take place on Wednesdays at noon in S740 conference room in Smith. Contact Sheila Gurwitch, if you have additional questions.


NeuroTheory Journal Club


The NeuroTheory Journal Club is a multi-institutional student-run group that brings together the computational neuroscience community in Houston (BCM/RICE/UH/UTHealth). Topics include neural coding, systems neuroscience, machine learning, nonlinear dynamics, control theory, and more. Meeting Time and Place: Friday from 9-10 a.m. in S553, Smith building, 5th floor, main Baylor campus. The club meets weekly to discuss papers. On alternating weeks, the journal club focuses primarily on theory of computational functions of brain circuits, and on theory about inferring statistical interactions between neurons, stimuli, and behavior. Other topics are also welcomed. After the meetings, presenters summarize the discussions, on the NeuroTheory Journal Club blog, to allow you to learn about past topics. You may also stay on for the Machine Learning Journal Club, which meets immediately afterwards in the same room. For more information about the NeuroTheory Journal Club, please contact


CAMRI Neuroscience Journal Club


The Cognitive Neuroscience Journal Club, also known as CAMRI Journal Club, provides a venue to discuss high impact, insightful articles from all areas of functional and anatomical MRI. This journal club provides a learning environment for the critical analysis of journal articles, presentation skills, and experimental design. Journal club meetings take place Wednesdays from 11 a.m. - Noon in the Core for Advanced MRI conference room S104G. Contact: Lingyan Wang.


Systems Neuroscience for Rodents Journal Club


Systems Neuroscience for Rodents Journal Club is a journal club organized jointly by Matt McGinley, Mingshan Xue, and Nuo Li Labs. Club members meet every other Thursday at 1 p.m. in room S740, Smith to discuss papers in the area of systems neuroscience, specifically focused on rodent model. If you would like to be added to the mailing list and/or join this club, please email Dr. Nuo Li.