Mark L Entman, M.D.

Mark L Entman, M.D.
Professor Emeritus
- Professor Emeritus
Medicine-Cardiovascular Sciences
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas United States
- Scientific Director
The DeBakey Heart Center
Baylor College of Medicine
- William J. Osher Chair in Cardiovascular Research in the Department of Medicine
Medicine-Cardiovascular Sciences
Baylor College of Medicine
- M.D. from Duke University School Of Medicine
- 01/1963 - Durham, NC United States
- Internship/Residency from The Johns Hopkins Hospital
- 01/1964 - Baltimore, Maryland United States
- Post-doctoral Fellowship from Duke University Medical Center
- 01/1966 - Durham, North Carolina United States
- Research Physician from Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
- 01/1968 - Washington, District of Columbia United States
Honors & Awards
- Emeritus Fellow
- International Society for Heart Research (01/2022)
- Lifetime Achievement Award in Cardiovascular Science, Medicine and Surgery
- International Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences (08/2017)
- Ken Bowman Research Achievement Award
- 01/2007
- Duke University Medical Center Distinguished Alumnus Award
- 11/1996
- 01/1985
- ISI (Current Contents) Citation Classic
- 01/1985
- International Society for Heart Research Award for Outstanding Research
- 01/1985
- Howard Hughes Medical Investigator
- 01/1972 - 01/1978
Professional Interests
- Molecular mechanisms of cardiac injury and repair
- Chemokines
- Progenitor cells
Professional Statement
Dr. Entman was recruited to Baylor College of Medicine as an assistant professor in 1970. He was a Howard Hughes Medical Investigator from 1971 and 1979 when he assumed his present position. In 1977, Dr. Entman became the chief of the Section of Cardiovascular Sciences and director of the Division of Research of NHLBI National Research and Demonstration Center at Baylor College of Medicine and The Methodist Hospital. In 1985, the DeBakey Heart Center replaced that program. Dr. Entman has been continuously funded as a principal investigator by the National Institutes of Health since 1967 and is currently funded until 2017. He was principal investigator of two Program Project Grants (21 years) and Research Director of the NHLBI Research and Demonstration Center at Baylor from 1976-1985. Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Calcium Flux - Dr. Entman’s early research interests relate to control of myocardial calcium and sarcoplasmic reticulum function. These studies were continuously supported by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institutes since before his arrival at Baylor until 2000. For this work, Dr. Entman received the Outstanding Research Award from the International Society of Heart Research (1986) and was awarded an NIH MERIT AWARD (1989-1999). Characterization of Acute Inflammation in Myocardial Injury - Dr. Entman’s other research interests relate to the molecular and cellular mechanism injury and repair in the myocardium. These studies have been supported since 1974 by an RO1 and subsequent Program Project Grants and RO1’s of which he was Principal Investigator. In the late 1980s, the studies shifted to examining the role of inflammation in cardiac injury following reperfusion of the infarcted myocardium. Studies were aimed at characterizing the accelerated reperfusion-induced inflammation and its role in extending myocardial injury. Dr. Entman and his colleagues were the first to demonstrate the induction of ICAM-1 expression on viable cardiac myocytes in the jeopardized border zone of a reperfused myocardial infarction. They demonstrated in vivo that the presence of ICAM-1 sensitizes myocardial cells to adhesion-dependent neutrophil induced injury (oxidative). Subsequent work dealt with characterizing the cytokine cascade responsible for inflammatory injury of the surviving border zone. Factors influencing both the cardiac and leukocyte response were studied and examined in the context of the pathophysiologic course of infarct progress. Chronic Inflammatory Response in Cardiac Repair and Remodeling – These studies led to examination of reperfusion-induced inflammation as a mediator of cardiac repair and remodeling. The overall strategy involved identification of cellular and molecular events that result in injury and identification of potential factors which might reduce inflammatory injury or promote repair. An emphasis related to chemokine and TGF beta roles in suppressing acute inflammation and allowing repair. This work led to investigations of the cellular and molecular link between inflammation and adverse remodeling in the heart. In recent years, the laboratory has defined, in both murine models and clinical material taken from ischemic cardiomyopathy (in the absence of infarction) the presence of CD45+ fibroblasts arising from marrow derived blood borne monocytic cells in response to MCP-1 dysregulation. The model demonstrates a sequential role for M1 macrophages inducing cytokines and lymphokines to effect M2 polarization. M2 macrophages become myeloid fibroblasts seen in cardiac remodeling.In contrast, we showed that fibroblasts mediating cardiac scar formation arose from endogenous mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Examination of MSCs in the aging mouse demonstrated the dysfunctional lineage choice and its association to the generation of fibroblasts in the myocardial infarction that did not transition to myofibroblasts. Dysfunctional fibroblasts in the aging mouse have marked reduction in TGF beta responsiveness and markedly reduced levels of TGF beta1 receptor. Growing endogenous mesenchymal stem cells from young animals in the presence of higher insulin levels (seen in aged mice) also resulted in a similar dysfunction. This data suggests that defective scar formation in aging mice previously reported by our laboratory and the well-observed problems with infarct healing in aging patients may also arise from this defect in mesenchymal stem cells. Peer Review - In addition to membership in the societies and organization listed, Dr. Entman has also been active in peer review. He was a member of the Pharmacology Study Section of NIH, a member and chairman of the American Heart Association Cardiovascular B Research Study Committee, and a member of the National Cardiology Merit Review Board of the Veteran's Administration, as well as many ad hoc groups. Dr. Entman also served on the Research and Program Evaluation Committee of the American Heart Association and was chairman of the American Heart Association Research Policy Subcommittee. He serves or has served on the editorial boards of all of the major journals associated with cardiovascular research. He has also been the associate editor for Federation Proceedings and FASEB Journal and associate editor of Circulation.
