10x Genomics Chromium X
Chromium X is a high-throughput platform designed for single cell RNA-seq. It enables researchers to analyze gene expression at the single cell level, providing insights into cellular heterogeneity and complex biological systems.
10x Genomics Xenium
Xenium is a powerful in situ gene expression platform designed for spatially resolving RNA transcripts (up to 5,000 genes) within tissue samples. It enables detailed mapping of gene activity at the cellular level, maintaining spatial context, which is crucial for understanding tissue architecture and cellular interactions. Xenium’s work flow supports both fresh frozen(FF) and FFPE tissues, making it versatile for various research needs.
Vizgen Merscope
Merscope is an advanced platform that utilizes MERFISH technology to enable high-resolution, spatially resolved transceiptomic analysis at the single cell level.