Huffington Department of Education, Innovation and Technology

Professional Learning Studios


Rooted in constructionism, situated cognition, peer mentoring, and self-directed learning, the Center of Teaching and eLearning, Department of Education and Innovative Technology is pleased to announce a new educator professional development opportunity - Professional Learning Studios. 

Inspired by the Studio Experience at the University of Georgia, Learning, Design and Technology program (Clinton, Rieber 2010), Professional Learning Studios are a series of four-eight week cohort-based instructional design workshops designed to empower, equip, and coach BCM educators as they design and develop instructional learning objects and/or interactive lessons in a collaborative hands-on environment.  

By the end of the learning studio, participants will create eLearning objects/artifacts and be able to demonstrate effective instructional design and integration of technology. 

Who is eligible to apply?

  • The number of cohort members for each studio is limited to 10 participants total. 
  • Participants can apply as a team or an individual within the BCM Community. This includes residents, post-docs, faculty, staff, researchers and clinicians. 
  • Teams can be comprised of members of the same department, clinical team, and/or research team.  Applicants can also be individuals seeking to develop the skills needed create their own learning objects. 

How can I participate?

Visit the links below to learn more about each studio and to complete the online application form.


Topics Covered in the Professional Studios


Designing and Building eLearning Modules with Articulate Rise

Item Definition

This 4-week intensive learning studio is divided into two parts – Designing/Planning Elearning Modules and (2) Developing eLearning Modules.

Designing and Producing Instructional Videos & Pre-Recorded Lectures

Item Definition

In this 8-week professional Learning Studio, you’ll learn how to design and create videos using Studio One production lab.

Applied Digital Teaching Tools Bootcamp

Item Definition

This 6-week learning studio will first introduce you to the variety of features and knowledge required to best use these tools, including what makes these tools so effective.




Bransford, J. D., Brown, A. L., & Cocking, R. R. (Eds.). (1999). How people learn. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

Brookfield, S. (1984). Self-directed learning: A critical paradigm. Adult Education Quarterly, 35, 59–71.

Burroughs, S., Brocato, K., & Franz, D. (2009). Problem based and studio based learning: Approaches to promoting reform thinking among teacher candidates. National Forum of Teacher Education Journal, 19(3), 2009.

Clinton, G., Rieber, L.P. The Studio experience at the University of Georgia: an example of constructionist learning for adults. Education Tech Research Dev 58, 755–780 (2010).

Jonassen, D. H. (1991). Objectivism versus constructivism: Do we need a new philosophical paradigm? Educational Technology Research and Development, 47(1), 61–79.

Rieber, L. P. (2000). The studio experience: Educational reform in instructional technology. Teaching with technology: Seventy-five professors from eight universities tell their stories, 195-196.

Youm J, Corral J. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Among Medical Educators: What Is Our Readiness to Teach With Technology? Acad Med. 2019 Nov;94(11S Association of American Medical Colleges Learn Serve Lead: Proceedings of the 58th Annual Research in Medical Education Sessions):S69-S72. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000002912. PMID: 31365390.