Apply for Membership
Membership is open to all active Baylor College of Medicine faculty and staff. Membership categories and specific criteria listed below have been created to better organize and facilitate the focus of the Cancer Center's mission.
Current Members
We have compiled a list of the of more than 470 cancer center members. Sort or filter the list by any category, including member name, program affiliation and disease working group. For more information, contact
Membership Eligibility
Membership is open to all active Baylor College of Medicine faculty and staff. Membership categories and specific criteria listed below have been created to better organize and facilitate the focus of the Cancer Center's mission.
Research Members
Research members of the Duncan Cancer Center are faculty or staff at Baylor College of Medicine, are actively involved in one of the six research programs, and meet one or more of the criteria below:
- PIs or co-PIs of a peer-reviewed* cancer-relevant grant for basic, translational, clinical or population science research
- Investigators with broadly applicable cancer research portfolio that benefits multiple programs
- Co-investigators leading a project in a Program Project, SPORE or similar multi-project grant
- Long-term members bringing specialized skills for collaborative research
- New independent, tenure track faculty on seed package, but not yet externally funded
*Definition of Peer-Reviewed Research
To be considered a "peer-reviewed" project or study, the responsible reviewing/funding agency or organization should meet the general NIH requirements, including the following three criteria:
- A peer-review system that uses primarily external reviewers and is free of conflict of interest
- A ranking or rating system in the review process based on the scientific merit of the proposed research
- A funding system based primarily on the peer-review ranking or rating of the research application
View a listing of acceptable peer-reviewed agencies at the bottom of this page.
Clinical Members
Clinical Members are faculty or staff of Baylor College of Medicine who meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Be involved in clinical protocol development and execution
- Hold a leadership position in a cooperative group participating in planning nation-wide studies
- Play a critical role in the translational research of a program
Associate Members
Faculty or staff who do not meet the above criteria but are actively engaged in cancer research, patient care - including enrollment of patients on clinical trails, education, or outreach are designated as associate members. They have access to the Duncan Cancer Center shared resources and protocol development support through the Clinical Protocol Data Management group as well as pilot project funds. Associate members can become research or clinical members if they meet the criteria in the future.
Adjunct Members
Adjunct members are faculty based at other institutions who may or may not have a joint appointment at Baylor College of Medicine. They are active collaborators with research members of the Duncan Cancer Center and would otherwise meet the criteria for research membership.
Adjunct members may be discussed in the core grant, but no funding held at other institutions would be included in any totals reported to the National Cancer Institute.
Honorary Members
Honorary members will include those individuals in the community who have made significant contributions in terms of time, effort or resources to the Duncan Cancer Center.
Membership Privileges for All Members
- Priority access to and/or access to subsidized fees for use of Duncan Cancer Center Shared Resource facilities and services
- Access to core grant funds, based on efforts supported by the Cancer Center Support Grant
- Will receive all Duncan Cancer Center publications including a newsletter, reports and will have access to additional DLDCC information on a center Intranet site that is not available on the website
- Can attend conferences, seminars, and retreats sponsored by the Duncan Cancer Center at no cost
- May receive an allocation of Duncan Cancer Center coordinated space to conduct research, education or patient care
- Priority access to Duncan Cancer Center controlled conference and meeting spaces
- Access to private Duncan Cancer Center coordinated funds for cancer research and/or patient care activities through cancer specific pilot projects, operation of shared resources or other project specific support that may be available
Responsibilities of Membership
- Work with other members of the Duncan Cancer Center to develop and participate in research, education and clinical and service programs
- Acknowledge Duncan Cancer Center membership in cancer-related publications and presentations
- Notify Duncan Cancer Center Administration of cancer-related intramural proposals and/or extramural grant applications in which the member is or plans to be involved
- Obtain approval of Duncan Cancer Center administrative offices prior to use of Center resources
- Provide information required for NCI Cancer Center Support Grant reporting
- Participate and coordinate cancer-related private fundraising activities with the Duncan Cancer Center's associate director for development
Review and Renewal of Applications
All new applicants with a research focus, should apply to join an established or developing research program of the Duncan Cancer Center. Applicants may choose to participate as a secondary member in an additional program. Members whose activities do not clearly align with any existing program may apply as a non-aligned member.
All new applications with a research interests will be reviewed by the program leaders of that program acting on behalf of the membership committee, and will make a recommendation for membership. Program leaders constitute the full membership committee of the DLDCC. New non-aligned membership applications will be reviewed administratively with programmatic leadership input when necessary.
All membership recommendations will be reviewed administratively and will be sent to the Duncan Cancer Center director for final approval. The director has the final authority on approval, disapproval or termination of membership.
Research members and clinical members are required to submit an updated curriculum vitae or NIH formatted biosketch each year.
All Duncan Cancer Center members regardless of category will be reviewed at least every three years to determine the appropriate category of membership. The membership subcommittee normally conducts such reviews annually and may reassign membership categories based on current review of category criteria and member information. Members must meet all the criteria listed for new applicants in their current membership category or their membership status is subject to reassignment. All recommended changes will be forward to the Duncan Cancer Center director for final approval.
Examples of Peer-Reviewing Agencies
In addition to research grants, contracts and co-operative agreements from the NIH, the organizations listed below are acceptable peer-reviewed agencies.
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation
- American Association for Cancer Research
- American Cancer Society (ACS), (national office only)
- American Foundation for AIDS Research
- American Institute for Cancer Research
- California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
- Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- Central Office of the Veterans Administration, (excluding local/regional and “block” grants)
- Environmental Protection Agency
- The Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute
- Florida Biomedical Research Program
- Food and Drug Administration
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
- Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
- Melanoma Research Alliance
- Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation
- National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
- National Science Foundation
- New York State Department of Health Wadsworth Center/New York State Stem Cell Science Program
- Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute
- Prevent Cancer Foundation
- Prostate Cancer Foundation
- Susan G. Komen for the Cure
- California Breast Cancer Research Program
- California Tobacco Related Disease Research Program
- U.S. Army (DOD) special research programs *
*Note: Grants funded through the U.S. Army’s, (DOD) special research programs in ovarian, breast and prostate cancer may also be listed in the category of peer reviewed funded grants.
For more detailed information, see Cancer Center Support Grants (CCSGs) for NCI-designated Cancer Centers (P30).
BCM Logos
For Duncan Cancer Center members:
These are logos for use by Duncan Cancer Center members. The logos are PDF files with transparent backgrounds.