Bruna Corradetti, PhD
Bruna Corradetti, PhD
Assistant Professor
- Assistant Professor
Center for Precision Environmental Health
Baylor College of Medicine
- PhD from Polytechnic University of Marche
- 02/2012 - Ancona, Italy
- MSc from Polytechnic University of Marche
- 07/2008 - Ancona, Italy
- BSc from Polytechnic University of Marche
- 03/2005 - Ancona, Italy
The power of resilience in science
Selected Publications
- Corradetti B, Correani A, Romaldini A, Marini MG, Bizzaro D, Perrini C, Cremonesi F, Lange-Consiglio A "Amniotic membrane-derived mesenchymal cells and their conditioned media: potential candidates for uterine regenerative therapy in the horse.." PLoS One. 2014;9::e111324.
- Pisano S, Lenna S, Healey GD, Meeks L, Jimenez JS, Velazquez O, Gonzalez D, Conlan RS, Corradetti B. "Assessment of the immune landscapes of advanced ovarian cancer in an optimized in vivo model.." Clinical and Translational Medicine. 2021;10:e551.
- Corradetti B, Vaiasicca S, Mantovani M, Virgili E, Bonucci M, Hammarberg Ferri I "Bioactive Immunomodulatory Compounds: A Novel Combinatorial Strategy for Integrated Medicine in Oncology?." Integr Cancer Ther.;18:1534735419866908..
- Villarreal RA, Cooke JP, Corradetti B. "Biomimetic and immunomodulatory therapeutics as an alternative to natural exosomes for vascular and cardiac applications.." Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine.. 2021;35:102385..
- Corradetti B, Taraballi F, Minardi S, Powel S, Cabrera F, Van Eps JL, Weiner BK, Tasciotti E "Biomimetic collagenous scaffold to tune inflammation by targeting macrophages.." J Tissue Eng. 2016;7::2041731415624667.
- Minardi S, Corradetti B, Taraballi F, Sandri M, Martinez JO, Powell ST, Tampieri A, Weiner BK, Tasciotti E "Biomimetic Concealing of PLGA Microspheres in a 3D Scaffold to Prevent Macrophage Uptake.." Small. 2016;12:: 1479-88.
- Villarreal-Leal R, Healey GD, Corradetti B. "Biomimetic immunomodulation strategies for effective tissue repair and restoration." Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews. 2021;(10.1016/j.addr.2021.113913)
- Corradetti B, Dogra P, Pisano S, Wang Z, Ferrari M, Chen S-S, Sidman RL, Pasqualini R, Arap W, Cristini V. "Comparing and contrasting adult amphibian tissue regeneration to postnatal mammalian cancer: An evolutionary biology perspective." BioEssays.. 2021;43((7)):e2000339..
- Corradetti B, Taraballi F, Minardi S, Van Eps J, Cabrera F, Francis LW, Gazze SA, Ferrari M, Weiner BK, Tasciotti E "Chondroitin Sulfate Immobilized on a Biomimetic Scaffold Modulates Inflammation While Driving Chondrogenesis.." Stem Cells Transl Med. 2016;5:670-82.
- Lange-Consiglio A, Corradetti B, Bizzaro D, Magatti M, Ressel L, Tassan S, Parolini O, Cremonesi F "Characterization and potential applications of progenitor-like cells isolated from horse amniotic membrane.." Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2012;6:622-35.
- Lovati AB, Corradetti B, Lange Consiglio A, Recordati C, Bonacina E, Bizzaro D, Cremonesi F "Characterization and differentiation of equine tendon-derived progenitor cells." J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2011;25:S75084.
- Lange-Consiglio A, Corradetti B, Meucci A, Perego R, Bizzaro D, Cremonesi F "Characteristics of equine mesenchymal stem cells derived from amnion and bone marrow: in vitro proliferative and multilineage potential assessment." Equine Vet J. 2013;45(737):44.
- Corradetti B, Stronati A, Tosti L, Manicardi G, Carnevali O, Bizzaro D "Bis-(2-ethylexhyl) phthalate impairs spermatogenesis in zebrafish (Danio rerio)." Reprod Biol. 2013;13:195-202.
