Md Anwarul Karim, M.B.B.S., Ph.D.

Md Anwarul Karim, M.B.B.S., Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Associate
- Postdoctoral Associate
Neurology - Neurosciences
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, US
- Baylor College of Medicine (Lab)
One Baylor Plaza
Room 206E
Houston, TX 77030
United States
- MBBS from Chittagong Medical College
- 09/2014 - Chattogram, Bangladesh
- Internship at Chittagong Medical College Hospital
- 10/2015 - Chattogram, Bangladesh
- Clinical Internship Training
- PhD from The University of Hong Kong
- 11/2021 - Hong Kong
Selected Publications
- Akter M, Fu Z, Zheng X, Iqbal Z, Zhang N, Karim A, Li Y "Astrocytic GPCR signaling in the anterior cingulate cortex modulates decision making in rats." Oxford Open Neuroscience. 2024;
- Akter M, Hasan M, Ramkrishnan AS, Zheng X, Iqbal Z, Fu Z, Lei Z, Karim A, Li Y "Astrocyte and L-lactate in the anterior cingulate cortex modulate schema memory and neuronal mitochondrial biogenesis." eLife. 2023;
- Sarasamma S, Karim A, Orengo JP "Zebrafish models of rare neurological diseases like spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs): Advantages and limitations." Biology. 2023;
- Ahmed S#, Karim A#, Chowdhury TK, Pulock OS, Tamanna N, Akter M, Biswas P, Afroz F, Pinky SD, Alabbi AN, Jamil TR, Tasnim Z, Dev D, Marma M, Aziz TT, Hakim HAN, Basher AKMK, Shahin NHB, Banu T "Patients’ characteristics and 30-day mortality for those undergoing elective surgeries during COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh." PLoS One. 2023;
- Akter M, Ma H, Hasan M, Karim A, Zhu X, Zhang L, Li Y "Exogenous L-lactate administration in rat hippocampus increases expression of key regulators of mitochondrial biogenesis and antioxidant defense." Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 2023;
- Tang CS, Karim A, Zhong Y, Chung PH, Tam PK "Genetics of Hirschsprung’s disease." Pediatric Surgery International. 2023;
- Karim A, Tang CS, Tam PK "The emerging genetic landscape of Hirschsprung disease and its potential clinical applications." Frontiers in Pediatrics. 2021;
- Kuil LE, MacKenzie KC, Tang CS, Windster JD, Le TL, Karim A, de Graaf BM, van der Helm R, van Bever Y, Sloots CEJ, Meeussen C, Tibboel D, de Klein A, Wijnen RMH, Amiel J, Lyonnet S, Garcia-Barcelo MM, Tam PKH, Alves MM, Brooks AS, Hofstra RMW, Brosens E "Size matters: Large copy number losses in Hirschsprung disease patients reveal genes involved in enteric nervous system development." PLoS Genetics. 2021;
- Zhuang X, Ye R, So MT, Lam WY, Karim A, Yu M, Ngo ND, Cherny SS, Tam PK, Garcia-Barcelo MM, Tang CS, Sham PC "A random forest-based framework for genotyping and accuracy assessment of copy number variations." NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics. 2020;
- Karim A, Akter M, ..., Banu T "Knowledge and attitude towards COVID-19: A cross sectional study in Bangladesh through phone and online survey." J Clin Exp Invest. 2020;
- Banu T, Karim A, Adel MG, Lakhoo K, Aziz TT, Das A, Sharmeen N, Yapo B, Ferdous KMN, Kabir KA, Zahid MK, Ford K, Ahsan MQ, Akter M, Alam MA. Hoque, M "Multicenter Study of 342 Anorectal Malformation Patients: Age, Gender, Krickenbeck Subtypes, and Associated Anomalies." Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2019;
- Banu T, Chowdhury TK, Aziz TT, Das A, Tamanna N, Pulock OS, Imam MS, Karim A, Akter M, Walid A "Cost Incurred by the Family for Surgery in Their Children: A Bangladesh Perspective." World Journal of Surgery. 2018;
- Karim A, Akter M, Aziz TT, Hoque M, Chowdhury TK, Imam MS, Walid A, Kabir M, So M, Lam WY, Tang CS, Wong KK, Tam PKH, Garcia-Barcelo MM, Banu T "Epidemiological characteristics of Hirschsprung’s disease (HSCR): Results of a case series of fifty patients from Bangladesh." Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 2018;
- Hsu JSJ, So M, Tang CSM, Karim A, Porsch RM, Wong C, Yu M, Yeung F, Xia H, Zhang R, Cherny SS, Chung PHY, Wong KKY, Sham PC, Ngo ND, Li M, Tam PKH, Lui VCH, Garcia-Barcelo MM "De novo mutations in Caudal Type Homeo Box Transcription Factor 2 (CDX2) in patients with persistent cloaca." Human Molecular Genetics. 2017;
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