Specialized Coordinated Care
We provide Coordinated Specialized Care for youth residing in the Greater Houston Area who are facing suicide thoughts and behavior and/or diverse degrees of non-suicidal self-injury, with or without the presence of severe emotional disturbances.
Our Program
The City of Houston Mayor's Office of Education, in partnership with Baylor College of Medicine, has been awarded a four-million, four-year grant, by the federal agency Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
This grant, titled "The Next Day Project (NDP)," underscores our commitment to combat the troubling escalation of youth suicide within the Greater Houston Area. Guided by Baylor College of Medicine and close collaboration with The Texas Children’s Hospital, the NDP aims to fortify our community's clinical capacity, fostering comprehensive care management and collaborative treatment planning. Key partners include prominent institutions such as Menninger Clinic, Mental Health America of Greater Houston, National Alliance on Mental Health Illness of Greater Houston, and state-funded programs such as the Texas Child Health Access Thru Telemedicine (TCHATT) and the Texas Child Psychiatry Access Network (CPAN).
The project is named the Next Day Project (NDP) because this is the critical gap for vulnerable youth who are struggling with suicidal ideation and behaviors. The NDP has been strategically designed to implement a robust framework composed of vigilant detection, thorough assessment, diligent monitoring, proficient referral, and tailored treatment protocols grounded in evidence-based, trauma-informed practices. Over the envisioned four-year trajectory, the NDP is aimed to make a tangible impact by screening 40,000 youths, extending mental health services to 5,000 youths and families, providing 400 consultations to primary care providers, and delivering specialized training on suicide prevention to 420 mental health practitioners and school counselors. Principal investigators of this initiative include Dr. Laurel L. Williams, Dr. Eric A. Storch, Dr. Kirti Saxena, and Dr. Karin L. Price.
Baylor College of Medicine along with its partner organizations are committed to making a lasting difference in the lives of our youth and the Greater Houston community at large.
What is Coordinated Specialized Care (CSC)
Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) is a team-based, interdisciplinary approach to mental health treatment. Created for individuals experiencing first episode psychosis, this approach is also applied to other conditions such as suicide thoughts and behavior and/or diverse forms of non-suicidal self-harm, as well as people facing severe mental illnesses such as bipolar, severe depression and other emotional disturbances. Members of a CSC team included psychiatrists who can support medication management, therapists who provide psychotherapy, family navigators who will provide education and support to parents, and case management. CSC teams also aim to coordinate with additional care providers in the community (e.g., school counselors or social workers) as needed. CSC teams are designed to foster independence for the populations served while providing guidance on treatment planning and family involvement. Teams of this type are growing in popularity in the United States and have been found to reduce negative outcomes in individuals with severe mental illness or serious emotional disturbances.
Who do we Serve?
The Next Day Project serves youth ages 11-17 who are experiencing suicidal and self-harming thoughts and behaviors with or without the presence of severe emotional disturbances and/or previous hospitalizations.
Our Services
Our services include individual, family and group psychotherapy, support and reeducation on mental health, case management, and close coordination with the assigned psychiatrist for medication management and ongoing treatment, if required. This collaborative approach has been proven to be more effective than a solely intervention.
Next Day Project services will be delivered to the youth as well as the family, and they are aimed to:
- Understand triggers which affect the youth’s behavior and its impact on the family.
- Identify alternative and more positive ways to handle crisis, emotions, and behaviors.
- Develop resources to cope more effectively to crisis and improve life satisfaction
The Next Day Clinic: Supporting Youth Mental Health
Suicidal thoughts and behaviors, as well as non-suicidal self-injury, is a significant public health concern, particularly among adolescents. Understanding the factors that contribute to suicidal thoughts and behaviors is crucial in preventing them.
As parents, recognizing and addressing concerns about your child’s mental health can be challenging but essential. Suicidal thoughts, behaviors, and non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) are serious issues that require understanding, compassion, and timely intervention.
When a friend or family member has suicidal thoughts or attempts suicide, the impact extends to the entire family. It is normal to feel scared, confused, or even angry. If you are unsure whether your loved one is at risk, seek help—don’t wait. Families and friends play a critical role in suicide prevention.
What is the state of mental health in youth in the United States?
A recent study indicates the following:
- 13-20 percent of children and/or adolescents have a diagnosable mental disorder.
- 50 percent of adults with mental illness experienced onset by age 14. 75 percent of adults present the onset by age 24
- 13.84 percent of youth (ages 12-17) reported at least one episode of Major Depression Disorder in the past year. The number of youths who experienced depressive episodes increased by 206,000 from the previous year.
- 9.7 percent of youths in the United States had an experience of severe depression in the past year. This increased by 126,000 from last year.
- 4.3-11.3 percent of children have a Serious Emotional Disturbance
- More than 50 percent of children and adolescents do not receive mental health services
These figures have been increased after the appearance of COVID-19. Concretely there have been an:
- Increase rates of mental health diagnoses
- Increased emergency room visits for mental health reasons
- Increased rates of suicidal ideation and attempts
- Mental illnesses have been found to increase the risk of COVID-19 by 65 percent
Source: Mental Health America