- Recognized as an Expertscape World Expert (top 0.025% of 236,112 published authors worldwide) in Interpersonal Relations over the past 10 years, based on PubMed-based algorithms. 07/30/2021
- Fellow at the 2020-2021 Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) Program for Women. 09/2020 – 07/2021
- Competitively selected to participate in the Baylor College of Medicine Career Advancement Series for Associate Professors. 12/2017 – 05/2018
- Competitively selected to attend the NCI Speeding Research-tested INTerventions (SPRINT) workshop. Travel and Discovery Award from NCI in the amount of $21,750 Total costs ($15,000 directs; $6,750 indirects). 03/2017 – 06/2017
- Competitively selected to attend the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Mid-Career Minority Faculty Leadership Seminar, Washington, DC. 06/2017
- Dan L Duncan Scholar Award, Dan L Duncan Cancer Center, Houston, TX. 07/2016 – 06/2019
- Competitively selected to attend the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Early Career Women Faculty Professional Development Seminar, Englewood, CO. 06/2014
- Citation Paper Award: Badr H, Cristofanilli M, Davis K, Carmack Taylor CL. The relationship between patient pain and spousal communication patterns in couples' psychosocial adaptation to metastatic breast cancer. Presented at the 29th Society of Behavioral Medicine Conference, San Diego, CA; 04/2008
- Citation Paper Award: Badr H, Carmack Taylor CL, Basen-Engquist K, Rivera E, Cristofanilli M, Davis K, White B. Social constraints and spousal communication in metastatic breast cancer. Presented at the 27th Annual Society of Behavioral Medicine Conference, San Francisco, CA; 04/2006
- Meritorious Student Paper Award: Badr H, Carmack Taylor CL, Hall T, Ellickalputhenpura B. Relationship maintenance in lung cancer: Associations with psychological and marital functioning. Presented at the 26th Annual Society of Behavioral Medicine Conference in Boston, MA; 04/2005
- American Psychological Association Travel Award for Best Poster: Badr H. Computer self-efficacy and the psychology of the digital divide in an urban college sample: An exploratory study. Presented at the annual Southwestern Conference on Teaching Psychology, University of Houston – Downtown, Houston, TX; 2001
- Blanche Espy Chenowith Graduate Fellowship, Awarded by the Women's Studies Department for Master's thesis research, University of Houston – University Park, Houston, TX. 08/2000
Invited Lectures, Presentations, Research Seminars
- Advances in Psycho-oncology: A Meeting with Professor Hoda J Badr. 2 Day Symposium Presented at the Universite’ Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium; 11/2023.
- NextSteps: A psychosocial intervention for advanced cancer patients and their family caregivers. University of Lille, France; 01/2023.
- Dyadic Coping – Time to Rethink the Concept. 8th Biennial International Dyadic Coping Conference, Couples Coping with Stress: State of the Art in Everyday Life and Illness, Virtual; 06/2020
- Dyadic approaches for patients with cancer and their caregivers in research and clinical work. 3-hour research seminar presented at the Danish Cancer Society, Copenhagen, Denmark; 06/2018
- Psychosocial intervention for head and neck cancer patients and their partners. 7th Biennial Dyadic Coping Conference, Dyadic Coping: Health, Family, and Cultural Contexts, Milan, Italy; 01/2017
- New frontiers in couple-based interventions in cancer care: Refining the prescription for spousal communication. Plenary talk presented at the bi-annual European Cancer Rehabilitation and Survivorship Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark; 09/2016
- Couple-based interventions in cancer. Day long pre-conference workshop presented at the European Cancer Rehabilitation and Survivorship Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark; 09/2016
- Dyadic coping in advanced cancer: Conceptual issues and opportunities for intervention. 5th International Conference on Couples Coping with Stress, Zurich, Switzerland; 02/2010
- You and me against the world: Couple identity as an implicit coping mechanism. International Meeting on Close Relationships and Health: Developing an Integrative Approach to Research and Theory, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; 08/2007
- Oncology primary care partnership to improve comprehensive survivorship care. Webinar on Novel Methods in Cancer Survivorship Research. American Society of Preventive Oncology, 05/2024.
- Beyond treatment: How to get the follow-up care you need. Webinar., 10/2023.
