- Professor
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX US
- Medical Director, Heart Failure, Cardiomyopathy, Transplant Service
Pediatrics/Pediatric Cardiology
Texas Children's Hospital
Houston, Texas United States
- TCH-West Tower (Clinic)
Room: TXWT-19thFL
Houston, TX 77030
United States
Phone: (832) 826-5659
- BS from Furman University
- 06/1977 - Greenville, SC United States
- Biology
- MD from University Of Florida College Of Medicine
- 06/1981 - Gainesville, FL United States
- Internship at Children's Hospital At Vanderbilt University
- 06/1982 - Nashville, Tennessee United States
- Pediatrics
- Residency at University Of California, San Francisco
- 06/1984 - San Francisco, California United States
- Pediatrics
- Fellowship at Baylor College Of Medicine
- 06/1988 - Houston, Texas United States
- Pediatric Cardiology
- Natonal Board of Medical Examiners
- American Board of Pediatrics
Professional Interests
- Pediatric Cardiac Transplantation
- Pediatric Heart Failure
- Pediatric Mechanical Circulatory Support
Selected Publications
- Moffett BS, Jefferies JL, Price JF, Clunie S, Denfield S, Dreyer WJ, Towbin JA "Administration of a large nesiritide bolus dose in a pediatric patient: case report and review of nesiritide use in pediatrics.." Pharmacotherapy. 2006 Feb;26(2):277-80. Pubmed PMID: 16466333
- Studer MA, Kennedy CE, Dreyer WJ, Price JF, Moffett BS, Teitel ER, Carberry KE, Morales DL, McKenzie ED, Chang AC "An alternative treatment strategy for pump thrombus in the DeBakey VAD Child: use of clopidogrel as a thrombolytic agent.." J. Heart Lung Transplant.. 2006 Jul;25(7):857-61. Pubmed PMID: 16818131
- Price JF, Towbin JA, Denfield SW, Clunie S, Smith EO, McMahon CJ, Radovancevic B, Dreyer WJ "Arginine vasopressin levels are elevated and correlate with functional status in infants and children with congestive heart failure.." Circulation. 2004 Jun 1;109(21):2550-3. Pubmed PMID: 15148276
- Kim JJ, Dreyer WJ, Chang AC, Breinholt JP, Grifka RG "Arterial pulse wave analysis: An accurate means of determining cardiac output in children.." Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2006 Nov;7(6):532-5. Pubmed PMID: 17006382
- Rossano JW, Denfield SW, Kim JJ, Price JF, Jefferies JL, Decker JA, Smith EO, Clunie SK, Towbin JA, Dreyer WJ "Assessment of the Cylex ImmuKnow cell function assay in pediatric heart transplant patients.." J. Heart Lung Transplant.. 2009 Jan;28(1):26-31. Pubmed PMID: 19134527
- Rossano JW, Denfield SW, Kim JJ, Price JF, Jefferies JL, Decker JA, Smith EO, Clunie SK, Towbin JA, Dreyer WJ "B-type natriuretic peptide is a sensitive screening test for acute rejection in pediatric heart transplant patients.." J. Heart Lung Transplant.. 2008 Jun;27(6):649-54. Pubmed PMID: 18503965
- Rossano JW, Denfield SW, Kim JJ, Price JF, Jefferies JL, Decker JA, Dreyer WJ "B-type natriuretic peptide levels late after transplant predict graft survival in pediatric heart transplant patients.." J. Heart Lung Transplant.. 2010 Mar;29(3):385-6. Pubmed PMID: 19782608
- Price JF, Thomas AK, Grenier M, Eidem BW, O'Brian Smith E, Denfield SW, Towbin JA, Dreyer WJ "B-type natriuretic peptide predicts adverse cardiovascular events in pediatric outpatients with chronic left ventricular systolic dysfunction.." Circulation. 2006 Sep 5;114(10):1063-9. Pubmed PMID: 16940194
- McMahon CJ, Nagueh SF, Pignatelli RH, Denfield SW, Dreyer WJ, Price JF, Clunie S, Bezold LI, Hays AL, Towbin JA, Eidem BW "Characterization of left ventricular diastolic function by tissue Doppler imaging and clinical status in children with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.." Circulation. 2004 Apr 13;109(14):1756-62. Pubmed PMID: 15023880