- Lovati AB, Corradetti B, Lange Consiglio A, Recordati C, Bonacina E, Bizzaro D, Cremonesi F "Comparison of equine bone marrow-, umbilical cord matrix and amniotic fluid-derived progenitor cells.." Vet Res Commun. 2011;35:103-21.
- Van Eps J, Fernandez-Moure J, Cabrera F, Wang X, Karim A, Corradetti B, Chan P, Dunkin B, Tasciotti E, Weiner B, Ellsworth Wt "Decreased hernia recurrence using autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) with Strattice mesh in a rodent ventral hernia model.." Surg Endosc. 2016;30:3239-49.
- Corradetti B, Gonzalez D, Mendes Pinto I, Conlan S "Editorial. Exosomes as therapeutic systems.." Front. Cell Dev. Biol.. 2021;714743..
- Butner JD, Martin GV, Wang Z, Corradetti B, Ferrari M, Esnaola N, Chung C, Hong DS, Welsh JW, Hasegawa N, Mittendorf EA, Curley SA, Chen SH, Pan PY, Libutti SK, Ganesan S, Sidman RL, Pasqualini R, Arap W, Koay EJ, Cristini V "Early prediction of clinical response to checkpoint inhibitor therapy in human solid tumors through mathematical modeling." Elife. 2021;10:e70130..
- Lovati AB, Corradetti B, Narcisi R. "Editorial. Translating Stem Cell-Based Regenerative Approaches into Clinical Therapies for MusculoEditorial. Translating Stem Cell-Based Regenerative Approaches into Clinical Therapies for Musculoskeletal Tissue Repairskeletal Tissue Repair." Stem Cells International.;
- Corradetti B, Taraballi F, Giretti I, Bauza G, Pistillo RS, Banche Niclot F, Pandolfi L, Demarchi D, Tasciotti E "Heparan Sulfate: A Potential Candidate for the Development of Biomimetic Immunomodulatory Membranes.." Front Bioeng Biotechnol. 2017;5(86)
- Minardi S, Corradetti B, Taraballi F, Sandri M, Van Eps J, Cabrera FJ, Weiner BK, Tampieri A, Tasciotti E "Evaluation of the osteoinductive potential of a bio-inspired scaffold mimicking the osteogenic niche for bone augmentation.." Biomaterials.;62:: 128-37.
- Lange-Consiglio A, Perrini C, Tasquier R, Deregibus MC, Camussi G, Pascucci L, Marini MG, Corradetti B, Bizzaro D, De Vita B, Romele P, Parolini O, Cremonesi F "Equine Amniotic Microvesicles and Their Anti-Inflammatory Potential in a Tenocyte Model In Vitro.." Stem Cells Dev. 2017;25:: 610-21.
- Corradetti B, Fernandez-Moure JS, Chan P, Van Eps JL, Janecek T, Rameshwar P, Weiner BK, Tasciotti E "Enhanced osteogenic potential of mesenchymal stem cells from cortical bone: a comparative analysis." Stem Cell Res Ther. 2015;6:203.
- Paez-Mayorga J, Capuani S, Farina M, Lotito ML, Niles JA, Salazar HF, Rhudy J, Esnaola L, Ying Xuan Chua C, Taraballi F, Corradetti B, Shelton KA, Nehete PN, Nichols JE, and Grattoni G. "Enhanced in vivo vascularization of 3D-printed cell encapsulation device using platelet-rich plasma and mesenchymal stem cells.." Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2020;11.1002/adhm.202000670..
- Minardi S, Corradetti B, Taraballi F, Byun JH, Cabrera F, Liu X, Ferrari M, Weiner BK, Tasciotti E "IL-4 Release from a Biomimetic Scaffold for the Temporally Controlled Modulation of Macrophage Response." Ann Biomed Eng. 2016;44:2008-19.
