Center for Space Medicine

Translational Research Institute for Space Health Programs


Translational Research Program


The Translational Research Program makes up the Institute’s research portfolio. TRISH supports both high-risk, early-stage research as well as more mature, late-stage health technologies that can be modified for use by astronauts headed back to the Moon and onward to Mars.

Funding Opportunities

Scientist Program


The Scientist Program recruits, educates, and supports space health professionals that can contribute to NASA and the Human Research Program's (HRP) mission. TRISH supports trainees that will become the next generation of space health researchers. TRISH also supports short-term positions providing an opportunity for external scientists to work with NASA to design programs and the ability to conduct experiments. Overall, TRISH’s Scientist Program continues to educate and develop experts to maximize their contribution to the U.S. space program.

The Next Generation

Supporting Programs


The Institute’s Supporting Program builds excitement for space health research within the greater scientific community and increases awareness of the ongoing challenges of human deep space exploration. This program engages with the public to access new ideas and source potential proposers with research that could be impactful for the space program. The Supporting Program consists of activities that target New-to-NASA researchers and promote dialog: 

Additionally, TRISH remains actively engaged in multiple health, medical innovation, and technology societies and conferences bringing a fresh perspective and educating prospective researchers on how their translational research could protect astronaut health and performance in deep space.

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