- Pignatelli RH, McMahon CJ, Dreyer WJ, Denfield SW, Price J, Belmont JW, Craigen WJ, Wu J, El Said H, Bezold LI, Clunie S, Fernbach S, Bowles NE, Towbin JA "Clinical characterization of left ventricular noncompaction in children: a relatively common form of cardiomyopathy.." Circulation. 2003 Nov 25;108(21):2672-8. Pubmed PMID: 14623814
- Tan LH, Jefferies JL, Liang JF, Denfield SW, Dreyer WJ, Mott AR, Grenier MA, Dickerson HA, Price JF, Towbin JA, Ou CN, Chang AC "Concentrations of brain natriuretic peptide in the plasma predicts outcomes of treatment of children with decompensated heart failure admitted to the Intensive Care unit.." Cardiol Young. 2007 Aug;17(4):397-406. Pubmed PMID: 17572924
- Yang Z, McMahon CJ, Smith LR, Bersola J, Adesina AM, Breinholt JP, Kearney DL, Dreyer WJ, Denfield SW, Price JF, Grenier M, Kertesz NJ, Clunie SK, Fernbach SD, Southern JF, Berger S, Towbin JA, Bowles KR, Bowles NE "Danon disease as an underrecognized cause of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in children.." Circulation. 2005 Sep 13;112(11):1612-7. Pubmed PMID: 16144992
- Rossano JW, Grenier MA, Dreyer WJ, Kim JJ, Price JF, Jefferies JL, Smith EO, Clunie SK, Moulik M, Decker JA, Breinholt JP, Morales DL, McKenzie ED, Towbin JA, Denfield SW "Effect of body mass index on outcome in pediatric heart transplant patients.." J. Heart Lung Transplant.. 2007 Jul;26(7):718-23. Pubmed PMID: 17613403
- Wilmot I, Morales DL, Price JF, Rossano JW, Kim JJ, Decker JA, McGarry MC, Denfield SW, Dreyer WJ, Towbin JA, Jefferies JL "Effectiveness of mechanical circulatory support in children with acute fulminant and persistent myocarditis.." J. Card. Fail.. 2011 Jun;17(6):487-94. Pubmed PMID: 21624737
- Dimas VV, Denfield SW, Friedman RA, Cannon BC, Kim JJ, Smith EO, Clunie SK, Price JF, Towbin JA, Dreyer WJ, Kertesz NJ "Frequency of cardiac death in children with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy.." Am. J. Cardiol.. 2009 Dec 1;104(11):1574-7. Pubmed PMID: 19932795
- Law SP, Kim JJ, Decker JA, Price JF, Cabrera AG, Graves DE, Morales DL, Heinle JS, Denfield SW, Dreyer WJ, Rossano JW "Hospital charges for pediatric heart transplant hospitalizations in the United States from 1997 to 2006.." J. Heart Lung Transplant.. 2012 May;31(5):485-91. Pubmed PMID: 22306440
- Rossano JW, Morales DL, Zafar F, Denfield SW, Kim JJ, Jefferies JL, Dreyer WJ "Impact of antibodies against human leukocyte antigens on long-term outcome in pediatric heart transplant patients: an analysis of the United Network for Organ Sharing database.." J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg.. 2010 Sep;140(3):694-9, 699.e1-2. Pubmed PMID: 20537356
- Morales DL, Khan MS, Gottlieb EA, Krishnamurthy R, Dreyer WJ, Adachi I "Implantation of total artificial heart in congenital heart disease.." Semin. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg.. 2012;24(2):142-3. Pubmed PMID: 22920531
- Cabrera AG, Khan MS, Morales DL, Chen DW, Moffett BS, Price JF, Dreyer WJ, Denfield SW, Jeewa A, Fraser CD, Vallejo JG "Infectious complications and outcomes in children supported with left ventricular assist devices.." J. Heart Lung Transplant.. 2013 May;32(5):518-24. Pubmed PMID: 23489988
- Owens WR, Bryant Iii R, Dreyer WJ, Price JF, Morales DL "Initial Clinical Experience With the HeartMate II Ventricular Assist System in a Pediatric Institution.." Artif Organs. 2010 Jul;34(7):600-3. Pubmed PMID: 20545659
- Cannon BC, Denfield SW, Friedman RA, Fenrich AL, Dreyer WJ, Towbin JA, Kertesz NJ "Late pacemaker requirement after pediatric orthotopic heart transplantation may predict the presence of transplant coronary artery disease.." J. Heart Lung Transplant.. 2004 Jan;23(1):67-71. Pubmed PMID: 14734129
