Triple Labeling for Amyloid, Microglia, and a Therapeutic Anti-Aβ Antibody
Thioflavine-S staining similar to that shown here was used by student Angie Chiang to measure fibrillar amyloid before and after treatment in our APP transgenic mice. Related Link: Genetic modulation of soluble Aβ rescues cognitive and synaptic impairment in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
General Use
Diethylamine extraction for soluble Aß measurement from Liz Eckman
Formic acid extraction for total Aß measurement from Linda and Steve Younkin
Immunoprecipitation of brain proteins
Proteinase K tissue DNA extraction
SDS/Formic acid extraction for Aß measurement from Linda and Steve Younkin
TBS / TBS-X / Guanidine extraction for Aß measurement from Guojun Bu