
Baylor resumes normal business operations on Thursday, Jan. 23

Baylor College of Medicine and its clinics, closed Wednesday, Jan. 22, will reopen under normal business operations on Thursday, Jan. 23. Patient appointments will be as scheduled on Thursday.

Tatiana Schnur Lab



Schnur, T.T. (2017). Word selection deficits and multiword speech. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 34, 21-5.

*Hughes, J.W., Schnur, T.T. (2017). Facilitation and interference in naming: A consequence of the same learning process? Cognition, 165, 61-72.

Shahid, H., Sebastian, R., Schnur, T.T., Hanayik, Y., Wright, A., Tippett, D.C., Fridriksson, J., Rorden, C., Hillis, A.E. (2017). Important considerations in lesion-symptom mapping: Illustrations from studies of word comprehension. Human Brain Mapping, 38 (6), 2990-3000.

*Geng, J., Schnur, T.T. (2016). The role of features and categories in the organization of object knowledge: Evidence from adaptation fMRI. Cortex, 78, 174-94. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cortex.2016.01.006.

*Wei, T., Schnur, T.T. (2016). Long-term interference at the semantic level: Evidence from blocked-cyclic picture matching. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 42, 149-57.

*Harvey, D.Y., Schnur, T.T. (2016). Different loci of semantic interference in picture naming vs. word-picture matching tasks. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1-19. http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00710.

*Harvey, D., Schnur, T.T. (2015). Distinct loci of lexical and semantic access deficits in aphasia: Evidence from voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping and diffusion tensor imaging. Cortex, 67, 37-58. DOI: 10.1016/j.cortex.2015.03.004.

*Geng, J., Schnur, T.T. (2015). The representation of concrete and abstract concepts: categorical vs. associative relationships. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 41, 22-41. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/a0037430.

Schnur, T.T. (2014). The persistence of cumulative semantic interference during naming. Journal of Memory and Language, 75, 27-44. DOI: 10.1016/j.jml.2014.04.006.

Martin, R., *Yan, H., Schnur, T.T. (2014). Working memory and planning during sentence production. Acta Psychologica, 152, 120-32. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2014.08.006.

*Geng, J., Schnur, T.T., Janssen, N. (2014). Relative speed of processing affects interference in Stroop and picture–word interference paradigms: evidence from the distractor frequency effect. Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience, 29, 1100-14. DOI: 10.1080/01690965.2013.846473.

*Harvey, D.Y., *Wei, T., Ellmore, T.M., Hamilton, A.C., Schnur, T.T. (2013). Neuropsychological evidence for the functional role of the uncinate fasciculus in semantic control. Neuropsychologia, 51, 789-801.

*Geng, J., Kirchgessner, M., Schnur, T. T. (2013). The mechanism underlying lexical selection: Evidence from the picture-picture interference paradigm. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology,66:2, 261-76.

Schnur, T.T., Martin, R. (2012). Semantic picture-word interference is a post-perceptual effect. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 19, 1-8.


Schnur, T.T. (2011). Phonological planning during sentence production: Beyond the verb. Frontiers in Psychology, 2:319, 1-15.

Schnur, T.T., Schwartz, M.F., Kimberg, D., Hirshorn, E., Coslett, H.B., Thompson-Schill, S.L. (2009). Localizing interference during naming: Convergent neuroimaging and neuropsychological evidence for the function of Broca's area. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106 (1), 322-7.

Lee, E.Y., Schwartz M.F., Schnur, T.T., Dell, G.S. (2009). Temporal characteristics of semantic perseverations induced by blocked-cyclic picture naming. Brain and Language, 108, 133-43.

Lee, E., Schnur, T.T., Schwartz, M. (2007). The temporal analysis of semantic perseverations in blocked-cyclic naming. Brain and Language, 103 (1), 173-4.

Thompson-Schill, S., Schnur, T.T., Hirshorn, E., Schwartz, M., Kimberg, D. (2007). Regulatory functions of prefrontal cortex during single word production. Brain and Language, 103 (1), 171-2.

Schnur, T.T., Schwartz, M.F., Brecher, A., Hodgson, C. (2006). Semantic interference during blocked-cyclic naming: Evidence from aphasia. Journal of Memory and Language 54 (2), 199-227.

Schnur, T.T., Costa, A., Caramazza, A. (2006). Planning at the phonological level during sentence production. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 193 (1), 1-25.

Schnur, T.T., Lee, E., Coslett, H.B., Schwartz, M.F., Thompson-Schill, S.L. (2005). When lexical selection gets tough, the LIFG gets going: A lesion analysis study of interference during word production. Brain and Language, 95(1), 12-3.

Hodgson C, Schwartz MF, Schnur, T.T., Brecher A. (2005). Facilitation and interference in phonological blocked-cyclic naming. Brain and Language, 95(1), 46-7.

Schnur, T.T., Brecher, A., Rossi, A., Schwartz, M.F. (2004). Errors of lexical selection during high and low semantic competition. Brain and Language, 91(1), 7-8.

Schnur, T.T., Costa, A., Caramazza, A. (2002). Verb production and the semantic interference effect. Journal of Cognitive Science, 3(1), 1-26.

Simons, D. J., Chabris, C. F., Schnur, T.T., Levin, D. T. (2002). Evidence for preserved representations in change blindness. Consciousness and Cognition, 11, 78-97.

Perani, D., Cappa, S.F., Schnur, T., Tettamanti, M., Collina, S., Miguel-Rosa, M., Fazio, F. (1999). The neural correlates of verb and noun processing: a PET study. Brain, 122, 2337-44.

Perani, D., Schnur, T., Tettamanti, M., Gorno-Tempini, M., Cappa, S.F., Fazio, F. (1999). Word and picture matching: a PET study of semantic category effects. Neuropsychologia, 37, 293-306.

Cappa, S.F., Perani, D., Schnur, T., Tettamanti, M., Fazio, F. The effects of semantic category and knowledge type on lexical-semantic access: a PET study. (1998). Neuroimage, 8(4), 350-99.

Osherson, D., Perani, D., Cappa, S.F., Schnur, T., Grassi, F., Fazio, F. Distinct brain loci in deductive versus probabilistic reasoning. (1998). Neuropsychologia, 36(4), 369-76.

Poline, J.B., Vandenberghe, R., Holmes, A.P., Friston, K.J., Frackowiak, R.S.J. * Reproducibility of PET activation studies: lessons from a multi-center European experiment. EU concerted action on functional imaging. (1996). Neuroimage, 4, 34-54. * Data collection from PET centres in: Cologne, Copenhagen, Duesseldorf, Essen London, Groningen, Leuven, Liege, Lyon, Milano: (Bettinardi, V., Cappa, S.F., Fazio, F., Gorno-Tempini, M., Grassi, F., Perani, D., Schnur, TT, Striano G.), Orsay, and Stockholm.