
Baylor resumes normal business operations on Thursday, Jan. 23

Baylor College of Medicine and its clinics, closed Wednesday, Jan. 22, will reopen under normal business operations on Thursday, Jan. 23. Patient appointments will be as scheduled on Thursday.

Debbe Thompson Lab

Join the Thompson Lab


Mentoring: Dr. Thompson is an experienced mentor for individuals at all phases of their career, from undergraduate students to mid-career faculty. She understands the importance of mentoring and enjoys helping others develop into seasoned researchers. In 2018, she received the Research Mentorship Award, Professor Level, from Baylor College of Medicine.  Dr. Thompson also serves on the newly-formed Faculty Mentoring Committee at the USDA/ARS CNRC. If you are interested in talking with Dr. Thompson to discuss potential research opportunities, contact her at dit@bcm.edu.

Faculty: Dr. Thompson has mentored numerous early and mid-career faculty interested in behavioral science, qualitative/mixed methods research, and digital intervention development and evaluation.

Postdoctoral Fellows: Visit the Postdoctoral Fellowship in Children's Nutrition webpage to learn about upcoming center-supported postdoctoral training opportunities. There are rolling deadlines for application, based on funding availability.

Medical Trainees: Contact Dr. Thompson at dit@bcm.edu if you are a current medical trainee (medical student, resident, or fellow) at the Texas Medical Center and are interested in gaining research experience focusing on qualitative research or development and evaluation of digital interventions promoting healthy behaviors to children, teens, and families.

Graduate Students: Dr. Thompson offers training opportunities to students working towards a degree in a behavioral-science related field (public health, kinesiology, exercise physiology, dietetics, psychology) seeking research experience as partial completion of the requirements for their degree. Contact her for more information at dit@bcm.edu

Undergraduate Research: The Thompson Lab offers training opportunities to undergraduates for course credit through their home institution. Dr. Thompson has mentored numerous students from the University of Texas School of Public Health, University of Houston, and Rice University. She is also a preceptor for the University of Houston Dietetics Internship program.

Staff: We are not currently recruiting, but check the Baylor Careers website for currently available positions.