We take wellness seriously! We appoint a faculty and fellow wellness team each year to coordinate get-togethers, picnics, outings, and special events. Drs. Constantine Chima and Sehrish Ali are our wellness chairs for 2023-24. Our program prides itself on collegiality, and you will see photos from our get-togethers throughout the website.
Fellowship Perks... by the Numbers!
- Fellows receive a CME allowance each year to use for conferences and/or educational material.
- Fellows receive $1,200 each year to use for conferences and/or educational material. All conference abstract fees are paid separately, by the Section of Nephrology.
- Each trainee has 21 vacation days: 15 weekdays and 6 weekends; nine personal time-off days (conferences, interviews). For most types of leave, fellows are NOT required to find cross-coverage for clinical responsibilities while on leave.
- Each fellow receives several textbooks.
- Each fellow will receive free membership to the National Kidney Foundation and American Society of Nephrology. The opportunity to work in this collegial atmosphere is priceless.