- Improving comprehensive survivorship care for medically underserved individuals with chronic comorbidities, Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, 09/2023
- Dyadic analyses in behavioral research: An introduction to methodology an application webinar, sponsored by the Society of Behavioral Medicine. Virtual; 02/2023
- Cancer caregiving: Resources and rights at work. Part of a webinar series, Support and Resources for Cancer Caregivers, Cancer Support Community. Virtual; presented 11/2022
- Couples’ communication and sexuality. Plenary Talk at 8th Conference of the Scientific Network on Female Sexual Health and Cancer, Yale University, New Haven, CT; 11/2022
- Sexuality and intimacy concerns among women with metastatic cancer. Conference of the Scientific Network on Female Sexual Health and Cancer, Yale University, New Haven, CT, presented 11/2022
- Development of a screening tool to identify patients experiencing cancer-related financial hardship. Presented at the Challenges and Opportunities for Addressing Financial Hardship webinar, sponsored by the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences. National Cancer Institute. Virtual; 10/2022
- So you want to write a systematic review article? Tips and tricks for writing an effective review. Part of the American Oncology Social Work (AOSW) Society’s editorial series on How to Write and Review Scholarly Manuscripts for Publication. Virtual. Presented 05/2022
- Growing caregiving research in neuro-oncology: Opportunities and lessons learned from research in other cancers. Neuro-Oncology Branch Visiting Scholar Series. National Cancer Institute. Virtual; presented 03/2022
- Involving family caregivers in cancer survivorship care: Progress, challenges, and opportunities. 25th Anniversary Office of Cancer Survivorship Director Series. National Cancer Institute. Virtual; 10/2021
- Survivorship and supportive care for mesothelioma patients and their caregivers. International Symposium on Malignant Mesothelioma, San Antonio, TX; 04/2020
- Down the rabbit hole: Experiences of an NCI SPRINT program participant. Part of Symposium 4: Mind the Gap: Implementation of Evidence-based Approaches in Cancer Control, 44th Annual Conference of the American Society of Preventive Oncology (ASPO), Virtual; 03/2020
- New frontiers in dyadic research and interventions in cancer. Research in Cancer Caregiving: Themes, Gaps, Challenges, and Opportunities. Society of Behavioral Medicine Grand Rounds Webinar, Online; 09/2019
- Couple-based interventions in head and neck cancer: Opportunities and challenges for cancer supportive care. Supportive Care Grand Rounds Presentation, City of Hope, Duarte, CA; 08/2018
- Integrating caregiving interventions in cancer supportive care: Implementation challenges and opportunities. Palliative Care Grand Rounds Presentation, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri; 04/2018
- Actively involving informal caregivers in cancer supportive care: Challenges and Opportunities. Wake Forest NCORP Research Base Annual Meeting, Ashville, NC; 10/2017
- Caring for the caregiver. 3rd Cancer Pain Research Consortium Conference, Journey through Cancer Pain: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Life After, Phoenix, AZ; 04/2017
- Early career boot camp in cancer pain research. 3rd Cancer Pain Research Consortium Conference, Journey through Cancer Pain: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Life After, Phoenix, AZ; 04/2017
- Actively involving family caregivers in cancer supportive care. Science of Cancer Survivorship Speaker Series at the National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD; 01/2016
- Interventions to target cancer patients, caregivers, and dyads. National Cancer Institute (NCI), Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, Office of Cancer Survivorship Meeting, Caring for Caregivers and Patients: Revisiting the Research and Clinical Priorities for Informal Cancer Caregiving, NCI Shady Grove Campus, Rockville, MD; 05/2015
- Relationships and resilience in head and neck cancer. Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Grand Rounds Presentation, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY; 10/2015
- Family-based interventions in cancer care: State of the science and new directions. Grand Rounds Presentation, Memorial University of Utah/Huntsman Cancer Institute, Salt Lake City, UT; 01/2015
- Lifestyle behaviors and intervention preferences of early stage lung cancer survivors. Grand Rounds Presentation, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, NY; 11/2014
- Actively involving spouses and family caregivers in cancer supportive care. Hematology/Oncology Grand Rounds, Tisch Cancer Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY; 10/2014
