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About the Program
The postdoctoral training program in the Department of Molecular Virology and Microbiology is intentionally designed to protect the fellow’s time so that he/she can be immersed in the chosen research project. During the postdoctoral period, trainees should develop and perfect skills which will be necessary for them to succeed in their next career move.
The goal of this program is to train innovative scientists who are well equipped to address questions in modern molecular biology and supervise independent research projects. Thus, several additional experiences are incorporated into our program to enhance skills that are needed for teaching and public presentation of results, grant writing and preparation for non-academic career paths.
Required Elements
Postdoctoral trainees are required to receive instruction in Responsible Conduct of Research.
Postdocs are encouraged to attend the Molecular Virology and Microbiology research retreat and departmental seminars. The department participates in several seminar series:
- Immunology and Microbiology seminars
- Emerging Pathogens seminars
- Alkek Center for Metagenomics and Microbiome Research seminars
Additional Options
A number of additional options are available to the postdoctoral trainee including:
- Registration for any course offered in the Graduate School
- Various seminar series for specialized groups
- Laboratory and research group meetings
- Career day activities
- Participation in the Baylor Postdoctoral Association
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