Sally Ann Holmes, M.D.

Sally Ann Holmes, M.D.
Associate Professor and Section Chief, Spinal Cord Injury Medicine
- Associate Professor and Section Chief, Spinal Cord Injury Medicine
H. Ben Taub Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX US
- Spinal Cord Injury Care Line Executive
Michael E. DeBakey VAMC
Houston, Texas United States
- Residency at Baylor College Of Medicine Affiliate Hospitals
- 06/1994 - Houston, Texas United States
- Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
- Internship at Baptist Memorial Hospital
- 06/1991 - Memphis, TN United States
- MD from University Of Tennessee College Of Medicine
- 06/1990 - Memphis, TN United States
- BS from Rhodes College
- 05/1985 - Memphis, Tennessee United States
- Biology
- Board Certification - PM&R
- ##4765 (01/01/2016 - 12/31/2025)
- American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Subspecialty Certification - Spinal Cord Inury Medicine
- ##46 (12/01/2018 - 12/01/2028)
- American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- #M0756 (12/01/2012 - 11/30/2024)
- The Texas State Board of Medical Examiners
Selected Publications
- Garber SL, Rintala DH, Holmes SA, Rodriguez GP, Friedman J "A structured educational model to improve pressure ulcer prevention knowledge in veterans with spinal cord dysfunction.." J Rehabil Res Dev.;39(5):575-88. Pubmed PMID: 17642022
- Lim HK, Lee DC, McKay WB, Protas EJ, Holmes SA, Priebe MM, Sherwood A "Analysis of sEMG during voluntary movement--Part II: Voluntary response index sensitivity.." IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. 2004 Dec;12(4):416-21. Pubmed PMID: 15614997
- Chiou-Tan FY, Garza H, Chan KT, Parsons KC, Donovan WH, Robertson CS, Holmes SA, Graves DE, Rintala DH "Comparison of dalteparin and enoxaparin for deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis in patients with spinal cord injury.." Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2003 Sep;82(9):678-85. Pubmed PMID: 12960909
- Rintala DH, Holmes SA, Courtade D, Fiess RN, Tastard LV, Loubser PG "Comparison of the effectiveness of amitriptyline and gabapentin on chronic neuropathic pain in persons with spinal cord injury.." Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2007 Dec;88(12):1547-60. Pubmed PMID: 18047869
- Teixeira da Cunha-Filho I, Henson H, Qureshy H, Williams AL, Holmes SA, Protas EJ "Differential responses to measures of gait performance among healthy and neurologically impaired individuals.." Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2003 Dec;84(12):1774-9. Pubmed PMID: 14669182
- Hogan TP, Holmes SA, Rapacki LM, Evans CT, Lindblom L, Hoenig H, Goldstein B, Hahm B, Weaver FM "Disaster preparedness and response practices among providers from the Veterans Health Administration and Veterans with spinal cord injuries and/or disorders.." J Spinal Cord Med. 2011;34(4):353-61. Pubmed PMID: 21903009
- Rintala DH, Fiess RN, Tan G, Holmes SA, Bruel BM "Effect of dronabinol on central neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury: a pilot study.." Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2010 Oct;89(10):840-8. Pubmed PMID: 20855984
- Ottomanelli L, Goetz LL, Suris A, McGeough C, Sinnott PL, Toscano R, Barnett SD, Cipher DJ, Lind LM, Dixon TM, Holmes SA, Kerrigan AJ, Thomas FP "Effectiveness of supported employment for veterans with spinal cord injuries: results from a randomized multisite study.." Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2012 May;93(5):740-7. Pubmed PMID: 22541306
