About the Program
Fellows’ College provides a community of learning and collaboration among pediatric subspecialty fellows, faculty, and coordinators who have a common goal of delivering high-quality education that will enable fellows to achieve accelerated personal and professional growth.
Through Fellows’ College events, fellows unite across programs and become part of a larger community, which fosters strong working relationships, mutual respect, and an optimal learning environment.
Fellows' College offerings are held approximately twice per month from noon to 1 p.m. Lunch is provided. The format varies by content and includes didactic lecture, interactive workshops, or project-related presentations. Experienced faculty serve as lecturers, coaches, and facilitators.
Curricular Overview by Modules
Fellows As Educators
- Understanding Different Academic Pathways
- Pitfalls of Manuscript Writing
- Basics of Productivity and Promotion
- Medical Employment Contracts
- Enhancing Your Interview Skills
- Getting to Yes: Negotiation Skills
Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
- Patient Stories, Patient Safety
- Fundamentals of QI
- SMART AIM statement
- Key Driver/Fishbone Diagrams
- Measures/data Display
- Research vs QI Publications
- Draft Project Presentations
- Project Presentations with Results
Research and Scholarship
- Preparing an Award-Winning Abstract
- Poster Preparation and Presentation
- Annual Research Symposium
Professionalism and Communication
- Patient-Centered Communication
- Understanding and Managing Conflict Between Physicians
- Professionalism: Case-Based Discussion
- Communication: Primary Teams and Consultants
- Technology Resources at Your Fingertips
- Question Development
- Literature Appraisal
- IRB Navigation
- Study Design
- Statistics
- Data Collection and Quality
- Leadership Styles
- Conflict Resolution
- How to Run an Effective Meeting