- McMahon CJ, Pignatelli RH, Nagueh SF, Lee VV, Vaughn W, Valdes SO, Kovalchin JP, Jefferies JL, Jefferies JL, Dreyer WJ, Denfield SW, Clunie S, Towbin JA, Eidem BW "Left ventricular non-compaction cardiomyopathy in children: characterisation of clinical status using tissue Doppler-derived indices of left ventricular diastolic relaxation.." Heart. 2007 Jun;93(6):676-81. Pubmed PMID: 17135224
- Kim JJ, Dreyer WJ, O'Brian Smith E, Price JF, Clunie S, Dimas VV, Jefferies JL, Rosenblatt H, Radovancevic B, Towbin JA, Denfield SW "Leukocyte suppression is associated with improved clinical outcomes in children's status after orthotopic heart transplantation.." J. Heart Lung Transplant.. 2006 Feb;25(2):195-9. Pubmed PMID: 16446220
- Kim JJ, Denfield SW, McKenzie ED, Fraser CD, Heinle JS, Goldstein S, Towbin JA, Dreyer WJ "Mechanical circulatory support as a bridge to combined dual organ transplantation in children.." J. Heart Lung Transplant.. 2006 Dec;25(12):1480-2. Pubmed PMID: 17178345
- Brescia ST, Rossano JW, Pignatelli R, Jefferies JL, Price JF, Decker JA, Denfield SW, Dreyer WJ, Smith O, Towbin JA, Kim JJ "Mortality and sudden death in pediatric left ventricular noncompaction in a tertiary referral center.." Circulation. 2013 Jun 4;127(22):2202-8. Pubmed PMID: 23633270
- Breinholt JP, Vallejo JG, Gates CM, Clunie SK, Kearney DL, Dreyer WJ, Towbin JA, Bowles NE "Myocardial pro-inflammatory cytokine expression and cellular rejection in pediatric heart transplant recipients.." J. Heart Lung Transplant.. 2008 Mar;27(3):317-24. Pubmed PMID: 18342755
- Price JF, Towbin JA, Dreyer WJ, Moffett BS, Kertesz NJ, Clunie SK, Denfield SW "Outpatient continuous parenteral inotropic therapy as bridge to transplantation in children with advanced heart failure.." J. Card. Fail.. 2006 Mar;12(2):139-43. Pubmed PMID: 16520263
- Morales DL, Dreyer WJ, Denfield SW, Heinle JS, McKenzie ED, Graves DE, Price JF, Towbin JA, Frazier OH, Cooley DA, Fraser CD "Over two decades of pediatric heart transplantation: how has survival changed?." J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg.. 2007 Mar;133(3):632-9. Pubmed PMID: 17320556
- Blumer JL, Daniels SR, Dreyer WJ, Batisky D, Walson PD, Roman D, Ouellet D "Pharmacokinetics of quinapril in children: assessment during substitution for chronic angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor treatment.." J Clin Pharmacol. 2003 Feb;43(2):128-32. Pubmed PMID: 12616664
- Rossano JW, Kim JJ, Decker JA, Price JF, Zafar F, Graves DE, Morales DL, Heinle JS, Bozkurt B, Towbin JA, Denfield SW, Dreyer WJ, Jefferies JL "Prevalence, morbidity, and mortality of heart failure-related hospitalizations in children in the United States: a population-based study.." J. Card. Fail.. 2012 Jun;18(6):459-70. Pubmed PMID: 22633303
- Mueller BU, Martin KJ, Dreyer W, Bezold LI, Mahoney DH "Prolonged QT interval in pediatric sickle cell disease.." Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2006 Nov;47(6):831-3. Pubmed PMID: 16078213
- Kim JJ, Denfield SW, Dreyer WJ, Price JF, Cannon BC, Towbin JA, Minor M, Clunie S, Kertesz NJ "Radio-frequency catheter ablation of accessory pathway mediated tachycardia in a child after orthotopic heart transplantation.." J. Heart Lung Transplant.. 2005 Sep;24(9):1444. Pubmed PMID: 16143270
- Maskatia SA, Decker JA, Spinner JA, Kim JJ, Price JF, Jefferies JL, Dreyer WJ, Smith EO, Rossano JW, Denfield SW "Restrictive Physiology is Associated With Poor Outcomes in Children With Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.." Pediatr Cardiol. 2012 Jan;33(1):141-9. Pubmed PMID: 21892651
