Uma Ramamurthy, Ph.D., MBA

Uma Ramamurthy, Ph.D., MBA
Associate Professor
- Associate Professor
Research Resources Office
Baylor College of Medicine
- Executive Director, Research IT
Office of Research
Baylor College of Medicine
- Office of Research IT (Office)
Mail Stop: BCM 802
Houston, TX 77030
United States
Phone: (713) 798-8920
- MBA from Fogelman College of Business and Economics, University of Memphis
- Memphis, TN United States
- PhD from University Of Memphis
- Memphis, TN United States
- Computer Science
- MS from University Of Alabama
- Birmingham, AL United States
- Computer and Information Sciences
Professional Interests
- Paperless infrastructure for clinical trials
- Innovative IT solutions for medical research
- Architectures for health IT systems
Selected Publications
- Blackburn KW, Brubaker LS, Van Buren Ii G, Feng E, Mohamed S, Ramamurthy U, Ramanathan V, Wood AL, Navarro Cagigas ME, Fisher WE "Real Time Reporting of Complications in Hospitalized Surgical Patients by Surgical Team Members using a Smartphone Application." Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2024 Jun;50(6):449-455. Pubmed PMID: 38565473
- Bruhl RJ, et al. "Design of a home-based intervention for Houston-area African-American adults with asthma: Methods and lessons learned from a pragmatic randomized trial." Contemp Clin Trials. 2020 Apr; Pubmed PMID: 32151753
- LeMaire SA, Trautner BW, Ramamurthy U, Green SY, Zhang Q, Fisher WE, Rosengart TK. "An Academic Relative Value Unit System for Incentivizing the Academic Productivity of Surgery Faculty Members." Ann Surg.. 2018 Sep;268(3):526-533. Pubmed PMID: 30004925
- Deter RL, Lee W, Yeo L, Erez O, Ramamurthy U, Naik M, Romero R. "Individualized growth assessment: conceptual framework and practical implementation for the evaluation of fetal growth and neonatal growth outcome." Am J Obstet Gynecol.. 2018 Feb;218(2S):S656-S678. Pubmed PMID: 29422206
- Parsons DW, et al. "Diagnostic Yield of Clinical Tumor and Germline Whole-Exome Sequencing for Children With Solid Tumors." JAMA Oncology. 2016 Jan 28; Pubmed PMID: 26822237
- Sarah Scollon, Katie Bergstrom, Robin A Kerstein, Tao Wang, Susan G Hilsenbeck, Uma Ramamurthy, Richard A Gibbs, Christine M Eng, Murali M Chintagumpala, Stacey L Berg, Laurence B McCullough, Amy L McGuire, Sharon E Plon and D Williams Parsons. "Obtaining informed consent for clinical tumor and germline exome sequencing of newly diagnosed childhood cancer patients." Genome Med.. 2014;6(9):69. Pubmed PMID: 25317207
- Onar A, Ramamurthy U, Wallace D, Boyett JM "An operational perspective of challenging statistical dogma while establishing a modern, secure distributed data management and imaging transport system: the Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium phase I experience." Clin Transl Sci. 2009 Apr;2(2):143-9. Pubmed PMID: 20443880
- Mulkern RV, Forbes P, Dewey K, Osganian S, Clark M, Wong S, Ramamurthy U, Kun L, Poussaint TY "Establishment and results of a magnetic resonance quality assurance program for the pediatric brain tumor consortium." Acad Radiol. 2008 Sep;15(9):1099-110. Pubmed PMID: 18692750
- Poussaint TY, Phillips PC, Vajapeyam S, Fahey FH, Robertson RL, Osganian S, Ramamurthy U, Mulkern RV, Treves ST, Boyett JM, Kun LE "The Neuroimaging Center of the Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium-collaborative neuroimaging in pediatric brain tumor research: a work in progress." AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2007 Apr;28(4):603-7. Pubmed PMID: 17416804
- Bernard J. Baars, Uma Ramamurthy, and Stan Franklin "How deliberate, spontaneous and unwanted memories emerge in a computational model of consciousness." Chapter in Involuntary Memory (Editor: John H. Mace), Blackwell Publishing.. 2007;
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