Department of Pathology & Immunology

Trainee Research Symposium Abstracts


The 2025 Annual Pathology and Immunology Trainee Research Symposium will be held as an in-person meeting this spring on April 17, 2025! Read the abstract submission guidelines below carefully before submitting an abstract.

Submit Abstract

Call for Abstracts

  • Abstract Submission Opens: Jan. 22, 2025
  • Abstract Submission Closes: 11:59 p.m. CT, on March 14, 2025
  • Notifications: March 27, 2025



Only current medical students, clinical trainees (residents and clinical fellows) and research trainees (graduate students and research postdoctoral fellows/associates) at Baylor College of Medicine are eligible to submit abstracts. The senior (last) author on all abstracts must be a member of the faculty in the Department of Pathology & Immunology.


Submission Categories

  • Clinical Track
  • Research Track

Award Information


Clinical and research trainee awards for posters and oral presentations will be given out at the symposium.


Abstract Guidelines

  1. Oral presentations will be selected by the program committee from accepted abstracts, and will include two submissions each from residents, clinical fellows, and research trainees. During submission, the submitting author may opt out of the abstract being considered for an oral presentation; however, all accepted abstracts must be presented as posters. The department will cover printing costs.
  2. There are no limits on the number of abstracts an individual trainee can submit.
  3. Abstracts must be submitted as a PDF document properly through the online form submission system.
  4. The title of the abstract should be in title case with all words capitalized except conjunctions (and, or, etc.) , articles (a, the, etc.) and prepositions (for, of, to, etc.) shorter than 3 letters, e.g., Diffuse Swelling Masking a High-Grade Tumor in the Tibia
    Note: Free online title case converters are available.
  5. Authors should be listed as First Name - Middle Initial - Last Name with affiliation. Examples:
    • Henry Ford1, Alexander L. Fleming2,3, Rosalind Franklin1,3
    • 1Department of Pathology & Immunology; Baylor College of Medicine; 2Department of Pathology; M. D. Anderson Cancer Center; 3Department of Pathology, University of Washington
  6. Organize abstract under the following headers:
    • Introduction: brief discussion of the background or rationale
    • Methods: the experimental approach, materials, and methods
    • Results: the data and results obtained in the study
    • Conclusions: conclusions and/or implications of results

If submitting a clinical case report, organize under Introduction, Case Presentation, Pathology, Conclusions

  1. Abstracts submitted to other meetings are eligible for submission to the symposium. This includes work included in a published article, or a manuscript submitted for publication. However, abstracts of research work that have been submitted to the Departmental trainee research symposia in previous years are only acceptable if accompanied by substantial new work and data.
  2. Limits: 500-word limit, no figures or tables. Title, authors and affiliations do not count toward the character count of the abstract.
  3. Abstracts will be rated for: Originality and Clarity, Novelty, Scientific Merit, Appropriate Conclusions

Submitting Author

  1. The submitting author is the individual submitting the abstract and the contact person for all correspondence. The submitting author is not the senior author but has to be the first author and the presenting author.
  2. The senior author is the last author listed on the abstract and must be a member of the faculty in the Department of Pathology & Immunology at Baylor College of Medicine.
  3. The submitting author has the following responsibilities:
    • Verify that all authors AND the senior author (faculty mentor) agree to the content of the abstract
    • Be responsible for notifying all other authors of acceptance, rejection, scheduling and any other information
    • Award applicants are responsible for notifying their faculty mentors
    • Ensure that abstract poster conforms to Rules for Poster Display
Submit Abstract