
Weather Update

Baylor College of Medicine and its clinics will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 21 - 22, due to hazardous weather conditions. Patients will be contacted for rescheduling.


Advanced Cell Engineering and 3D Models Core


About the Core


The Advanced Cell Engineering and 3D Models (ACE-3M) Core is a newly reorganized facility that represents a merger of the prior Advanced In Vivo Models (AIM) and Cell Based Assay Screening Services (C-BASS) Cores.  The merged core is physically relocated in T143 (1st floor Taub building on main BCM campus).  The ACE-3M Core will continue to provide established services offered previously by AIM and C-BASS cores plus new expanded capabilities for organoids grown in 3D matrices including from patient derived primary tumors (PDO) and from mouse PDX collections from different organ/disease types.  Specific established services originally provided by AIM  include growth of primary tumors or cancer cell lines on the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM-PDX) of the chicken embryo to assess growth, neovascularization, invasion, and metastasis (in ovo).  Gene editing and functional genomics services originally provided by C-BASS include generating knock-out and knock-in cell lines using CRISPR/Cas9, providing cDNA, shRNA, and gRNA vectors individually or as custom libraries, and consultation and expert advice on genome-wide or subgenome-targeted screens.  The merger will allow us to leverage sophisticated 3D models with cell engineering technologies to provide expanded, cutting-edge functional genomics and genome editing services.

Expanded services of the ACE-3M Core include coordination and assisting with the creation, maintenance and experimental analysis of 3D tumor organoids. A collection of organoids derived from validated breast cancer PDXs mouse models representing the three major subtypes (ER+, HER2+, and TNBC) are available and we are planning on expanding to other organ/disease sites soon. Characterization and experimental analysis of 3D tumor organoids will include assistance with sample preparation for downstream applications such as STR DNA fingerprinting, cytometer-based tumor cell enrichment, biomarker identification, CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing, functional genomic screening, omics analysis, microscopy imaging and therapeutic response experiments. 


Protocols and Safety


Lentiviral vectors can be used in a standard BSL2 tissue culture cabinet, using gloves and standard tissue culture procedures. For more detailed information regarding the usage and safety considerations of lentiviral vectors, please visit the following links:

PDF Document from the NIH: "Lentiviral Contaminant Guide"https://cdn.bcm.edu/sites/default/files/lentiviralcontainmentguidance.pdf

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