- Supportive care interventions for cancer patients and their family caregivers. City University of New York Department of Psychology Spring 2014 Seminar Series, New York, NY; 03/2014
- Communication within the family. 6th Biennial Cancer Survivorship Research Conference, Cancer Survivorship Research: Translating Science to Care, Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, VA; 06/2012
- What we know and what we need to know about couples coping with cancer. National Cancer Institute, Invitation only meeting, Dyadic Processes Across the Cancer Continuum, Washington, DC; 11/2010
- Viewing cancer through the lens of the dyad. National Cancer Institute, Washington, DC; 11/2010
- In sickness and in health: Maintaining and enhancing spousal relationships in the aftermath of health-related stress. Presented at the research conference sponsored by the Military Family Research Institute and Center for Deployment Psychology of the Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Indianapolis, IN; 09/2008
- When relationships need support. International Meeting on the Development Course of Couples Coping with Stress, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA; 10/2002
- To veil or not to veil, that is the question: Challenges facing Arab-American women since 9/11. Presented at a workshop sponsored by the Mellon Foundation, Muslim Minorities in Western Europe and North America after September 11, Duke University, Durham, NC; 03/2002
- Cancer Care Redefined: Envisioning A Holistic and Inclusive Delivery System for All. Cancer Prevention and Control Grand Rounds. UT M D Anderson Cancer Center. 07/2023.
- Small Steps to Big Success: Organizing Your Career with Intention. Interdisciplinary Translational Education and Research Training (ITERT) Summer Undergraduate Training Program Career Symposium for the Department of Translational Molecular Pathology – Career Paths in Biomedical Sciences: Choose Your Own Adventure. UT M D Anderson Cancer Center, Virtual; 07/2023
- Family caregivers: An essential but often invisible part of the care team. Department of Medicine Grand Rounds. Baylor College of Medicine. Virtual; 05/2023.
- Defining a patient-centered approach to breast cancer survivorship care. Michael E DeBakey VA Medical Center Breast Cancer Symposium. Virtual; 10/2022.
- Role of mentors and sponsors in promoting trainees. Navigating Academic Careers Series sponsored by the Office of Post-doctoral Affairs. UT M D Anderson Cancer Center, Virtual; 10/2021
- My career path in psycho-oncology. Interdisciplinary Translational Education and Research Training (ITERT) Summer Undergraduate Training Program Career Symposium for the Department of Translational Molecular Pathology – Career Paths in Biomedical Sciences: Different Flavors of Science. UT M D Anderson Cancer Center, Virtual; 07/2021
- Mentorship and sponsorship. Interdisciplinary Translational Education and Research Training (ITERT) Program Career Course – Succeeding in Academic Science: Navigating the Scholastic Research Track. UT M D Anderson Cancer Center, Virtual; 05/2021
- Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health and health behaviors of adults in the United States. Rice Pre-Medical Society 8th Annual Virtual Medical Speakers’ Conference, Pandemics and Public Health: An Analysis of Covid-19, Virtual; 02/2021
- Lifestyle behaviors in Barrett’s Esophagus patients. Energy Balance Research Seminar, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX; 05/2019
- Development and usability testing of CARES: A web-based self-management intervention for head and neck cancer survivors. Emerging Technologies in Childhood Cancer Survivorship Research Symposium, Houston, TX; 11/2018
- Intervening with caregivers to improve patient care and outcomes. Plenary Talk presented at the M D Anderson 6th State of the Science Cancer Research Symposium: Translating Cancer Survivorship and Energy Balance Research into Public Health Initiatives, The University of Texas M D Anderson Cancer Center; 03/2018
- Practical tips and strategies for managing transitions in your academic career. M D Anderson Office of Women and Minority Faculty Inclusion 4th Annual Leadership Workshop, Developing your Leadership Potential: Pathways to Leadership for Women Assistant and Associate Professors, Houston, TX; 02/2017
- Can your spouse make you sick? Conference for Social Psychologists in Texas, Waco, TX; 01/2002
- Finding our way out of the rubble: The psychology of hate and prejudice in the aftermath of 9/11. University of St. Thomas, Houston, TX; 11/2000
Lectures and Presentations
- Badr H, Nightingale C, Burt B, Smith C, Musher B. NEXTSTEPS: A randomized controlled trial of a dyadic intervention for advanced cancer patients and caregivers. Presented at the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC), Nara, Japan, 06/2023.
