Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

Student Profile: Robert Fullem

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Robert Fullem

Mentor: Aleksandar Milosavljevic, Ph.D. Undergraduate major: Bachelor of Science in Genetics and Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science Undergraduate school: Rutgers University 
Research Interests: Computational approaches to analyze multi-omic datasets for a variety of biological domains 

What Advice Do You Have for Prospective Students? 
Spend at least one rotation in a lab outside of your main area of expertise. It is a great chance to expose yourself to something new that you may end up loving, as well as an opportunity to learn skills you wouldn't otherwise have. 

Why Did You Select the QCB program at BCM? 
The resources of BCM and the Texas Medical Center were very impressive to me. There are a large number of computational faculty doing a variety of research in my fields of interest at both BCM and partnered institutions like Rice University and MD Anderson Cancer Center. Additionally, Houston is a livable yet affordable city and was a place I could see myself living for several years. 

What is Your Research Interest? 
I am interested in developing and applying computational approaches to analyze multi-omic datasets for a variety of biological domains such as cancer and Alzheimer's disease. 

Why Did You Select Your Mentor? 
Dr. Milosavljevic was my first rotation at BCM and I had a very positive experience. The lab has extensive experience with advanced bioinformatics of a variety of biological areas. Specifically, I was attracted to the novel data types the lab is currently utilizing such as metabolomics and extracellular RNA sequencing. And last but not least I enjoyed the lab environment as well as my relations with the other students and Dr. Milosavljevic. 

What Aspects of Training Has Been Most Influential in Preparing For Your Intended Career? 
As a second-year student, the writing of my dissertation proposal has been a positive experience in thinking like a scientist and establishing my own research plan including identifying and anticipating challenges. 

Did Baylor's Location in the Texas Medical Center Enhance Your Experience? 

What Are Your Career Plans? 
I would like to continue to pursue research as a career either in an academic or industry setting.