
Weather Update

Baylor College of Medicine and its clinics will be closed Tuesday, Jan. 21, due to expected hazardous weather conditions. Patients will be contacted for rescheduling.


Annual Showcase of Educational Scholarship Guidelines


Who Can Submit an Abstract?


All persons holding a current Baylor College of Medicine academic appointment (medical, graduate, and postdoctoral students, residents, fellows, staff, and faculty, etc.), including those enrolled in Baylor's Master Teachers Fellowship Program, are eligible to submit an abstract for presentation as a virtual poster display at the showcase.


What Kind of Educational Scholarship Work Can I Submit?


All submissions should demonstrate clear evidence of scholarship specific to education. Scholarship in education reflects those situations in which educators pose and systematically investigate questions related to teaching improvement, learner outcomes, program evaluation, and curriculum design.

For example, the educator recognizes an educational issue or problem in teaching or evaluation, searches for theoretical and practical solutions, develops a hypothesis, and then systematically evaluates the research question.

Educational scholarship might also include the development and examination of innovative teaching approaches and educational programs, development of patient safety and quality improvement materials, creation and assessment of enduring educational materials, and development and evaluation of novel approaches to demonstrate learner competency or other outcomes.

In summary, abstract submissions are welcomed in areas of educational scholarship including:

  • Content development
  • Instructional design
  • Instructional delivery
  • Learner assessment
  • Course management
  • Needs assessment
  • Educational leadership

Note that evaluation and outcome data are required components to be eligible to become a winner and receive an Educational Scholarship Recognition Award. However, we will accept abstracts that describe scholarly work in development. This may be in the development, piloting, or implementation stages. Work that has been previously published or is under review may also be submitted for consideration.


How Do I Submit an Abstract?


Submit an abstract by email to the Office of Faculty Development at faced@bcm.edu by 5 p.m., Monday, Aug. 5, 2024.

Use the Abstract Submission Form to provide a structured summary of your work to be presented. Structure the summary using the following heading: Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, Conclusions, and Future Directions.

The title should fit into the indicated box on the Abstract Submission Form.

The abstract should not exceed 500 words and should fit in the indicated box on the Abstract Submission Form.

IMPORTANT: Specify your level of training by either checking “Trainee” or “Faculty”, then your appropriate sub-level. This is important because each group (trainee versus faculty) will be scored and ranked independently and winners in each group will be receiving an award.

The individual submitting the abstract and presenting the work should be named as the first author. In addition, the majority of the work must have been completed during the individual's association with Baylor, the HEFP, or the MEd Program.

Work that has been previously published should include a copy of the published manuscript along with the abstract submission.

By submitting an abstract, the primary author confirms that the same work or data have not been presented at previous BCM Educational Scholarship Showcases (yet updates on progressions are welcomed).

Abstract authors must indicate their intended use of multimedia at the time of submission (in order to plan poster spacing appropriately).


How Will Abstracts be Evaluated?


All abstracts will be reviewed by a panel of individuals from the Baylor College of Medicine Academy of Distinguished Educators.

The panel will consider the following criteria when evaluating abstract submissions view (Abstract Score Sheet):

  • The educational purpose of the project is clear and meaningful
  • Appropriate methods were used to accomplish the project
  • The outcomes are of value to the educator and to other members of his/her educational community (within or outside of Baylor)
  • The format and content of the abstract is clear and grammatically correct (suggesting that the final poster will be as well)

What Should I Expect if my Abstract is Accepted for Poster Presentation?


Electronic copies of your poster must be submitted by Sept. 9, 2024 in PDF format. This is essential to the judging process.

Several examples of showcase posters can be viewed here by accessing the list of the 2023 Showcase Winners.

Showcase winners will be notified by email at the end of the showcase day. An announcement to the BCM community will be made the following week. Certificates will be presented at a later time point (to be determined).


How Will Posters be Evaluated?


The judges will use the following criteria to evaluate the posters for a possible Educational Scholarship Recognition Award. Each of the five criteria will be judged on a scale of 0-4 with “4” being “Excellent” and “0” being “None” view (Poster Score Sheet):

  • The goals are clear, supported by theoretical and/or applied literature, as well as reflect innovation and creativity
  • The project design and methods used to develop and/or evaluate the project are appropriately matched to the goals
  • The extent to which results included evaluative data (quantitative or qualitative) and are meaningful to other educators within or outside of Baylor
  • The quality of poster presentation (e.g., clarity, visual appeal, creativity, etc.) and of the oral discussion (e.g., clarity, ability to answer questions, etc.)
  • The degree to which the results of the work will inform and lead to additional scholarly projects

Important: “Trainees” and “Faculty” groups will be scored and ranked independently of each other. In each group, those with the highest scores will be chosen as winners and will receive an Educational Scholarship Recognition award. The number of winners in each group will depend on how many abstracts were submitted in each group (around 1-3 per group).


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