Department of Pediatrics

Transplant Medicine Track




To provide post-graduate fellows in pediatric infectious diseases (ID) with the opportunity to acquire specialized clinical, educational and research training in transplant ID, and to build academic/research careers in pediatric transplant ID.

Pediatric Transplant ID Track Director: Kristen Valencia Deray, M.D.


Applicant Selection


After matching at BCM Pediatric ID fellowship program, post-graduate fellows will undergo an in-person discussion with the ID fellowship program director and Dr. Deray to evaluate if the fellow’s career goals would benefit from the pediatric transplant ID track. Post-graduate fellows accepted to the track will be expected to not only complete the expectations of the pediatric transplant ID track but also the clinical, research and educational expectations of the Pediatric ID fellowship program.

For more information, please contact Dr. Deray.


Clinical Opportunities/Requirements

  • Rotate with the transplant ID inpatient clinical service for more than two months (over the second and third years of fellowship)
  • Assist with the management of more than 12 transplant ID outpatients/year (during the second and third years of fellowship). Track participants will be required to keep a log of their clinic time and outpatients seen.
  • Author at least one transplant ID case report/case presentation.
  • Optional: one-two week clinical electives with the TCH Transplant Immunology service and the TCH Bone Marrow Transplant service.

Educational Opportunities/Requirements


Didactic Opportunities

  • Lectures/ in-person didactics:
  • Pediatric Transplant ID weekly meetings: attend more than 10 transplant ID weekly meetings/year during their second and third years
  • Transplant ID Collaborative monthly meetings (six meetings/per year) – encouraged (optional)
  • TCH Transplant Symposium (annual), encouraged (optional)
  • BCM Transplant Symposium (annual), encouraged (optional)
  • Organ-specific didactics (attend more than four meetings/year during their second and third years):
  • Liver Transplant educational seminars (Mondays, one-two per month)
  • Lung Transplant Collaborative educational seminars (Wednesdays, monthly)
  • Heart educational seminars (Wednesdays, one-two per month)
  • BMT educational seminars (Thursdays, weekly)

Online Opportunities

  • PIDS Transplant ID online modules
  • American Society of Transplantation Transplant ID online modules

Teaching Opportunities

  • Present at least once at the Transplant ID Collaborative monthly meeting during the second or third years of fellowship.
  • Lead more than four teaching sessions on the transplant ID clinical rotation during their second and third year of fellowship
  • Create an interactive didactic session for trainees on the transplant ID clinical rotation
  • Conferences (funding for one conference per year is provided by Pediatric ID Fellowship program):
  • Attend conferences that best fit the post-graduate ID fellow’s research and/or career goals.
  • Conferences with transplant ID content include:
  • PIDS/ St Jude’s Transplant ID annual meeting
  • American Transplant Congress (including the pre-meeting education day on Transplant ID)
  • Symposium on ID in the Immunocompromised Host at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center (every other year)
  • ID Week (Transplant ID track)
  • International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation
  • American Society of Transplantation’s Fellows Symposium in Transplantation

Research Opportunities/Requirements

  • Post-graduate Fellows will meet with pediatric ID fellowship program director and the pediatric transplant ID track director to identify a research mentor who can provide research support for two years (second and third year of fellowship), salary support to be provided by the Pediatric ID fellowship program.
  • In agreement with the pediatric ID fellowship program regulations, all Pediatric ID post-graduate fellows participating in the pediatric transplant ID track will be required to produce more than one academic research product (in the field of: clinical, translational OR basic science research).

Quality Improvement Opportunities

  • Attend Transplant Quality meetings (six meetings per year in the second and third years).


  • Post-graduate ID fellows will have the opportunity to contribute to a transplant ID QI project during their third year of fellowship.

Additional Scholarship Opportunities

  • Author at least one transplant ID case report/case presentation.
  • Create an interactive didactic session for trainees on the pediatric transplant ID clinical rotation.
  • Collaborate with their mentor to complete a peer review of a transplant ID-related manuscript.

For more information, please contact Dr. Kristen Valencia Deray