Baylor College of Medicine is firmly committed to the highest ethical practices and compliance standards.
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Code of Conduct
The Baylor College of Medicine Code of Conduct defines our long-standing commitment to integrity and defines the professional and ethical ways in which we work with one another. The Code of Conduct also includes our expectations for ethical behavior, respect, work within teams and the day-to-day conduct of each person at Baylor College of Medicine.
Baylor College of Medicine Integrity Hotline
Baylor College of Medicine has established a confidential and anonymous reporting mechanism for reporting known or suspected improper activity or wrongdoing. Reports can be made via the toll free number (855) 764-7292 or electronically via the internet. Baylor College of Medicine prohibits retaliation for reporting known or suspected improper activity or wrongdoing. If you have any concerns about your visit to or experience at one of our Baylor College of Medicine Facilities, please contact Patients Advocacy.
Disclosure of Outside Interests
The College and its workforce have an obligation to ensure adherence to the highest standards of professional and ethical conduct, free from influence that might create or appear to create an appearance of bias. In order to protect the objectivity of persons who are engaged in these activities and to preserve the integrity of the College, all College personnel must strive to avoid any apparent or actual conflict of interest and must disclose such interests and respond appropriately when conflicts arise. Baylor employees may find information on how to electronically file disclosures.
Billing Compliance Program
Baylor College of Medicine has implemented a billing compliance program to provide policies, education and monitoring of documentation and coding of professional services in accordance with regulatory requirements. For information on this program, contact the Billing Compliance Manager at (713) 798-1134.
Privacy and Security
Baylor College of Medicine has designated a HIPAA Privacy Compliance Officer and Information Security Officer to provide policies, education and monitoring of privacy and security standards in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and its amendments under the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) and Texas state privacy and security laws. For more information contact us at or view our Notice of Privacy Practices in English and En Español.
As an academic institution, Baylor College of Medicine is committed to protecting the privacy of our student’s educational records in compliance with the Family Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.
Reporting Copyright Infringements
The Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA"), Pub. L. 105-304 requires the designation of an agent to received claimed copyright infringement notifications. If you believe that any of your works are being infringed upon by any domain owned by Baylor College of Medicine, contact:
Patrick Turley, J.D., Ph.D.
Phone: (713) 798-6137
Fax: (713) 798-6368
Baylor College of Medicine
One Baylor Plaza, Houston, TX 77030
Research Compliance
Baylor College of Medicine is committed to conducting its research and scientific activities ethically and in compliance with all Federal laws. For more information about Baylor’s Research Compliance activities, contact (713) 798-6986.
Campus Safety and Security
Baylor College of Medicine Security Office is responsible for reporting crime statistics in compliance with the Federal Clery Act.
Title IX
In compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the College prohibits sexual harassment, sexual violence and discrimination based on sex. Any questions, concerns, or comments can be directed to Toni Gray, Title IX Director, (713) 798-8137 or Sandra Dunn, Title IX Deputy Coordinator, Employee Relations, (713) 798-5886.
Environmental Safety
The Office of Environmental Safety is charged with the responsibility to ensure that Baylor College of Medicine complies with all federal, state and local environmental laws and regulations through implementation of ongoing educational outreach, and technical assistance service programs to Baylor administration, faculty and staff.
Patient Experience Questions/Concerns
Our Patient Rights and Responsibilities web page provides information on Patients Advocacy.
Integrity Hotline
Call (855) 764-7292 or make a report online.
Baylor College of Medicine Notice of Privacy Practices
This Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Notice for Patients describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information.