Selected Publications
- Cieslik KA, Taffet GE, Carlson S, Hermosillo J, Trial J, Entman ML "Immune-inflammatory dysregulation modulates the incidence of progressive fibrosis and diastolic stiffness in the aging heart.." J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol.. 2011 Jan;50(1):248-56. Pubmed PMID: 20974150
- Carlson S, Trial J, Soeller C, Entman ML "Cardiac mesenchymal stem cells contribute to scar formation after myocardial infarction.." Cardiovasc. Res.. 2011 Jul 1;91(1):99-107. Pubmed PMID: 21357194
- Cieslik KA, Trial J, Entman ML "Defective Myofibroblast Formation from Mesenchymal Stem Cells in the Aging Murine Heart Rescue by Activation of the AMPK Pathway.." Am. J. Pathol.. 2011 Oct;179(4):1792-806. Pubmed PMID: 21819956
- Cieslik KA, Crawford JR, Taffet GE, Trial J, Mejia-Osuna P, Entman ML. "AICAR dependent AMPK activation improves scar formation in the aged heart in a murine model of reperfused myocardial infarction.." J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2013;63:26-36. Pubmed PMID: 23871790
- Cieslik KA, Trial J, Carlson S, Taffet GE, Entman ML "Aberrant differentiation of fibroblast progenitors contributes to fibrosis in the aged murine heart: role of elevated circulating insulin levels.." FASEB J.. 2013 Apr;27(4):1761-71. Pubmed PMID: 23303205
- Cieslik KA, Trial J, Crawford JR, Taffet GE, Entman ML. "Adverse fibrosis in the aging heart depends on signaling between myeloid and mesenchymal cells; role of inflammatory fibroblasts." J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2014;70C:56-63. Pubmed PMID: 24184998
- Cieslik KA, Trial J, Crawford JR, Entman ML. "Mesenchymal stem cell-derived inflammatory fibroblasts promote monocyte transition into myeloid fibroblasts via an IL-6-dependent mechanism in the aging mouse heart.." FASEB Journal. 2015;29(8):3160-3170. Pubmed PMID: 25888601
- Trial J, Pena Heredia C, Taffet GE, Entman ML, Cieslik KA. "Dissecting the role of myeloid and mesenchymal fibroblasts in age-dependent cardiac fibrosis.." Basic Res Cardiol. 2017;112(4):34. Pubmed PMID: 28478479
- Cieslik KA, Trial J, Entman ML. "Aicar treatment reduces interstitial fibrosis in aging mice: Suppression of the inflammatory fibroblast.." J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2017;111:81-85. Pubmed PMID: 28826664
- Medrano G, Hermosillo-Rodriguez J, Pham T, Granillo A, Hartley CJ, Reddy AK, Osuna PM, Entman ML, Taffet GE. "Left atrial volume and pulmonary artery diameter are noninvasive measures of age-related diastolic dysfunction in mice.." J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2016;71(9):1141-1150. Pubmed PMID: 26511013
- Trial J, Diaz Lankenau R, Angelini A, Tovar Perez JE, Taffet GE, Entman ML. "Treatment with a DC-SIGN ligand reduces macrophage polarization and diastolic dysfunction in the aging female but not male mouse hearts.." Geroscience. 2021;43(2):881-899. Pubmed PMID: 32851570
- Angelini A, Trial J, Ortiz-Urbina J, Cieslik K. "Mechanosensing dysregulation in the fibroblast: A hallmark of the aging heart.." Ageing Research Reviews. 2020;63:101150; doi: 10.1016/j.arr.2020.101150. Pubmed PMID: 32846223
- Haudek SB, Xia Y, Huebener P, Lee JM, Carlson S, Crawford JR, Pilling D, Gomer RH, Trial J, Frangogiannis NG, Entman ML "Bone marrow-derived fibroblast precursors mediate ischemic cardiomyopathy in mice.." Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.. 2006 Nov 28;103(48):18284-9. Pubmed PMID: 17114286
- Cieslik KA, Sekhar RV, Granillo A, Reddy AK, Medrano G, Heredia CP, Entman ML, Hamilton DJ, Li S, Reineke E, Gupte AA, Zhang A, Taffet GE. "Improved cardiovascular function in old mice after n-acetyl cysteine and glycine supplemented diet: Inflammation and mitochondrial factors.." J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2018;73(9):1167-1177. Pubmed PMID: 29538624
- Tovar Perez JE, Heredia CP, Pham TT, Madala S, Hartley CJ, Entman ML, Taffet GE, Reddy AK "Aortic acceleration as a noninvasive surrogate of left ventricular contractility in the mouse.." Scientific Reports. 2021;11:536; doi 10.1038/s41598-020-79866-y. Pubmed PMID: 33436716
- American Society for Investigative Pathology
- Member
- Association of American Physicians
- Member
- American Physiological Society
- Member
- American College of Cardiology
- Fellow
- American Society for Clinical Investigation
- Member
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