Adobe Creative Cloud
Now everyone can make something amazing for fun, for work or just because. All you need is a little imagination and Adobe Creative Cloud.

Aquifer provides case-based virtual courses for clinical learning. Aquifer’s courses are evidence-based, peer-reviewed and continuously updated by the Educators Consortium, to support best practices in clinical teaching and learning. Aquifer’s courses build essential knowledge and clinical reasoning skills for health professions students, grounded in Aquifer’s pedagogy.

Blackboard for Students
Support and resource information for the set up and use of Blackboard, a web-based course-management system.

Comprehensive Academic Management System (CAMS)
CAMS is BCM's Student Information System (SIS) used across all schools across the college. It's used for Unofficial transcripts, Letter Grades, Financial Aid Info, Student Account Info, Student Directory and Elective Registration (MS1)

Davinci Leo
Davinci Leo is the a new Curriculum Management System (CMS) that was implemented at the beginning of the 2023-2024 academic year.

Support and resource information for the use of Examplify (licensed by ExamSoft), a secure testing solution used for for students/trainees for high stakes exams.

Microsoft OneDrive
OneDrive is Microsoft's online solution for storing, backing up and sharing files, allowing easy access to files from any computer or mobile device.

Microsoft Teams
Students, faculty, and staff can host video conferences with whiteboard, chat and screen share.

NBME Testing
Support and resource information for the setup and use of NBME Testing, a variety of web-based self-assessments for U.S. and international medical students and graduates.

We use the SIMULATIONiQ clinical simulation management operating platform to assist with improving clinical outcomes and performances for both standardized- and mannequin-based training.

Success Factors
BCM Learning Management System for training and HR.

UpToDate is an online, peer-reviewed clinical decision support tool with topic reviews covering medical symptoms, tests and diagnosis and treatment options for over 8,500 conditions.

BCM streaming service for lecture videos.

Students, faculty and staff can host audio-only or video conferences with whiteboard, chat and screen share.

Frequently Asked Questions
View a listing of frequently asked questions, related to Student/Trainee Ed-Tech Resources.
Services and Resources
Education technology support is provided by the Academic Technologies team within the Office of Information Technology. We offer a wide range of services to enhance the instructional/learning experience for Baylor College of Medicine faculty and learners.
For additional software resources visit the main Ed-Tech page.