About the Core
The Neuroendocrine Core is a specialized service offered through the Center for Research in Obesity and Nutrition that will allow users access to cutting-edge resources, facilities, and consultations. Recent advances have vastly grown the field of neuroscience, facilitating breakthroughs in our understanding of the contributions of the nervous system to the metabolic and endocrine functions that regulate obesity and nutrition-related diseases. The Neuroendocrine Core will leverage these findings and technological breakthroughs to support basic and translational studies by center members. The objective of the core is to provide unique opportunities to enhance research with innovative technology at the intersection of neuroscience and endocrinology in obesity and nutrition through the following services:
Our Services
- Virus tools—deliver DNA recombinases, fluorescent reporters, tracers, calcium sensors, optogenetic/chemogenetic tool proteins in specific regions or specific cell types in rodent brains
- Stereotaxic injections—inject viruses or chemicals into specific regions of rodent brains
- Optogenetic/chemogenetic manipulations—selectively activate or inhibit a neural population or a neurocircuitry in rodent brains
- TSE PhenoMaster—metabolic phenotyping
- E-mitter—measure body temperature and activity in home cages
- BioDAQ—measure food/water intake and food/drink preference
- Home-cage scan—24/7 infrared monitoring of behavior
- Circadian chamber and running-wheel – measure locomotor circadian rhythm