- Benight H, Serfilippi S, Lau KKH, Randall A, & Badr H. Why don’t we just talk about it: Gender differences in real-time expression of verbal dyadic coping. Presented at the Annual Conference of the International Association of Relationship Research, London, England, 07/2020 (virtual).
- Serfilippi S, Benight H, Lau KKH, Randall A, & Badr H. Communicating without words: Gender differences in real-time expression of non-verbal dyadic coping. Presented at the Annual Conference of the International Association of Relationship Research, London, England, 07/2020 (virtual).
- Revenson T, Diefenbach M, Badr H. Feasibility and acceptability of a dyadic intervention for couples after prostate surgery. Presented at the International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Glasgow, Scotland, 08/2020 (virtual).
- Badr H, Yeung CW*, Lewis MA, Milbury K*, Redd W. Spouse positive social control is linked with better patient mood and self-efficacy during cancer treatment. 28th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Innsbruck, Austria, 08/2014
- Badr H, Yeung CW*, Lewis MA, Milbury K*, Redd W. Social control and symptom management in couples coping with head and neck cancer. 13th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Groningen, the Netherlands, 08/2014
- Badr H, Acitelli, LK. “Honey, should we talk?” The effects of relationship communication on mental health and marital satisfaction among couples facing chronic illness. International Conference on Personal Relationships, Halifax, NS, Canada, 07/2002
- Park ER, Lydston M, Durieux N, Mitchell CO, Beauchemin MP, Badr H, De Moor J, Vaca Lopez PL, Halpern MT, Kirchhoff AC, Perez GK, Henrikson NB, Kumaran G, Chang A, Carlos RC. Abstract 348: A scoping review capturing financial experiences of cancer survivors: Are we on the same page? Presented at: 2024 ASCO Quality Care Symposium; 2024; Boston, MA.
- Jo E, Bulsara S, Shaver K, Wu Mengfen, Wang T, Hilsenbeck S, Badr H. Using REDCap for OPTIMISE Trial with Three Participant Types. Presented at the 44th Annual Meeting of the Society of Clinical Trials, Baltimore, MD 05/2023.
- Buchanan A*, Sarfo A*, Badr H. Distress screening for family caregivers of advanced cancer patients. Podium presentation at the American Psycho-oncology Society 2023 Annual Meeting; Portland, OR 03/2023.
- Buchanan A, Sarfo A*, Badr H. Distress Screening for Family Caregivers of Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients. Poster presented at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 2022 Annual Meeting; 12/2022.
- Badr H, Byun J, Castillo LS, Rosas I, Amos CI. Individual and system-level factors affecting participation in lung cancer genomic testing. Poster presented at the American Public Health Association 2022 Annual Meeting; Boston, MA 11/2021.
- Woodard L, King B, Adepoju O, Mark, R, Oluyomi A, Zhang X*, Adel Fahmideh M*, Raza SA*, Gilbert L, Badr H. Identifying associations between social network impacts and health behavior changes unique to chronic illness status during onset of 2020 lockdown. Poster presented at the American Public Health Association 2021 Annual Meeting; 10/2021 (virtual).
- King B, Adepoju O, Woodard L, Shetty S, Oluyomi A, Zhang X*, Adel Fahmideh M*, Raza SA*, Gilbert L, Badr H. Identifying associations between social network impacts and health behavior changes unique to chronic illness status during onset of 2020 lockdown. Poster presented at the American Public Health Association 2021 Annual Meeting; 10/2021 (virtual).
- Zhang X*, Oluyomi A, Woodard L, King B, Adepoju O, Adel Fahmideh M*, Raza SA*, El-Mubasher O*, Han Y, Byun J, Amos C, Badr H. Lifestyle behavioral changes during COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. Oral presentation accepted to be presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting; 10/2021 (virtual).
- Buchanan A*, El-Mubasher O, Badr H. Utilization of Survivorship Care Plans and Impact of Acculturation on Preferences for Psychosocial Intervention in Hispanic/Latinx Endometrial Cancer Survivors in a Safety-Net Clinic. Poster presented at the Annual Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center, Cancer Prevention and Population Science Mini-Retreat; 04/2021 (virtual).
