Sheryl O. Hughes Lab

Hughes Lab Questionnaires


Caregivers Feeding Styles Questionnaire


The Caregivers Feeding Styles Questionnaire is a brief, widely used, reliable, and validated self-report questionnaire designed to assess parental feeding styles. This questionnaire has been successfully used with parents from multiple populations.


  • Personnel and Training Required: None
  • Equipment Needs: None
  • Life stage: Children ages 3-11 years


  • English
  • Spanish


You may download the questionnaire here. If you would like the Spanish version, please email


You may access the scoring information here


Hughes SO, Power TG, Fisher JO, O’Connor TM, Micheli, N, Papaioannou MA. Maternal feeding style and child weight status among Hispanic families with low-income levels: A longitudinal study of the direction of effects. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2021;18:30.

Hughes SO, Shewchuk RM, Baskin ML, Nicklas TA, Qu H. Indulgent feeding style and children’s weight status in preschool. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. 2008;29(5):403-410.

Hughes SO, Power TG, Fisher JO, Mueller S, Nicklas T. Revisiting a neglected construct: Parenting styles in a child-feeding context. Appetite. 2005;44(1):83-92.


Food Parenting Inventory


The Food Parenting Inventory is a reliable and validated self-report questionnaire designed to assess food parenting practices based on the Vaughn et al., 2016 conceptual model with the exception of food availability/accessibility, food preparation, and praise. The English and Spanish versions of the questionnaire have been successfully used with parents from multiple populations.


  • Personnel and Training Required: None
  • Equipment Needs: None
  • Life stage: Children ages 2-8 years


  • English
  • Spanish


You may download the questionnaire here. If you would like the Spanish version, please email Also, please email us for updates regarding the validation of the questionnaire.


You may access the scoring and subscale information here.


Power TG, Johnson SL, Beck AD, Martinez AD, Hughes SO. The Food Parenting Inventory: Factor structure, reliability, and validity in a low-income, Latina sample. Appetite. 2019;134:111-119.

Hughes SO, Power TG, Baker SS, Barale KV, Aragon C, Lanigan JD, Parker L, Silva Garcia K, Auld G, Johnston CA, Micheli N. Short-term efficacy of a childhood obesity prevention program designed to pair feeding content with nutrition education. Childhood Obesity. 2023; 19(4):239-248.