Where We Work
Our Med-Peds resident continuity clinic is located at the Martin Luther King Community Health Center, a part of the Harris Health System. This community clinic serves a medically indigent population of all ages. The Martin Luther King Community Health Center is located five miles south of the Texas Medical Center in a medically underserved area of Houston. The clinic site also offers laboratory, radiology, pharmacy, physical therapy, dental, ophthalmology, and OB/Gyn services. Parking is free for all at the clinic. See more information about the MLK Clinic.
Training and Supervision
From the beginning of residency, residents in our program participate in a combined medicine-pediatrics clinic experience. Residents are expected to attend clinic approximately one-half day per week and build a continuity clinic panel from intern year that they are able to care for throughout four years of training. This primary care experience introduces residents to everything from well child and adult preventive care to the initial diagnosis of both common and complex medical problems. Preventive adult and pediatric health care, including well child care, women's health and office-based procedures are emphasized.
The clinic is supervised by Baylor College of Medicine faculty trained in combined medicine-pediatrics. Prior to each clinic session, residents and faculty attend and participate in clinic conferences covering primary care topics of both disciplines. The clinic provides an atmosphere where the resident physician can provide comprehensive care.
Ambulatory Curriculum
Each week residents and faculty attend and participate in clinic conferences covering primary care topics of both disciplines. Our curriculum consists of a combination of in person didactics, online modules and resources, and team based learning.
Quality Improvement
Residency programs have been tasked with educating future physicians in Patient safety (PS) and Quality Improvement (QI) and implementing and integrating resident physicians into quality improvement initiatives within the institutions where they train. Our QI and PS curriculum is comprised of three components: completion of certain Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) modules, in-clinic didactics and workshops, and working in teams on an actual quality improvement project that is mentored by a faculty member.