- Buchanan A*, El-Mubasher O*, Greenwood L*, Kumar N*, Sarfo A*, Tan E.*, Badr H. (2021). Barriers to Survivorship Care Delivery, Intervention Efficacy and Implementation Across Cancer Populations in University Practice and Safety-Net Settings. Poster presented at the Annual Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center, Cancer Prevention and Population Science Mini-Retreat; 04/2021 (virtual).
- Buchanan A*, El-Mubasher O*, Sarfo A*, Badr H. Metastatic Breast Cancer Patient Experiences and Supportive Care Needs in a Safety-Net System. Poster presented at the Annual Dan L Duncan Comprehensive Cancer Center, Cancer Prevention and Population Science Mini-Retreat; 04/2021 (virtual).
- Buchanan A*, El-Mubasher O*, Badr H. Acculturation Factors Impacting Quality of Life and Utilization of Survivorship Care Plans in Hispanic/LatinX Endometrial Cancer Survivors. Poster presented at the 2021 Annual Conference for the American Psychosocial Oncology Society; 03/2021 (virtual).
- Buchanan A*, El-Mubasher O*, Greenwood L*, Kumar N*, Sarfo A*, Tan E*, Badr H. Provider Opinions on Barriers to Survivorship Care Delivery, Intervention Efficacy and Implementation across Cancer Populations in University Practice and Safety-Net Settings. Poster presented at the 13th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health; 12/2020 (virtual).
- Buchanan A*, El-Mubasher O*, Sarfo A*, Badr H. Supportive Care Needs and Patient Experience of Women and Men with Metastatic Breast Cancer in a Safety-Net System. Poster presented at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium; 12/2020 (virtual).
- Badr H, Buchanan A*, El-Mubasher O*, Rimawi M, Musher B, Lu L, and Mims M. Using implementation science to guide an appropriateness and feasibility evaluation of different models of cancer survivorship care delivery in a safety-net system. 12th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation, Washington DC; 12/2019.
- Buchanan A*, El-Mubasher O*, Badr H. Survivorship Care Planning and Healthcare Provider Accountability: Recommendations for Surveillance and Post-Treatment Care Coordination. Poster Presented at the M D Anderson 7th State of the Science Cancer Research Symposium: Cancer Survivorship Science at a Crossroads for Research and Evidence-based Care, Houston, TX; 11/2019.
- Chhabria K*, Badr H, Carnaby G. Investigating the Feasibility of Salivary Cortisol as a Prospective Risk Factor for Distress in Head and Neck Cancer Patients. Poster presented at the 16th annual meeting of the American Psychosocial Oncology Society, Atlanta, GA; 03/2019.
- Chhabria K*, Badr H, Carnaby G. Exploring the Relationship between Fear of Treatment and Treatment Outcomes Impacting Survivorship in Head and Neck Cancer Patients. Poster presented at the 16th annual meeting of the American Psychosocial Oncology Society, Atlanta, GA; 03/2019.
- Badr H, Ratcliff C*, Vinson C. Moving psychosocial interventions for informal caregivers into the real world: What matters to oncology stakeholders? 11th Poster presented at the Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation, Washington DC; 12/2018.
- Badr H. Development of a psychosocial intervention for couples coping with head and neck cancer. Poster presented at the American Society of Cancer Oncology (ASCO) Survivorship Meeting, San Diego, CA; 01/2017.
- Badr H, Yeung CW*, Lewis M, Milbury K*. An observational study of the effects of spouse social control on patients undergoing radiotherapy for head and neck cancer. Poster presented at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting, Orlando, FL; 11/2015.
- Badr H, Milbury K*, Majeed N*, Gritz E. Linguistic indicators of patient and caregiver adjustment in head and neck cancer. Poster presented at the International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, New Orleans, LA; 10/2015.
- Badr H, Federman A, Revenson TA, Wolf M, Wisnivesky J. Predictors of burden in caregivers of individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Poster presented at the American Thoracic Society conference, Denver, CO; 05/2015.
- Badr H, Smith CB, Goldstein JE, Redd WH. Dyadic psychosocial intervention for advanced lung cancer patients and their family caregivers: Results of a randomized pilot trial. Poster presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Antonio, TX; 04/2015.
