Fellow Highlights
Our fellows are frequently recognized for their achievements. Below are some highlights of this recognition.
M. Umair Mian, MBBS is first author on an article, entitled "The use of tracheostomy to support critically ill children receiving orthotopic liver transplantation: A single center’s experience", that was accepted to Pediatric Transplantation in September 2021.
Chetna Pande, M.D., M.P.H was selected to serve on one of the Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcomes Collaborative's standing committees. She will be a member of CNOC's Communications Committee which is responsible for optimizing communication to CNOC members and for creating and overseeing content communicated to the larger cardiac community.
Sameer Thadani, M.D. was awarded the 2021-22 Department of Pediatrics Subspecialty Fellow Advanced Degree Scholarships. He was just accepted into the Master of Science in Biomedical Informatics Program at the UTHealth Science Center School of Biomedical Informatics at Houston. He will receive $5,000 per year for tuition and fees for the completion of this degree.
Chetna Pande, M.D., M.P.H and Kelsey Stayer, M.D. had their resident scholarly activity, entitled "Is Provider Training Level Associated with First Pass Success of Endotracheal Intubation in the Pediatric ICU?", accepted for publication in the Journal of Pediatric Intensive Care April 15, 2021.
Dan Hassumani, M.D. had two scholarly activities from residency accepted for publication.
- "Implementation of a High-Flow Nasal Cannula Management Protocol in the Pediatric ICU", was accepted for publication in Respiratory Care and published online on Dec. 8, 2020.
- “Seizures in Children with Cardiac Disease on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation”, was accepted for publication in Neurocritical Care and published online on July 8, 2021.
Ivanna Maxson, M.D. was selected to be a fellow representative to the Fellows’ College Steering Committee.
Ivanna Maxson, M.D. was awarded $40,000 in 2020 by the Texas Children’s Hospital Educational Scholarship Award for her project entitled “Creating a Program of Assessment Model for a Point-of-care Ultrasound Competency-Based Educational Program.”
Lauren Williams, M.D. and Jaime Silva-Gburek, M.D. were selected as 2020 inductees into the Gold Humanism Honor Society at Baylor College of Medicine.
Kriti Puri, MBBS was selected to serve as the editorial fellow on the Editorial Board of the Pediatrics journal, as well as, Pediatrics in Review in 2019 and 2020, respectively.
Katie Doane, M.D. was awarded the SCCM Silver Snapshot Award and the SCCM Neuroscience Section’s Travel Award for her abstract entitled “Neurocognitive Outcomes and Mortality are Proportional to Bleeding Severity on Pediatric ECMO.”
Michael Smaglick, M.D. was selected for an oral presentation at the 2020 Pediatric Research Symposium at Baylor College of Medicine where his abstract, “Comparing the impact of DIC on mortality in pediatric HLH and sepsis”, was selected as one of the top five abstracts.
Nate Serazin, M.D. was awarded the Texas Children's Hospital Medical Staff Best and Most Complete Physician Award for 2019.
Kyle Brown, M.D. was awarded $35,000 in 2019 by the Texas Children’s Hospital Educational Scholarship Award for his project entitled “Development and Implementation of Neonatal ICU Point-of-Care Ultrasound Education and Training Program as a Crucial Step to Improve the Quality and Safety of Patient Care.”
- Two of the top five abstracts selected for oral presentation at the 2019 Pediatric Research Symposium at Baylor College of Medicine were authored by Pediatric Critical Care fellows:
- Kyle Brown, M.D. - “Innovating a Mastery Learning Program for Point-of-Care Ultrasound Using the Design-Based Research Model”
- Noelle Gorgis, M.D. - “Cardiomyopathy on Autopsy and Echocardiography of Pediatric Patients with Cirrhotic End-Stage Liver Disease Listed for Transplant”
Craig Pymento, M.D. was the recipient of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Section on Critical Care 2019 Advocacy Award and wrote an Op-Ed article for the Houston Chronicle on “How to keep your kids safe at the pool or the beach."
Kyle Brown, M.D. was one of the recipients of the Best Abstract Award at the 2019 Department of Pediatrics Annual Education Retreat.
Erika Bernardo, M.D. was named trainee member of the executive committee for the AAP Section on Critical Care; 2017.
Kyle Brown, M.D. was awarded $63,000 in 2017 by the Texas Children’s Hospital Educational Scholarship Award for his project entitled “Building a Collaborative Enterprise for the POCUS Education Program.”
Kyle Brown, M.D. was awarded $4,285 in 2017 by the Academy of Distinguished Educator’s Educational Grant for his project entitled “Point-of-Care Ultrasound Education for Hemodynamic Assessment: A Prototype Learning Module Using Mastery Learning.”
Dustin Hipp, M.D., MBA was an invited speaker to Pediatric Grand Rounds at Children’s Hospital of Michigan in 2018. Dr. Hipp earned his certification in medical quality from the American College of Medical Quality and was named the trainee liaison to the executive committee for the AAP Council on Quality Improvement & Patient Safety in 2018. He was also awarded a certificate for outstanding poster at the AAP National Conference & Exhibition (2017).
ATS Fellows’ Track for multiple fellows:
- Brian Rissmiller, M.D. (2015)
- Melanie Kitagawa, M.D. (2016)
- Amir Navaei, M.D. (2017)
- Kyle Brown, M.D. (2018)
- Kristen Meulmester, M.D. (2019)