- Corradetti B, Taraballi F, Martinez JO, Minardi S, Basu N, Bauza G, Evangelopoulos M, Powell S, Corbo C, Tasciotti E "Hyaluronic acid coatings as a simple and efficient approach to improve MSC homing toward the site of inflammation.." 2017;7(7991)
- Corradetti B, Taraballi F, Corbo C, Cabrera F, Pandolfi L, Minardi S, Wang X, Van Eps J, Bauza G, Weiner B, Tasciotti E "Immune tuning scaffold for the local induction of a pro-regenerative environment.." Scientific Reports. 2017;7:17030.
- Pisano S, Pierini I, Gu J, Gazze A, Francis LW, Gonzalez D, Conlan RS and Corradetti B "Immune (cell) derived exosome mimetics (IDEM) as a treatment for ovarian cancer.." Frontiers in Cells and Developmental Biology.. 2020;doi: 10.3389/fcell.2020.553576
- Nizzero S, Shen H, Ferrari M, Corradetti B "Immunotherapeutic Transport Oncophysics: space, time, and immune activation against cancer.." Trends in Cancer. Cell Press. 2020;6((1)):40-48..
- Lange-Consiglio A, Corradetti B, Rutigliano L, Cremonesi F, Bizzaro D "In vitro studies of horse umbilical cord matrix-derived cells and labeling efficiency with magnetic resonance contrast agents.." Open Journal of Tissue Eng Regen med. 2011;4:120-133.
- Lange-Consiglio A, Corradetti B, Perrini C, Bizzaro D, Cremonesi F "Leptin and leptin receptor are detectable in equine spermatozoa but are not involved in in vitro fertilisation." Reprod Fertil Dev. 2016;28:574-85.
- Investigating the efficacy of amnion-derived compared with bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells in equine tendon and ligament injuries. "Investigating the efficacy of amnion-derived compared with bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells in equine tendon and ligament injuries.." Cytotherapy. 2013;15:1011-20.
- Corradetti B, Meucci A, Bizzaro D, Cremonesi F, Lange Consiglio A "Mesenchymal stem cells from amnion and amniotic fluid in the bovine.." Reproduction. 2014;145:: 391-400.
- Perrini C, Strillacci MG, Bagnato A, Esposti P, Marini MG, Corradetti B, Bizzaro D, Idda A, Ledda S, Capra E, Pizzi F, Lange-Consiglio A, Cremonesi F "Microvesicles secreted from equine amniotic-derived cells and their potential role in reducing inflammation in endometrial cells in an in-vitro model.." Stem Cell Res Ther. 2016;7:169.
- Corradetti B, Rutigliano L, Valentini L, Bizzaro D, Meucci A, Cremonesi F, Lange-Consiglio A "Molecular characterization and in vitro differentiation of feline progenitor-like amniotic epithelial cells." Stem Cell Res Ther. 2013;4:133.
- Corradetti B, Ferrari M "Nanotechnology for mesenchymal stem cell therapies.." J Control Release. 2016;240:: 242-250.
- Corradetti B, Pisano S, Conlan RS, Ferrari M "Nanotechnology and Immunotherapy in Ovarian Cancer: Tracing New Landscapes.." J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 2019;370:: 636-646.
- Paez-Mayorga J, Capuani S, Hernandez N, Farina M, Ying Xuan Chua C, Blanchard R, Sizovs A, Liu H-C, Fraga DW, Niles JA, Salazar HF, Corradetti B, Sikora AG, Kloc M, Li XC, Gaber AO, Nichols JE, Grattoni A. "Neovascularized implantable cell homing encapsulation platform with tunable local immunosuppressant delivery for allogeneic cell transplantation.." Biomaterials. 2020;257::120232.
- Khaled SZ, Cevenini A, Yazdi IK, Parodi A, Evangelopoulos M, Corbo C, Scaria S, Hu Y, Haddix SG, Corradetti B, Salvatore F, Tasciotti E "One-pot synthesis of pH-responsive hybrid nanogel particles for the intracellular delivery of small interfering RNA.." Biomaterials. 2016;87:57-68.