- Badr H, Gupta V, Sikora A, Posner M. Psychological distress in patients and caregivers during radiotherapy for head and neck cancer. Poster presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Antonio, TX; 04/2015.
- Badr H. Rethinking communication-based interventions in cancer care. 6th Oral presentation at the International Conference on Couples Coping with Stress, Louisville, KY; 06/2013.
- Badr H, Pasipanodya E, Laurenceau, J-P. The effects of patient avoidance and partner social constraints on patient momentary affect in metastatic breast cancer. Oral presentation at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, CA; 03/2013.
- Badr H. Spousal communication in metastatic breast cancer. Oral presentation at the 2012 Biennial Cancer Survivorship Research Conference, Arlington, VA; 06/2012.
- Milbury K*, Badr H. Observed Social Support Behaviors and Cancer-Related Cognitive Processing in Couples Coping with Head and Neck Cancer. Poster presented at the 36th Annual ASPO Meeting; Washington, DC; 03/2012.
- Gorin S, Badr H, Jacobsen P, Janke E, Jim H, Krebs P. Meta-analysis of behavioral interventions to reduce cancer pain. Poster presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Chicago, IL; 06/2011.
- Badr H, Milbury K, Lee C, Kim C, Sallam A, Manne S. Social cognitive processing in couples coping with head and neck cancers. Oral presentation at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC; 04/2011.
- Milbury K*, Badr H. The cancer stroop task as an implicit measure of cognitive interference in head and neck cancer patients. Poster presented at the 35th Annual ASPO Meeting; Las Vegas, NV; 03/2011.
- Ater J, Paxton R, Bispeck K, Xu A, Cruz C, Askins M, Urbauer D, Badr H, Basen-Engquist K, & Demark-Wahnefried W. Health Behaviors and Preferences of Childhood Cancer Survivors. Poster presented at the 42nd Congress of the International Society of Pediatric Oncology, Boston, MA; 10/2010.
- Badr H, Rosenthal DI, Milbury K*, Garden AS, Frank SJ, Gunn GB, Cleeland CS, Gritz ER. Do the treatment outcome priorities of head and neck cancer patients change after undergoing radiation treatment? Poster presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, Chicago, IL; 06/2010.
- Badr H, Laurenceau J-P, Carmack CL, Basen-Engquist K. Pain, spousal support, and relationship quality in metastatic breast cancer. Poster at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Seattle, WA; 04/2010.
- Paxton R, Ater J, Bispeck K, Cruz C, Xu A, Askins M, Basen-Enquist K, Badr H, Fingeret M, Rytting M, Chang S, Chandra J, Demark-Wahnefried W. Concordance of body mass index, physical activity and dietary intake among childhood cancer survivors and their parents. Poster presented at the Cellular Energy, Metabolism, and Cancer Conference at The University of Texas M D Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX; 04/2009.
- Badr H, Carmack Taylor CL. Does talking about the spousal relationship affect couples’ psychosocial adaptation to lung cancer? Poster presented at the 4th Biennial Cancer Survivorship Research Conference: Mapping the New Challenges, Atlanta, GA; 06/2008.
- Elsayegh N, Badr H. Sexual concerns and psychosocial adjustment of couples coping with metastatic breast cancer. Rapid communications poster presented at the 29th Annual Society of Behavioral Medicine Conference, San Diego, CA; 03/2008.
- Badr H, Carmack Taylor, CL. Does relationship maintenance help alleviate distress and improve dyadic adjustment for couples coping with lung cancer? Poster presented at the 29th Annual Society of Behavioral Medicine Conference, San Diego, CA; 03/2008.
- Badr H, Cristofanilli C, Davis K, Carmack Taylor CL. Effects of spousal communication and dyadic coping on patient and partner adjustment to metastatic breast cancer. Poster presented at the 5th Annual Conference of the American Psycho-oncology Society, Irvine, CA; 02/2008.
- Schart LA*, Badr H, Basen-Engquist K, Carmack Taylor CL, Cristofanilli M, Revenson TA. Mood states associated with transitory physical symptoms among metastatic breast cancer patients. Poster presented at the 29th Annual Society of Behavioral Medicine Conference, San Diego, CA; 03/2008.