- Decker JA, Rossano JW, Smith EO, Cannon B, Clunie SK, Gates C, Jefferies JL, Kim JJ, Price JF, Dreyer WJ, Towbin JA, Denfield SW "Risk factors and mode of death in isolated hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in children.." J. Am. Coll. Cardiol.. 2009 Jul 14;54(3):250-4. Pubmed PMID: 19589438
- Jefferies JL, Price JF, Denfield SW, Chang AC, Dreyer WJ, McMahon CJ, Grenier MA, Clunie SK, Thomas A, Moffett BS, Wann TS, Smith EO, Towbin JA "Safety and efficacy of nesiritide in pediatric heart failure.." J. Card. Fail.. 2007 Sep;13(7):541-8. Pubmed PMID: 17826644
- Price JF, Towbin JA, Dreyer WJ, Radovancevic B, Rosenblatt HM, Clunie SK, Denfield SW "Symptom complex is associated with transplant coronary artery disease and sudden death/resuscitated sudden death in pediatric heart transplant recipients.." J. Heart Lung Transplant.. 2005 Nov;24(11):1798-803. Pubmed PMID: 16297785
- Breinholt JP, Fraser CD, Dreyer WJ, Chang AC, O'Brian Smith E, Heinle JS, Dean McKenzie E, Clunie SK, Towbin JA, Denfield SW "The efficacy of mitral valve surgery in children with dilated cardiomyopathy and severe mitral regurgitation.." Pediatr Cardiol. 2008 Jan;29(1):13-8. Pubmed PMID: 17849076
- Jeewa A, Dreyer WJ, Kearney DL, Denfield SW "The presentation and diagnosis of coronary allograft vasculopathy in pediatric heart transplant recipients.." Congenit Heart Dis. 2012 Jul;7(4):302-11. Pubmed PMID: 22497818
- Crittendon I, Dreyer WJ, Decker JA, Kim JJ "Ultrasound dilution: An accurate means of determining cardiac output in children*.." Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2012 Jan;13(1):42-6. Pubmed PMID: 21499176
- Morales DL, Braud BE, Price JF, Dreyer WJ, Denfield SW, Clunie SK, Heinle JS, Fraser CD "Use of mechanical circulatory support in pediatric patients with acute cardiac graft rejection.." ASAIO J..;53(6):701-5. Pubmed PMID: 18043151
- Moulik M, Breinholt JP, Dreyer WJ, Kearney DL, Price JF, Clunie SK, Moffett BS, Kim JJ, Rossano JW, Jefferies JL, Bowles KR, O'Brian Smith E, Bowles NE, Denfield SW, Towbin JA "Viral endomyocardial infection is an independent predictor and potentially treatable risk factor for graft loss and coronary vasculopathy in pediatric cardiac transplant recipients.." J. Am. Coll. Cardiol.. 2010 Aug 10;56(7):582-92. Pubmed PMID: 20688214
- Breinholt JP, Moulik M, Dreyer WJ, Denfield SW, Kim JJ, Jefferies JL, Rossano JW, Gates CM, Clunie SK, Bowles KR, Kearney DL, Bowles NE, Towbin JA "Viral epidemiologic shift in inflammatory heart disease: the increasing involvement of parvovirus B19 in the myocardium of pediatric cardiac transplant patients.." J. Heart Lung Transplant.. 2010 Jul;29(7):739-46. Pubmed PMID: 20456978
- Price JF, Mott AR, Dickerson HA, Jefferies JL, Nelson DP, Chang AC, O'Brian Smith E, Towbin JA, Dreyer WJ, Denfield SW, Goldstein SL "Worsening renal function in children hospitalized with decompensated heart failure: evidence for a pediatric cardiorenal syndrome?." Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2008 May;9(3):279-84. Pubmed PMID: 18446113
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- American College of Cardiology
- American Heart Association
- AHA Council on Basic Science
- AHA Council on Cardiovascular Dsease in the Young
- Harris County Medical Association
- Texas Medical Society
- Society for Pediatric Research
- Houston Cardiology Society
- Texas Pediatric Society
- International Society for Heart & Lung Transplantation
- Pediatric Heart Failure Fellowship Funding
- $15,000.00 (07/01/2013 - 06/30/2014) Grant funding from Medtronic Grants & Donations Committee
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