Bo Peng, Ph.D.

Bo Peng, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
- Associate Professor
Medicine - Epidemiology & Population Science
Baylor College of Medicine
- Assistant Professor
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
UT MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas United States
- MS from University of Houston
- 06/2001 - Houston, Texas United States
- PhD from Rice University
- 06/2006 - Houston, Texas United States
Professional Statement
Dr. Peng’s specialties include genetic simulations, epidemiological association analysis, and bioinformatic and next-generation sequencing data analysis. As an open-source advocate and an experienced software developer, he is the author of multiple large-scale software projects, including simuPOP, Variant Tools, and SoS Polyglot Notebook and Workflow System, and is battling COVID-19 with his new covid19-outbreak-simulator.Websites
Selected Publications
- Wang G, Peng B. "Script of Scripts: A pragmatic workflow system for daily computational research.." PLoS Comput Biol.. 2019; Pubmed PMID: 30811390
- Peng B, Leong MC, Chen HS, Rotunno M, Brignole KR, Clarke J, Mechanic LE. "Genetic Simulation Resources and the GSR Certification Program.." Bioinformatics. 2019; Pubmed PMID: 30101297
- Peng B, Wang G, Ma J, Leong MC, Wakefield C, Melott J, Chiu Y, Du D, Weinstein JN "SoS Notebook: an interactive multi-language data analysis environment." Bioinformatics. 2018; Pubmed PMID: 29790910
- Peng B, Chen HS, Mechanic LE, Racine B, Clarke J, Gillanders E, Feuer EJ "Genetic data simulators and their applications: an overview. Genet Epidemiol.." Genet Epidemiol.. 2015; Pubmed PMID: 25504286
- Chen HS, Hutter CM, Mechanic LE, Amos CI, Bafna V, Hauser ER, Hernandez RD, Li C, Liberles DA, McAllister K, Moore JH, Paltoo DN, Papanicolaou GJ, Peng B, Ritchie MD, Rosenfeld G, Witte JS, Gillanders EM, Feuer EJ. "Genetic simulation tools for post-genome wide association studies of complex diseases.." Genet Epidemiol.. 2015; Pubmed PMID: 25371374
- Wang GT, Peng B, Leal SM "Variant association tools for quality control and analysis of large-scale sequence and genotyping array data.." Am J Hum Genet.. 2014; Pubmed PMID: 24791902
- Peng B, Chen HS, Mechanic LE, Racine B, Clarke J, Clarke L, Gillanders E, Feuer EJ. "Genetic Simulation Resources: a website for the registration and discovery of genetic data simulators.." Bioinformatics. 2013; Pubmed PMID: 23435068
- Script of Script
- (08/2016 - present)
- Polyglot Notebook and Workflow System that provide an environment for both interactive data analysis and batch data processing.
- Variant Tools
- (05/2010 - present)
- Software tool for the manipulation, annotation, selection, and analysis of variants in the context of next-gen sequencing analysis
- Genetic Simulation Resources
- NCI (06/2012 - present)
- Genetic Simulation Resources (GSR) is a website provided by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) that aims to help researchers compare and choose the appropriate simulation tools for their studies.
- Computational tools for sequence-based large-scale epidemiology studies - #R01HG008972 (06/14/2016 - 03/31/2021) Grant funding from NIGRI
- Genetic simulation software registration & discovery system National Cancer Institute
- Bioinformatics
- Genetic Epidemiology
- Genetic Simulations
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