- Badr H, Carmack Taylor CL, Basen-Engquist K, Kashy DA, Schart LA*, Cristofanilli M, Revenson TA. Using electronic diaries to assess covariation of spouse distress and marital well-being with patient pain reports in metastatic breast cancer. Rapid communications poster presented at the 28th Annual Society of Behavioral Medicine Conference, Washington, DC; 03/2007.
- Badr H, Lee JH, Carmack Taylor CL. Constructive relationship-oriented communication in lung cancer: Associations with psychological and marital functioning for patients and their partners. Poster presented at the 4th Annual Conference of the American Psycho-oncology Society, Austin, TX; 03/2007.
- Badr H, Carmack Taylor CL, Basen-Engquist K, Davis K, Schart LA*, Cristofanilli M. Using electronic diaries with couples coping with metastatic breast cancer. Poster presented at the NCI Third Biennial Cancer Survivorship Research Conference, Bethesda, MD; 10/2006.
- Carmack Taylor CL, Badr H, Basen-Engquist K, Li JH, Gorman A, Pisters K, Fossella F, Schover L. Spousal relationship satisfaction buffers the association between patient and spouse psychological distress when facing lung cancer. Poster presented at the NCI Third Biennial Cancer Survivorship Research Conference, Bethesda, MD; 10/2006.
- Badr H, Carmack Taylor CL, Basen-Engquist K, Cristofanilli M, Davis K, Schart LA*. Challenges and benefits of using electronic diaries with couples coping with metastatic breast cancer. Poster presented at the U. S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP) Leading Innovative Networking and Knowledge Sharing (LINKS) Meeting; Baltimore, MD; 07/2006.
- Badr H, Carmack Taylor C, Basen-Engquist K, Rivera E, Cristofanilli M, Davis K, White B. Social constraints and spousal communication in metastatic breast cancer. Citation Paper, 26th Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, CA; 04/2006.
vv. Badr H, Carmack Taylor CL, Basen-Engquist K, and Kalil C. Development of a hand-held computer application to assess the biopsychosocial correlates of pain in metastatic breast cancer. Poster presented at the Era of Hope Department of Defense Breast Cancer Research Program Meeting; Philadelphia, PA; 06/2005. - Ellickalputhenpura B, Carmack Taylor CL, Badr H. Relationship between psychological functioning and smoking status in lung cancer patients and their spouses. Rapid communications poster presented at the annual Society of Behavioral Medicine conference, Boston, MA; 04/2005.
- Carmack Taylor CL, Badr H, Basen-Engquist K, Hall T, Ellickalputhenpura B, Pisters K, Fossella F. Spousal relationships and psychological distress in lung cancer patients and their spouses. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Boston, MA; 04/2005.
yy. Badr H, Carmack Taylor CL. Construction of a relationship talk measure for use with couples facing cancer. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Boston, MA; 04/2005. - Badr H, Carmack Taylor CL, Hall T, Ellickalputhenpura. Relationship maintenance in lung cancer: Associations with psychological and marital functioning. Meritorious Student Paper, Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Boston, MA; 04/2005.
- Badr H, Carmack Taylor CL, Hall T, Ellickalputhenpura B. Relationship maintenance in lung cancer: Associations with psychological and marital functioning. Poster presented at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Division of Cancer Prevention and Population Sciences Day of Prevention Science, Houston, TX; 12/2004.
- Badr H. Gender, spousal communication and chronic illness. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT; 03/2003.
- Badr H, Basen-Engquist K, Carmack Taylor CL, de Moor, C. A validation of mood adjectives using EMA in two cancer samples. Poster presented at the Science of Real-Time Data Capture: Self-Reports in Health Research Conference, Charleston, SC; 09/2003.
- Badr H. The effects of relational communication on mental health and marital satisfaction in couples experiencing chronic illness. National Council on Family Relations Conference, Houston, TX; 11/2002.
- Badr H, Acitelli LK. Can relationship talk help couples survive chronic illness? National Communication Association Convention, Atlanta, GA; 11/2001.
- Badr H, Acitelli LK. How attachment styles and perceptions of housework are related to marital equity and marital satisfaction. Poster presented at the conference for the International Network of Personal Relationships, Louisville, KY; 07/1999.