
Baylor resumes normal business operations on Thursday, Jan. 23

Baylor College of Medicine and its clinics, closed Wednesday, Jan. 22, will reopen under normal business operations on Thursday, Jan. 23. Patient appointments will be as scheduled on Thursday.

Jin Wang Lab

Jin Wang Lab Resources


Material Sharing


RealThiol Glutathione Imaging Probe

Our group developed the first reversible reaction-based glutathione probe for live cell imaging. Our second generation probe, named RealThiol, allows quantitative real-time imaging of glutathione dynamics in living cells. There are two ways to access RealThiol:

1. A slower route: We share the RealThiol probe freely with the redox biology research community. Please fill out the MTA form and have it signed by your institution official, then email to Dr. Jin Wang (wangj@bcm.edu) along with your FedEx account number for shipping charges. We will send the probe along with user instructions once the MTA is cleared.

2. A faster route: RealThiol is also commercially available through kerafast.com.


Databases and Tools


Quantitative biological data

The most comprehensive fluorescence data collection

Fluorophore Spectra Database

Comprehensive Database of FDA-approved and experimental drugs

Comparative Toxicogenomics Database
Database for interactions among proteins, genes, and small molecules

Web-based tool to extract data from plots, images, and maps


Group Business (Requiring Authorized Access)


All new lab members need to ask Dr. Wang to access the following documents.

New Member Orientation Checklist

Group FAQs

Group Meeting Schedule

114G Duty Schedule