Hyun-Kyoung Lee, MS, Ph.D.

- Associate professor
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX US
- Principal Investigator
Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute, Texas Children's Hospital
- Cynthia and Anthony G. Petrello Endowed Scholar in Neurological Research
Texas Children's Hospital
- Associate Professor
Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas United States
- Departments of Pediatrics and Neuroscience (Office)
Neurological Research Institute
Houston, TX 77030
United States
- Departments of Pediatrics and Neuroscience (Lab)
Neurological Research Institute
Houston, TX 77030
United States
- BS from University of Dong-A
- 02/2004 - Busan, South Korea
- Biotechnology
- PhD from Dong-A College of Medicine
- 02/2009 - Busan, South Korea
- Physiology, Neuroscience
- Postdoctoral Fellowship at Baylor College of Medicine
- 12/2015 - Houston, Texas United States
- Glial development
Honors & Awards
- Career Transition Award
- National Multiple Sclerosis Society
- Research Mentor Award
- Dept Pediatrics, BCM/TCH
- Young Investigator Award
- Dept Pediatrics, BCM/TCH
Professional Interests
- Elucidating mechanisms of gliogenesis in neural development and how its dysfunction can lead to neurodegenerative diseases
Professional Statement
In my laboratory, we plan to take an interdisciplinary approach to the study of neural development and eventually neurodegenerative disease. Glia play diverse roles in the functioning CNS and, consequently, are associated with numerous neurological disorders and malignancies. In spite of their vital role in CNS physiology and pathology, the molecular mechanisms that control their development and diversity remain poorly defined; accordingly, how these processes contribute to CNS pathology also remains undefined. Therefore, our studies focus on the identification of novel molecular signaling and regulatory pathway in glial cell development by manipulation both chick and mouse model systems and biochemical techniques combined with an array of complex CNS injury models. These studies will provide the foundation upon which we will translate developmentally relevant findings to demyelinating diseases and neurodegenerative disorders in an effort to develop therapeutic interventions.Websites
Selected Publications
- Cristobal CD, Lee HK. "Development of myelinating glia: An overview." Glia. 2022 Jul; Pubmed PMID: 35785432
- Cristobal CD*, Wang C*, Zuo Z, Smith J, Bellen H, Lee HK "Daam2 regulates myelin structure and the oligodendrocyte actin cytoskeleton through Rac1 and Gelsolin." J. Neurosci.. 2022 Mar; Pubmed PMID: 35101966
- Jo J, Woo J, Cristobal CD, Choi JM, Wang CY, Ye Q, Smith JA, Ung K, Liu G, Cortes D, Jung SY, Arenkiel BR, Lee HK. "Regional heterogeneity of astrocyte morphogenesis dictated by the formin protein, Daam2, modifies circuit function.." EMBO Rep. 2021 Dec; Pubmed PMID: 34633730
- Ding X, Jo J, Cristobal DC, Zuo Z, Wang CY, Wirianto M, Ye Q, Lindeke-Myers A, Choi JM, Mohila CA, Kawabe H, Jung SY, Bellen H, Yoo, SH, Lee HK "The Daam2-VHL-Nedd4 Axis Governs Developmental and Regenerative Oligodendrocyte Differentiation." Genes Dev. 2020 Sep;1(34(17-18)):1177-1189. Pubmed PMID: 32792353
- Cristobal CD, Ye Q, Jo J, Ding X, Wang CY, Cortes D, Chen Z, Lee HK "Daam2 couples translocation and clustering of Wnt receptor signalsomes through PIP5K and Rac1." J Cell Sci. 2021 Jan;25:134. Pubmed PMID: 33310913
- Lopez-Silva TL*, Cristobal CD*, Edwin Lai CS, Leyva-Aranda V, Lee HK*, Hartgerink JD* "Self-assembling multidomain peptide hydrogels accelerate peripheral nerve regeneration after crush injury." Biomaterials. 2020 Sep;19(265):120401. Pubmed PMID: 33002786
- Lee HK, Chaboub LS, Zhu W, Zollinger D, Rasband MN, Fancy SP, Deneen B "Daam2-PIP5K is a regulatory pathway for Wnt signaling and therapeutic target for remyelination in the CNS." Neuron. 2015 May 18;85(6):1227-43. Pubmed PMID: 25754822
- Lee HK, Deneen B "Daam2 is required for dorsal patterning via modulation of canonical Wnt signaling in the developing spinal cord." Dev Cell. 2012 Jan 17;22(1):183-96. Pubmed PMID: 22227309
- Lee HK, Laug D, Zhu W, Patel JM, Ung K, Arenkiel BR, Fancy SP, Mohila C, Deneen B "Apcdd1 stimulates oligodendrocyte differentiation after white matter injury." Glia. 2015 Oct;63(10):1840-9. Pubmed PMID: 25946682
- Kang P*, Lee HK*, Glasgow SM, Finley M, Donti T, Gaber ZB, Graham BH, Foster AE, Novitch BG, Gronostajski RM, Deneen B "Sox9 and NFIA coordinate a transcriptional regulatory cascade during the initiation of gliogenesis." Neuron. 2012 Apr 12;74(1):79-94. Pubmed PMID: 22500632
- Jung J*, Cai W*, Lee HK*, Pellegatta M, Shin YK, Jang SY, Suh DJ, Wrabetz L, Feltri ML, Park HT "Actin polymerization is essential for myelin sheath fragmentation during Wallerian degeneration." J Neurosci. 2011 Feb 9;31(6):2009-15. Pubmed PMID: 21307239
- R01NS110859 NIH/NINDS R01
- R01DE021798-06A1 NIH/NIDCR R01
- RG 1907-34551 National Multiple Sclerosis Society
- Research grant Helis Medical Research Foundations
- Research grant ( Mark A. Wallace Endowment Award
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