- . Corradetti B, Taraballi F, Powell S, Sung D, Minardi S, Ferrari M, Weiner BK, Tasciotti E "Osteoprogenitor cells from bone marrow and cortical bone: understanding how the environment affects their fate." Stem Cells Dev. 2015;24:1112-23.
- Corradetti B, Freile P, Pells S, Bagnaninchi P, Park J, Fahmy TM, de Sousa PA "Paracrine signalling events in embryonic stem cell renewal mediated by affinity targeted nanoparticles.." Biomaterials. 2012;33:6634-43.
- Lange-Consiglio A, Corradetti B, Bertani S, Notarstefano V, Perrini C, Marini MG, Arrighi S, Bosi G, Belloli A, Pravettoni D, Locatelli V, Cremonesi F, Bizzaro D "Peculiarity of porcine amniotic membrane and its derived cells: a contribution to the Study of cell therapy from a large animal model.." Cell Reprogram. 2015;17:472-83.
- Taraballi F, Minardi S, Corradetti B, Yazdi IK, Balliano MA, Van Eps JL, Allegri M, Tasciotti E "Potential avoidance of adverse analgesic effects using a biologically "smart" hydrogel capable of controlled bupivacaine release." J Pharm Sci. 2014;103:3724-3732.
- Corradetti B, Dogra P, Ferrari M, Cristini V "Regenerative medicine to trump cancer.." Open Access Government.. 2018;
- Corradetti B, Lange-Consiglio A, Barucca M, Cremonesi F, Bizzaro D ( "Size-sieved subpopulations of mesenchymal stem cells from intervascular and perivascular equine umbilical cord matrix.." Cell Proliferation. 2011;44:330-42.
- Corradetti B, Lovati AB, Cremonesi F, Bizzaro D, Consiglio AL "Tenogenic differentiation of equine mesenchymal progenitor cells under indirect co-culture." Int J Artif Organs. 2012;35:996-1005.
- Bertozzi S, Londero AP, Viola L, Orsaria M, Bulfoni M, Marzinotto S, Corradetti B, Baccarani U, Cesselli D, Cedolini C, Mariuzzi L. "TFEB, SIRT1, CARM1, Beclin-1 expression and PITX2 methylation in breast cancer chemoresistance: a retrospective study." BMC Cancer. 2021;18;21(1):1118..
- Bertozzi S, Corradetti B, Fruscalzo A, Londero AP. "Editorial. Precision Medicine in Obstetrics: Pregnancy Complication.." J Pers Med.. 2023 Feb;13(2):305.
- Bertozzi S, Corradetti B, Seriau L, Ñañez JAD, Cedolini C, Fruscalzo A, Cesselli D, Cagnacci A, Londero AP "Nanotechnologies in Obstetrics and Cancer during Pregnancy: A Narrative Review." J Pers Med.. 2022 Aug;12(8):1324.
- Exosomes as tools for cell-to-cell communication during the inflammatory process - #663830 – SU185 (07/01/2018 - 02/28/2022) Grant funding from European Commission - COFUND Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Fellowship
- Transdifferentiating Fibroblasts to vascular endothelial cells for the treatment of chronic wounds - #18220004 (02/01/2020 - 01/31/2021) Grant funding from George and Angelina Kostas Foundation
- Harnessing he potential of dendritic cells-derived exosomes as tools for immunotherapy in ovarian cancer (03/22/2019 - 12/31/2023) Grant funding from Golfers Against Cancer Foundation
- Engineering RNA-based conductive patches for the treatment of endotheliopathy-associated chronic wounds Grant funding from George and Angelina Kostas Foundation
- A Local Immunoactive Patch for the Treatment of Chronic Wounds ( Grant funding from US Army - Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program Discovery Award
Intellectual Property
- Method Patent #OTT202112 (Pending)
- Invention disclosure filed at Houston Methodist Research Institute
- Co Inventors: Simone Pisano
- mRNA-enhanced therapeutics for regenerative medicine
- Stem cell-based therapeutics
- Immunotherapy and immunomodulation
- Exosomes and exosome mimetics for degenerative disorders
- Exosomal vaccines against cancer recurrence
- Mouse models
Italian, Spanish
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