- Tan G, Rintala DH, Jensen MP, Richards JS, Holmes SA, Parachuri R, Lashgari-Saegh S, Price LR "Efficacy of cranial electrotherapy stimulation for neuropathic pain following spinal cord injury: a multi-site randomized controlled trial with a secondary 6-month open-label phase.." J Spinal Cord Med. 2011;34(3):285-96. Pubmed PMID: 21756567
- Wilson MS, Qureshy H, Protas EJ, Holmes SA, Krouskop TA, Sherwood AM "Equipment specifications for supported treadmill ambulation training.." J Rehabil Res Dev.;37(4):415-22. Pubmed PMID: 11028697
- Guihan M, Garber SL, Bombardier CH, Durazo-Arizu R, Goldstein B, Holmes SA "Lessons learned while conducting research on prevention of pressure ulcers in veterans with spinal cord injury.." Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2007 Jul;88(7):858-61. Pubmed PMID: 17601465
- Lim HK, Lee DC, McKay WB, Priebe MM, Holmes SA, Sherwood AM "Neurophysiological assessment of lower-limb voluntary control in incomplete spinal cord injury.." Spinal Cord. 2005 May;43(5):283-90. Pubmed PMID: 15672098
- McKay WB, Lee DC, Lim HK, Holmes SA, Sherwood AM "Neurophysiological examination of the corticospinal system and voluntary motor control in motor-incomplete human spinal cord injury.." Exp Brain Res. 2005 Jun;163(3):379-87. Pubmed PMID: 15616810
- Chu D, Bakaeen FG, Shenaq SA, Ribati M, Atluri PV, Holmes SA, Berger DH, Huh J "Open-heart operations in patients with a spinal cord injury.." Am. J. Surg.. 2007 Nov;194(5):663-7. Pubmed PMID: 17936431
- Guihan M, Garber SL, Bombardier CH, Goldstein B, Holmes SA, Cao L "Predictors of pressure ulcer recurrence in veterans with spinal cord injury.." J Spinal Cord Med. 2008;31(5):551-9. Pubmed PMID: 19086713
- Rintala DH, Holmes SA, Fiess RN, Courtade D, Loubser PG "Prevalence and characteristics of chronic pain in veterans with spinal cord injury.." J Rehabil Res Dev.;42(5):573-84. Pubmed PMID: 16586183
- Rintala DH, Garber SL, Friedman JD, Holmes SA "Preventing recurrent pressure ulcers in veterans with spinal cord injury: impact of a structured education and follow-up intervention.." Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2008 Aug;89(8):1429-41. Pubmed PMID: 18674978
- Protas EJ, Holmes SA, Qureshy H, Johnson A, Lee D, Sherwood AM "Supported treadmill ambulation training after spinal cord injury: a pilot study.." Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2001 Jun;82(6):825-31. Pubmed PMID: 11387590
- Bauman WA, Spungen AM, Collins JF, Raisch DW, Ho C, Deitrick GA, Nemchausky BA, Goetz LL, Park JS, Schwartz M, Merritt JL, Jayawardena V, Sandford P, Sabharwal S, Holmes SA, Nasar F, Sasaki R, Punj V, Zachow KF, Chua WC, Thomas MD, Trincher RC "The effect of oxandrolone on the healing of chronic pressure ulcers in persons with spinal cord injury: a randomized trial.." Ann. Intern. Med.. 2013 May 21;158(10):718-26. Pubmed PMID: 23689765
- Lee DC, Lim HK, McKay WB, Priebe MM, Holmes SA, Sherwood AM "Toward an objective interpretation of surface EMG patterns: a voluntary response index (VRI).." J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2004 Jun;14(3):379-88. Pubmed PMID: 15094151
- Hines-Munson C, May S, Poon I, Holmes SA, Martin L. Trautner B, Skelton F "Experiences of Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury Related to Annual Urine Screening and Antibiotic Use for Urinary Tract Infections.." PMR Journal. 2021; Pubmed PMID: 33543579
- Skelton F, Mays S, Grigoryan L, Poon I, Holmes SA, Martin L, Trautner B "Spinal Cord Injury Provider Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Bacteriuria Management and Antibiotic Stewardship." PMR Journal. 2020 Dec;12(12):1187-1194. Pubmed PMID: 32304350
- Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
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