The IC200 is a high throughput microscope utilizing both image-based autofocus and laser surface tracking for high speed imaging with optimum focusing capabilities.
Key Features

- 5.53MP Scientific CMOS camera
Filter Sets
- Standard filter set - DAPI/FITC/TRITC/CY5
- Surface Tracking plus Image Based for high speed focus <0.5sec per field
Compatible Plate Types
- 384, 96, 48, 24, 12, 6 well plates
- Plan APO 10x NA 0.45 (0.64 µm/Pixel)
- Plan APO 20X NA 0.75 (0.32 µm/Pixel)
- Plan APO 40X NA 0.95 (0.16 µm/Pixel)
Illumination: Solid State Light Engine with up to 7 UV-Vis-IR lines with lifetime >15,000 hours.